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Until Dawn |OT| I know what you'll play this summer


Rented this from red box today and have been playing it all day since I have the day off. It's fantastic and it's ridiculous that I'm getting this experience for $2. Literally absurd. I'll definitely buy it later though when it's cheaper.
This may seem like a dumb question, but there are multiple endings right? I wanna watch Lirik finish the game but I'm not sure I want to spoil the ending if there is only one. Still not sure if I'm gonna buy this


Great to read the impressions.

I fucking love sleepers and they get rarer by the year, as budgets increase and less risks are taken.

Still 2 long hours at work until I can pick up my preorder. :)


So, this may sound vague and weird, but I suggest everyone who's interested in the game's story not to download the companion app. There's a "thing" that happens after the character test and it potentially spoils a major twist in the story (or at least it did that for me).
ep4 spoilers...is it possible to save
Jessica? After she died, it showed a little clip of a choice I made earlier, was that a mistake I made?

Yes, it's the Butterfly Effect system reminding you of your choice and their consequence(s).

This may seem like a dumb question, but there are multiple endings right? I wanna watch Lirik finish the game but I'm not sure I want to spoil the ending if there is only one. Still not sure if I'm gonna buy this

There's multiple endings for all characters in terms of their deaths, but there's one main overall ending.


Been watching the TGN playthrough and I must admit, the game looks pretty damn cool. Some interesting twists and mixes going on. Was not set on it before but I like the concept. I hope it does well enough to get sequels because the whole premise is really interesting if they push things further.


Do you think Amazon would let me file a refund claim since the game isn't arriving today? That way I could go to EB Games, buy a copy and actually play it on my day off (and release day, for that matter)?


I dont understand the "Dont move" indicators. I placed the controller down on a table and it still failed
Maybe it vibrates your controller to make sure you aren't cheating by doing what you did.
That's exactly what happens... which is quite genius if you ask me. You need to hold the controller still while it's vibrating which means placing it down on a flat service won't work - as a table lacks the grip to hold a controller motionless under those conditions. Very clever.


Is it me or is the sound mixing for the voices a bit strange ? They all sound so far away / like in a big hall. Especially the therapist has some weird sound for his small room.


Loving it so far except for one thing (that's in all games like this).


When offered a choice it's sometimes hard to get what they are going for IE:

The Psy doc asks if I would choice loyalty over honesty.

Yes I would. He then says "So you would want loyal friends over honest friends, well how about loyalty over charity?

Again yes, I would like my friends loyal even if they arent charitable.

BUT what he meant was, I would give something to a loyal friend over someone in greater need. That's not how I took the question, especially since the previous question refered to how I want my friends to be, not how I would choose between them

So I choose the one thing I wouldn't have chosen.

But over all a great experience. And very much worth the price IMO
That's exactly what happens... which is quite genius if you ask me. You need to hold the controller still while it's vibrating which means placing it down on a flat service won't work - as a table lacks the grip to hold a controller motionless under those conditions. Very clever.

I put my controller on a carpeted floor and that worked :)

Is it me or is the sound mixing for the voices a bit strange ? They all sound so far away / like in a big hall. Especially the therapist has some weird sound for his small room.

I didn't have any sound issues, but I played through stereo TV speakers. Maybe your setup needs to be tweaked?


Watched Lirik from beginning till end, was an awesome ride. Game is gorgeous. More fun for me to watch something like this than to play because I'd be obsessing over trying to save and/or kill everyone.


I didn't have any sound issues, but I played through stereo TV speakers. Maybe your setup needs to be tweaked?

I tried it on the stereo tv speakers and with the wireless gold headset and both don't convince me. Right now the voices are the weakest part of the game (at least the sound mixing).


I put my controller on a carpeted floor and that worked :)
Yeah, carpeting would provide more shock absorption. You really shouldn't cheat that way, though. ;)

FacePalm lirik is missing a lot of clues in the game ... He's just skimming true ..
You don't have to be a good gamer to be a lucrative streamer who plays video games for a living. If anything, that's probably counter-productive. You just need to be entertaining and able to market yourself to your target demographic.


Console Market Analyst
Four chapters in, It's everything I wanted it to be.

And I'm already wanting to see how alternate responses/choices will change those moments, no matter how small. So yeah, more play-throughs are in my future, and I rarely do that.

The jump scares, while a bit startling, aren't really getting that much of a reaction from me, so all the camera captures are hilariously stone-faced. I'd be a boring stream.


You should buy the game, it's worth it and supporting original/creatively risky ideas is necessary if you want more games like this. At the very least least rent it.

Renting it does SuperMassive no favors... If you want to continue seeing this type of game, you need to support it directly.
Sounds okay to me, but I've got a massive surround sound setup that I calibrated until I was nearly insane.

I did notice a bit of disparity as far as "depth" goes, where some voices sound too loud for the acoustics of their room compared to others. Adjusted quickly, though I imagine running stereo would make the effect worse.


There is no way that The Killer:

Isn't Josh and Hannah working together. Has to be. That's my theory given how The Killer has a lot of the weird inflections that Rami Malek also has in all of his roles. Also Hannah because she wasn't the one to break her back on the rocks.
Theory confirmation/debunking time... steer clear if you haven't played the game through to its conclusion. That includes the poster I'm quoting.

I'm impressed that someone was able to deduce that Josh was the Psycho and that Hannah was still alive prior to the reveal(s) in Chapter 7. Good on you for that.


Man, got home excited to play this, put the disk in and nothing. :[ Looks like I gotta get a replacement from Amazon.


bish gets all the credit :)
Rented this from Redbox today. I'm definitely impressed by everything. Graphics and lighting are good, voice acting is good, and the story is genuinely interesting in a cheesy slasher way. I'm about halfway through and am excited to finish it.

Man, got home excited to play this, put the disk in and nothing. :[ Looks like I gotta get a replacement from Amazon.

Try to reboot your PS4 (not sleep mode). Mine sometimes will not recognize discs if it hasn't been totally turned off in awhile.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I already like this more than any game Quantic Dream has made. There's just something about this setup and idea that works really perfectly with the style of game. Maybe it's the Cage pretentiousness I don't like.


Adjusted quickly, though I imagine running stereo would make the effect worse.

It's the first game where, in my opinion, the sound is a bit off in stereo. The options are also very limited, no way to change it to 5.1, stereo or headphones. Maybe the default output is 5.1 and everything overlaps in stereo.
Yeah, carpeting would provide more shock absorption. You really shouldn't cheat that way, though. ;)

You don't have to be a good gamer to be a lucrative streamer who plays video games for a living. If anything, that's probably counter-productive. You just need to be entertaining and able to market yourself to your target demographic.

;___; yeah...i guess you're right
It's the first game where, in my opinion, the sound is a bit off in stereo. The options are also very limited, no way to change it to 5.1, stereo or headphones. Maybe the default output is 5.1 and everything overlaps in stereo.

Yeah, that'd be a simple explanation. Kind of disappointing, really, considering most people probably aren't utilizing surround sound. I'd tinker around with other sound settings, but I'd honestly rather beat the game first before replaying stuff for quality checks.

What does the new sound profile do when used? I have the gold headphones, but I rarely use them.


Is it me or is the sound mixing for the voices a bit strange ? They all sound so far away / like in a big hall. Especially the therapist has some weird sound for his small room.

Yeah definitely, I noticed it right away. I applied band-aid by turning all other sounds except voice down so it's a bit more in balance, but it's still not perfect.


Is it just me or this is the best game of its kind I played so far? Way more fun than the rest of them (and I played most of them, from Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us, Tales of Borderlands and Game of Thrones to Life is Strange, King's Quest, D4, Beyond and Heavy Rain).

The presentation is just top-notch (the fucking graphics! Can't believe they actually got the nails done right for once!), the voice-work is stellar and believable (although of course campy and predictable but that's part of the charm).

I am really surprised at how much I am liking this so far. I was bitching about the price since the preorder went up, but now I feel it was worth it :)


The audio for me is awful. When any characters talk loud or shout it sounds like my speakers are going to blow, like they used really cheap mics to record their lines. I'm wondering if they compressed the audio too much. It's only ~30GB so they had more wiggle room.

Endo Punk

I am really tempted to buy this game but kinda bummed it has no nudity lol. Gamespot discussion in the lobby really peaked my interest. Nows not the time though but come Oct


I am really tempted to buy this game but kinda bummed it has no nudity lol. Gamespot discussion in the lobby really peaked my interest. Nows not the time though but come Oct

u wot m8

Anyway, after watching a two hour let's play video, I impulse bought this one last night. I'm gonna play through it this weekend, it looks like the type of game my wife would be interested in seeing me play through.
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