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Until Dawn |OT| I know what you'll play this summer


This Game/Interactive Movie is awesome so far,
but i have to stop for now cause my Wife is getting into this watching and she hates scary/horror stuff.
So i'll continue the Game tonight and wait for her.

Game Spoiler:
Just had my fingers ripped off in the trap with Mike,lol. Finger licking good. I would've saved the fingers for the dogs,lol

But i've watched the "Cheap shots" back so far in the Options, when recorded from the Playstation 4 cam.
We're either scared stiff, or no fucks were given. ha

I'm Loving it. Soooo happy i bought this.


Nooooo, first death in Chapter

I suck. It was brutal. I was hoping I could at least go more chapters than that.

Cranked the lever and watched Josh get cut in half with a saw blade, no idea how I could have prevented that


Nooooo, first death in Chapter

Cranked the lever and watched Josh get cut in half with a saw blade, no idea how I could have prevented that
The first selection i said to save ashley but when i was supposed to move the lever, i left it alone. It went Josh's way. I didn't want my hands on the trigger (so to speak). But it did seem like a now win situation :( Maybe i should saved Josh because he's lost his sisters. dunno. But atleast he's a peace,lol
in regards to the "dont move" glitching...end game spoilers:

I am at the end when you have to not move, or Sam dies. It fails me immediately every time within one second of the prompt going up on screen. I am trying to have everyone survive, but this thing does not want to work.

Restarting the game, and restarting the controller isnt fixing it anymore

About to try it for the 5th time now..this is stupid
Consider yourself lucky for not noticing!

Found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWOWDU3PgYU

No wonder it feels bad. It constantly fluctuates, and the frame pacing is all over the place
Thats awful damn. Almost never holds 30 and often hangs around 25 indefinitely. Dips to under 20 even. Cant believe the game cant handle a single close-up of Stormare lol But I guess this proves I suck at framerates, apart from the huge dips it seemed like 30 to me.

Nooooo, first death in Chapter

I suck. It was brutal. I was hoping I could at least go more chapters than that.

Cranked the lever and watched Josh get cut in half with a saw blade, no idea how I could have prevented that
You cant.
in regards to the "dont move" glitching...end game spoilers:

I am at the end when you have to not move, or Sam dies. It fails me immediately every time within one second of the prompt going up on screen. I am trying to have everyone survive, but this thing does not want to work.

Restarting the game, and restarting the controller isnt fixing it anymore

Yeah God damnit! I just finished the game. Ugh!!

I knew I cant save Josh, so stupid me decided to run instead of staying still. FUCK! So many dead folks in my playthough! Only Matt, Emily (ugh!) and Sam survived.

Question about Ashley/Josh (SPOILER):
When you pull the lever. Is there an outcome where Ashley dies and Josh "lives"? I pulled the lever at Ashley and the device just went to Josh instead. Can you save Josh here?


This game is really, really good. I couldn't stop playing it. Its pacing is perfect and its a game thats designed for a complete playthrough without pause. That doesn't mean its short, I think it'll take you about 8 hours and there is absolutely reasons to rivisit this.

This game is way better than Heavy Rain imo. Its better paced, and better acted.

I've said before I agree alot with Polygon, but not in this case. I'd give UD easily an 8+.

N° 2048

This game is really, really good. I couldn't stop playing it. Its pacing is perfect and its a game thats designed for a complete playthrough without pause. That doesn't mean its short, I think it'll take you about 8 hours and there is absolutely reasons to rivisit this.

This game is way better than Heavy Rain imo. Its better paced, and better acted.

I've said before I agree alot with Polygon, but not in this case. I'd give UD easily an 8+.

Totally agree, I played an hour when I got home around 3PM and decided I will try to do it in one go at night with the headset on :)


Yeah I had a "Don't move" glitch as well
luckily it didn't really cause much harm.

But when it works, god damn is it tense.
I actually ended up with a corrupted save file and lost all my progress, lol. Wtf. I wouldnt carenas much if i could skip the cut scenes, but now i have to watch houra of this shit just to get back to where i was.
Story based games and savefiles for some reason dont go hand in hand. I dont get it lol

Question about Ashley/Josh (SPOILER):
When you pull the lever. Is there an outcome where Ashley dies and Josh "lives"? I pulled the lever at Ashley and the device just went to Josh instead. Can you save Josh here?
I don't want to turn this into a RE thread, but in RE3, making choices only means which weapon/item you get early, you can still access the weapon from the other path later, and any "files" can be accessed later as well even if you made the choice of pursuing the other path. It's still possible to miss stuff, but it's not like Until Dawn where you only have the ability to find those clues in your lone visit to that area.

The Last of Us is a great example of a linear game that tells you you're about to advance without breaking the flow of the game or "tutorializing" it.

And yes, I think they would be important even if they weren't in a list, for two reasons:
- They're very important to the lore and backstory.
- They're needed in some cases to keep characters alive.

Like I said, it wasn't intended as a 1 to 1 comparison, but rather just a comparison. We're talking about a game that's intended to be replayed multiple times and where part of it's advertising is that you have to live with your decisions when you 'progress'. There's instances in this game where exploration is punished just as much as it's incentivized, if you're gaming the system and intentionally trying to take alternate routes to avoid progressing then you're not really carrying on with the spirit of this particular game. They even add a minor mechanic in the second half that will punish you for ignoring horror tropes - when I say that I liked the exploration anxiety, this is what I'm talking about; they're incentivizing you to explore while disincentivizing you to break off from the group.

I think the happy medium is to just not tell people when something is important, irregardless of whether or not it can save people. It let's playthroughs branch in wildly different directions and the environmental story telling does a fairly good job of filling in "lore gaps" caused by missing notes, which were pretty run-of-the-mill to begin with if you've watched a some of the horror films that they're paying homage to.

Still, I see where you're coming from but it was not as big of a deal for me. I didn't have anyone die due to missing clues and I wasn't actively hunting for them.

Question about Ashley/Josh (SPOILER):
When you pull the lever. Is there an outcome where Ashley dies and Josh "lives"? I pulled the lever at Ashley and the device just went to Josh instead. Can you save Josh here?

It's a false choice set up by the killer, since he didn't intend to kill Ashley there.
I didn't have a single don't move glitch, all of them worked for me. I just had the controller placed on my lap the entire time, while holding it of course
finally got it to work...I had to press the controller down on a table during these parts

Got the platinum...overall, I fucking loved this game. Just that whole dont move glitch thing made some parts unjoyable


I didn't have a single don't move glitch, all of them worked for me. I just had the controller placed on my lap the entire time, while holding it of course

Yeah same here. I actually managed to do it flawlessly the first time around, which surprised me considering what others have said about it.

Also, this game is terrible influence if you have a job as you'll end up playing until late. Didn't sleep until 4am last night.


For anyone having issues with the "Don't Move" sections, I hope you realize that the on-screen "light bar" icon is also a visual indicator of how still you're staying and that the white border is the "out of bounds" marker for it. It's a lot easier to keep still if you just visually keep it within the boundary.


Un Rama
For anyone having issues with the "Don't Move" sections, I hope you realize that the on-screen "light bar" icon is also a visual indicator of how still you're staying and that the white border is the "out of bounds" marker for it. It's a lot easier to keep still if you just visually keep it within the boundary.

I just put the controller down on the couch and its fine.

Man, the Mike sections in this are so good. Out of curiosity, what is the DLC? I can't work it out.
For anyone having issues with the "Don't Move" sections, I hope you realize that the on-screen "light bar" icon is also a visual indicator of how still you're staying and that the white border is the "out of bounds" marker for it. It's a lot easier to keep still if you just visually keep it within the boundary.

whatever was happening with mine, it would go flying upward out of the border immediately as the indicator would pop on screen.
I just put the controller down on the couch and its fine.

Man, the Mike sections in this are so good. Out of curiosity, what is the DLC? I can't work it out.
The scene where Emily and Matt are going after the luggage. Nothing too huge and absolutely not worth $5-10 in any way. Pretty shitty of Sony overall, since it kinda explains where these two ended up.

David Cage am cry/happy?
I assume happy, since that is basically his dream he talked about. That more games in this style in different thematic genres get made. Plus the success of this can only help him, considering he is operating under the same banner.


Un Rama
The scene where Emily and Matt are going after the luggage. Nothing too huge and absolutely not worth $5-10 in any way. Pretty shitty of Sony overall, since it kinda explains where these two ended up.

Wow, that is ridiculous. That just felt like another part of the game to me. Can't believe they cut it out to make a quick buck.


The scene where Emily and Matt are going after the luggage. Nothing too huge and absolutely not worth $5-10 in any way. Pretty shitty of Sony overall, since it kinda explains where these two ended up.

Wow, that is ridiculous. That just felt like another part of the game to me. Can't believe they cut it out to make a quick buck.

Damn I just assumed the opening was the DLC chapter. That'd make more sense, to me at least.


I have enough money now to pick this up, but I feel like I shouldn't, or at least not for $75CAD. What do you say, gaf? Should I buy my girlfriend a new sweater, or should I buy until dawn?
You should buy Until Dawn, play it with your girlfriend and comfort her like a sweater during all of the jump scares.
Afterwards, if she says she enjoyed the game, buy her a new sweater.


I'd be in the dick
Just finished my first runthrough. Holy crap I love this game. Wound up with way more deaths than expected but it's fun to see how everything pans out. The way consequences build is really cool.


The scene where Emily and Matt are going after the luggage. Nothing too huge and absolutely not worth $5-10 in any way. Pretty shitty of Sony overall, since it kinda explains where these two ended up.

Wow, that is ridiculous. That just felt like another part of the game to me. Can't believe they cut it out to make a quick buck.

What's weird is that there is a totem in that area. I wonder if you're one missing by the end of the game if you don't have the DLC?


Naw there isn't a totem in the dlc area. I found all the totems elsewhere.

I'm pretty sure I just found one in that area. Near
where Matt finds the carving on the table
. I was looking at a collectible guide and it skips the DLC and I was surprised because I found one there. I finished the game with all totems too but I had the DLC installed.


Nooooo, first death in Chapter

I suck. It was brutal. I was hoping I could at least go more chapters than that.

Cranked the lever and watched Josh get cut in half with a saw blade, no idea how I could have prevented that

Saaaaaaame thing. Half saddened by my precious mistakes and half laughing my ass off at the ridiculous of the game.

Love it.
I'm pretty sure I just found one in that area. Near
where Matt finds the carving on the table
. I was looking at a collectible guide and it skips the DLC and I was surprised because I found one there. I finished the game with all totems too but I had the DLC installed.

While you did find one there. It's obtainable in another episode. When I played the dlc already had that one. I should have said not an exclusive obtainable one there.


It's kind of hard playing this game and not somehow insert my personality. I mean, if this was a real horror film, I'd think that some of the characters will probably behave differently from the way they behave in my game. And they behave differently because I picked the path that I'd take IF I were them.

But I can't help but wonder if I should be more like the character, which I find hard to do.
That's a natural tendency to have at least on your first playthrough.

In subsequent runs, you should try role-playing as each character and making decisions that fit with their traits (i.e. Sam has a low curiosity trait so she shouldn't be snooping at Chris' phone).

Personally, I'm going to tackle a playthrough as if I was a movie director looking for the best end result for my slasher film with the wackiest deaths and dialogue.


While you did find one there. It's obtainable in another episode. When I played the dlc already had that one. I should have said not an exclusive obtainable one there.

Ah, makes sense. There are other collectibles in the area too but you can get 'em in other chapters, like the cigar stub.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Watching Lirik's VOD of his playthrough and jesus christ. Some people are just awful at recognizing horror game tropes.


4 chapters and I already managed to kill 2 people. I suck at this and I watch a lot of horror films.

That's a natural tendency to have at least on your first playthrough.

In subsequent runs, you should try role-playing as each character and making decisions that fit with their traits (i.e. Sam has a low curiosity trait so she shouldn't be snooping at Chris' phone).

Personally, I'm going to tackle a playthrough as if I was a movie director looking for the best end result for my slasher film with the wackiest deaths and dialogue.

Welp! It's already too late for me to do the "best run" at the moment. I'm just going to wing it and see how many survives.


Rumor has it there are some gorgeous(cinematic) camera angles during gameplay. Truth to this?

VERY VERY True. This game bleeds money. Everything you can see looks money/expensive/very beautiful.

I don't know how much budget this game had but you can see that they spent a good amount of it on the visuals. Damn, it's a gorgeous-looking horror game.


Finished it in a single sitting with a friend watching. What a great game for a couple of friends to come over and yell what the hell you should do. Can't wait to do another playthrough.


Un Rama
I think I'm gonna finish this in a single sitting. I can't put it down and the game keeps getting better the further along it gets. Think we got a sleeper hit of the year.
I'm now experiencing the issue I have with most of these games where I finished it with almost everyone alive and I don't want to go back and do things that get people killed :/

And looking online(spoilers for multiple different playthrough outcomes/might ruin future playthroughs for some) it seems like
Sam and Mike have plot armor for the entire game which is disappointing. They do a good idea of hiding it at least, I had no idea they couldn't die until the house.
Rumor has it there are some gorgeous(cinematic) camera angles during gameplay. Truth to this?
Yes, but probably not the ones you adore. There is no real direct gameplay action like Uncharted here. Its mostly static camera angles that sometimes move in a very cinematic and cool way to follow you a bit before the scenery changes. These are purely exploration segments however. The action is all QTE pretty much where movement is automated with very hectic and fast cut camera angles you have no control over.

Its pretty much in the vein of Beyond/Heavy Rain, which did the same thing. Some of the camera angles and paths are very clever and awesome though.

Anyone know if replaying a previous episode to change the butterfly effect will carry onto your current/future episodes?
Fairly certain this wont work.
Anybody else found the voices to be oddly muffled in the prologue ? Because of that and the weird rythm/editing I though the game didn't give a really good first impression.

Thankfully after an hour or so things settle down a bit and I'm having a great time. And holy shit this game is gorgeous. I had been itching to play a truly next-gen title graphics-wise for months and there it is, finally.

Already thinking about my second playthough.
I couldn't save Jessica. I will miss her hotness so much.

Also I like that the QTE feel really "challenging". They give you very little time to react so I fucked up a couple of them, which practically never happens to me in other games.
I'm talking about the base game's prologue, I only bought Until Dawn's standard edition.

Now I hope that additional scene will be made available on the store though.
Oh shit. How do you play that DLC? I completely forgot about that!
Prologue is not DLC. The DLC is the scene where Matt and Emily go after her bag. Just fills in some information on these two characters. Not a good move from Sony to cut that from the game, as its not worth $5 or whatever they will charge for it later on.
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