I think my favorite portion of the game was Mike in the Sanitarium for the first time. It had an old school Resident Evil vibe to it and that's something I missed dearly. The storyline was great, classic horror stuff. I figured early that Josh had to be involved in someway, so I chose to kill him to see what would happen, even after his guts fell out I thought something was odd. My only real death in the early game was Matt, killed by a Wendigo. I thought it was fair, there were a number of things i could have done differently to avoid it, though i did feel a little misled by the totem showing Emily giving him the flair gun, I missed the extra step of disagreeing with her over going to the fire tower.
I made the mistake of immediately flipping the switch at the end and killing Ashley, Emily and Mike in the process. At first I was a little peeved, as I didn't think the game made it very clear you would be killing most of your friends. But the more I thought about it, the early game totems gave plenty of warning ( I had one showing Emily dying in the blast and another showing Mike using the lighter to trigger the explosion.) If I thought it through for a second, I would have chosen to help Mike instead, but I made a mistake and paid for it dearly, I guess that's the name of the game.
Speaking of the totem system, I really liked it, especially the death and loss ones, it gave a sense of impending doom and I like how the "payoff" of a lot of them didn't occur until hours later.
Overall, I like this game a ton. I'm not sure how much choice there actually is, and how much is an illusion, but I had to have missed dialog with Matt, and I actually like that a lot. My choices had visible consequences and the developer wasn't concerned with making sure I got to see EVERYTHING they modeled, which led to a unique experience. Grade A stuff.