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Upscalers, CRTs, PVMs & RGB: Retro gaming done right!

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Which tv model do you have?

A 21" Toshiba I got for free on gumtree

lol not sure of the model. Obviously with it being a UK TV, it has RGB scart input, and adapters for each console are dead cheap here.

I had just forgotten how crisp old consoles are on a CRT. Literally pixel perfect. Never realised just how bad my LCD was for the job

What's great is that so many people assume they're worthless - you can get a decent CRT for absolutely nothing here now, as I did.


if i could get a quality CRT in the size i'm accustomed to with my plasma (50") i'd not oppose teamCRT as much...alas

that's a good lookin shot though man!


if i could get a quality CRT in the size i'm accustomed to with my plasma (50") i'd not oppose teamCRT as much...alas

that's a good lookin shot though man!

That doesn't make much sense, a 50 inch CRT would look terrible. Apples and oranges, etc, you can't compare CRT display sizes with modern display sizes.


Junior Member
if i could get a quality CRT in the size i'm accustomed to with my plasma (50") i'd not oppose teamCRT as much...alas

that's a good lookin shot though man!

I had this in early 2002 ...the picture quality was hands down above and beyond any of the early flat panel displays at the time. I by-passed larger flat screen hdtv's at the time because the XBR960 was just soooooo amazing at the time.

Sony KD-34XBR960. I also had the bigger 36 inch as well that was equally impressive...the reason i also bought the 36 inch is that in widescreen mode it was a bit larger in viewing screen vs the 960. I had the bigger 36 inch in the main living room and the widescreen XBR960 in my gaming room. I still have the 36 inch upstairs in the guest bedroom i have setup for relatives,friends,etc that stay over for a weekend or what ever. Infact i was just up there watching some HD content and man...that 36 inch still has a PQ that rivals my 55' inch Panasonic Plasma. I plan on going OLED in a few years once the tech matures and the price is feasible.

Oh by the way..back in 2002 i had my PC connected to the 36inchXBR in the living room...everyone that came over were amazed at the idea of using a computer connected to my HDTV like that....some even said it was a silly idea lol...now all of them all has had me come and build them computers to connect to their HDTV's. I was one of the very early adapaters of using a PC in the living room on the main TV set. It was pretty uncommon back then...now days its simply the ultimate home theater setup in having a PC connected to the living room HDTV.


Yes Boss!

That doesn't make much sense, a 50 inch CRT would look terrible. Apples and oranges, etc, you can't compare CRT display sizes with modern display sizes.

True, there is a reason 27" is the magic size for CRT. And another reason why upscalers are so perfect with our huge cheap displays and the larger geographic area of our game rooms these days.

That said, I'll take a 50" modern display using an upscaled image from ten feet over a small CRT any day. I reserve me CRTs for close floor play, desk play, or cabinet play.
I had this in early 2002 ...the picture quality was hands down above and beyond any of the early flat panel displays at the time. I by-passed larger flat screen hdtv's at the time because the XBR960 was just soooooo amazing at the time.

Sony KD-34XBR960. I also had the bigger 36 inch as well that was equally impressive...the reason i also bought the 36 inch is that in widescreen mode it was a bit larger in viewing screen vs the 960. I had the bigger 36 inch in the main living room and the widescreen XBR960 in my gaming room. I still have the 36 inch upstairs in the guest bedroom i have setup for relatives,friends,etc that stay over for a weekend or what ever. Infact i was just up there watching some HD content and man...that 36 inch still has a PQ that rivals my 55' inch Panasonic Plasma. I plan on going OLED in a few years once the tech matures and the price is feasible.

Oh by the way..back in 2002 i had my PC connected to the 36inchXBR in the living room...everyone that came over were amazed at the idea of using a computer connected to my HDTV like that....some even said it was a silly idea lol...now all of them all has had me come and build them computers to connect to their HDTV's. I was one of the very early adapaters of using a PC in the living room on the main TV set. It was pretty uncommon back then...now days its simply the ultimate home theater setup in having a PC connected to the living room HDTV.


One of the best CRTs for PC gaming is the Sony FW900, but sadly they don't go up to that size.

A few GAF members have or had one, I know donkey show did. Shit was cash.


slapnuts that does look cool, my roomate had a 27" or so trinotron taht i loved in the day too

That doesn't make much sense, a 50 inch CRT would look terrible. Apples and oranges, etc, you can't compare CRT display sizes with modern display sizes.

exactly, kinda my point though

True, there is a reason 27" is the magic size for CRT. And another reason why upscalers are so perfect with our huge cheap displays and the larger geographic area of our game rooms these days.

That said, I'll take a 50" modern display using an upscaled image from ten feet over a small CRT any day. I reserve me CRTs for close floor play, desk play, or cabinet play.

yeah if i had the room i think i'd have a small CRT just for stuff like that, and Tate mode!


Yeah, anything bigger than my 21" CRT in the bedroom would be overkill. It's plenty big enough for retro gaming.

If a sony pvm or similar comes up at some point (unlikely, as I'm in the UK), I'd definitely swap it over, but until then...

edit: aw fuck. I've found a 20" Sony PVM for sale for 99p...but it's a goddamn 3 hour drive away. Gahhhh.

edit edit!!

I offered to pay the £25 required for parcelforce to ship it, and he's said yes. I've got a RGB SCART to BNC adapter here (with sync) ready to go from my old CCTV monitor at work. I'll just plug that into my scart switcher and wahay! SNES, MD, PS, N64 all ready to go on a glorious PVM

I think I'll go for this, just gotta make sure Killzone actually sells so I have funds


PVM didn't pan out. £50 shipping via courier is far too much for me, and I'm not driving 3 hours there and back again as it'd cost that much in petrol.

Seeing as my current CRT has been on the blink recently (the entire image goes pink, and stays like it until I bang it with my fist), I'm going to take it to the rubbish tip tomorrow, and then go for another cheap gumtree pickup. I'll be picking this up tomorrow from a few streets away for £5:

The last 4:3 SD TV Sony produced, according to my research. RGB SCART input too of course, which is ideal. Problem is that it's 29", and my girlfriend is gonna kill me.

ah well! Hope it isn't too heavy....


Too bad on the PVM, just wait it out, eventually one will fall in your lap. May take a year of craigslist and ebaying.

That TV is heavy and you will need at least 2 people to lift.

Yeah, I used to work at a Sony Centre.

I know the bastard well. Had to get a 32" one up three flights of stairs before. Absolute hell. My current 21" was easy to transport upstairs, and this 29" isn't that much heavier.


That damn Alucard. What does he here, indeed...

Yeah, this gets me every time.
It's different when it's text. But there was a voice actor actually speaking the bad translation.
Why didn't anyone notice while recording it?
What do they there?
Yeah, this gets me every time.
It's different when it's text. But there was a voice actor actually speaking the bad translation.
Why didn't anyone notice while recording it?
What do they there?

I suspect voice actors are asked to say weird sentences all the time so have stopped questioning if they make actual sense.

"Meh whatever, must be some weird old English dialect or something"


Aha! Found the pictures.



Look at the bricks! Look at the curved shape of the column! It's a MASSIVE difference, and this stuff wouldn't be visible at all without the "flaws" of a CRT.

I think I have a good idea about the colour (NTSC limitations),
and a vague idea about the scaling in this picture (SNES's RamDAC).

But what exactly is going on here?
Is there a good article about it?
And what calculations exactly are needed to get from A to B?

I believe the first time I saw those pictures
it was was in relation to the precessing power needed
to accurately emulate a SNES,
and that even 3Ghz CPUs were needed or even not good enough.


Just got my 29" Sony 4:3 CRT set up. Gave the guy I bought it off £7 rather than £5 because he helped us with getting it down his stairs. I knew it was rated as one of the best CRT TV sets Sony ever made, but still...


And one that shows the colour reproduction on the set, as the photos above have been washed out a bit by my phone camera:

I'm drowning in RGB goodness


Only issue was that the image is a bit too far to the left, but a quick fiddle with the service menu fixed that. It's perfect now.

And it's fucking massive. I'm going to play Burning Force now until my eyes bleed. brb


Just added another RGB system to my collection. Wanted one of these since i was about 8, and finally have one. Picked it up for ~$100 on eBay and messed with it for about 15 minutes before getting this far. I have more stuff I'm waiting to arrive before i can really finish it up, and have everything mounted on the board how i want. I'll post pics of it once it's completed. Until then here's some screens off of my pvm.




straight out of the packaging. cleaned up very nicely.


nice! congrats bapho, that shit's been on my list since i was a kid too, awesome to see!
you thinking of doing an enclosure of any kind for it? again im crazy interested in consolized MVS' but they're so much more than the great price you picked that up for that its really off-putting...


nice! congrats bapho, that shit's been on my list since i was a kid too, awesome to see!
you thinking of doing an enclosure of any kind for it? again im crazy interested in consolized MVS' but they're so much more than the great price you picked that up for that its really off-putting...

No plans on any enclosures. If anyone out there made a premade enclosure i would probably go for it, but it's more time than what it's worth to me to build one. i kinda prefer the open look of them anyway. maybe something basic like plexiglass on the bottom with some pcb feet, but nothing more than that. once i finish this one up, i'll start doing them for other people. i already had all my ports and such wired so it was literally about 10 minutes of work to get everything running perfectly. i'm kinda stuck where i'm at though as i have no controller to test any further yet. i have 1 on order, but for the time being i can only check the dip switches and watch the attract mode.

can't wait to hit up the local amusement store in a few days and check out his mvs stuff. last time i was in there he said he'd let 10-12 go for $100 or so. fingers crossed for some motherfucking windjammers!
Nice pickup Bapho!

Only Neo Hardware I have is a Neo CD. I have to deal with awful load times and limited library, but for the price I paid (only ~$22) I figured why not. It's a cheap Windjammers machine at the very least.


Nice pickup Bapho!

Only Neo Hardware I have is a Neo CD. I have to deal with awful load times and limited library, but for the price I paid (only ~$22) I figured why not. It's a cheap Windjammers machine at the very least.

Windjammers is also one of the main reasons i wanted one. That and my girlfriend loves Metal Slug and Bust-a-Move. What sucks is even though i have everything wired i dont have any neo controllers to verify everything works. She got 2 sticks for me for christmas so we can play, but theyre coming from japan and will be awhile. If you got a neo cd for $22 with even 1 cd controller, thats already worth double what you paid. You definitely got a good deal on it. Theres a store here in Denver that has one for sale, but theyre asking like $299 or something crazy. And not a single store has any controllers for sale. At least i can watch the attract mode on 2 games, lol.


Just about finished up with everything so I wanted to post pictures thus far. I'm only lacking my unibios to come in and my 5 pin din female jack for the power adapter. other than that it's all done. it's pretty basic, but it should get the job done just fine. i also found a place locally i can get a piece of black plexiglass cut to size to mount to the bottom. that's really as much as i'm going to do for this one, but i like the way it's turning out so far.



Just got my 29" Sony 4:3 CRT set up. Gave the guy I bought it off £7 rather than £5 because he helped us with getting it down his stairs. I knew it was rated as one of the best CRT TV sets Sony ever made, but still...


And one that shows the colour reproduction on the set, as the photos above have been washed out a bit by my phone camera:

I'm drowning in RGB goodness

Alright, those look gorgeous. Time to look for a 25-29" later Wega set, my 21" ain´t cutting it anymore.


Wasn't sure where to post this so I figured this was probably the best spot. Finished my consolized CPS2 board today. Unfortunately I don't have any boards yet to show it actually running, but when I get one in I'll be sure to post a pic of it. Controller ports are wired as Neo Geo Plus, so the arcade stick I wired will move back and fourth between my Neo Geo MVS and this. It'll be wired ABCD, start, and select/coin for Neo, and when it's in the CPS2 it'll be the standard 6 button, start, and coin. The controller ports are also wired directly to the kick harness so there isn't anything extra that has to be done for the additional buttons. Only thing I'm not happy with was having to move the P1 controller port to the right so I could fit the power adapter next to it. There really isn't a whole lot of usable space on this thing to add stuff. Probably less than the Neo Geo actually. the RGB jack is in the space above the jamma connector, and the power button is next to the test/volume buttons. Thankfully the RCA stereo outputs are line level so they can be used without any modifications (they would be plugged into a Q-Sound amp in an arcade cabinet). Overall I'm pleased with out it turned out. Not I just need to get some B Boards to play on it. If anyone has any they want to get rid of, hit me up!


(my girlfriend made sure she was in the bottom picture)

Yes Boss!

Yes, we need an arcade/supergun/cabinet thread.

Will be my new year resolution, Irish.

(only concern is that it will die after a week)


Yes, we need an arcade/supergun/cabinet thread.

Will be my new year resolution, Irish.

(only concern is that it will die after a week)

bapho back there's already been temping me towards the dark side, i just have so much to learn about it so if anything i'll keep it going!


PVM didn't pan out. £50 shipping via courier is far too much for me, and I'm not driving 3 hours there and back again as it'd cost that much in petrol.

Seeing as my current CRT has been on the blink recently (the entire image goes pink, and stays like it until I bang it with my fist), I'm going to take it to the rubbish tip tomorrow, and then go for another cheap gumtree pickup. I'll be picking this up tomorrow from a few streets away for £5:

The last 4:3 SD TV Sony produced, according to my research. RGB SCART input too of course, which is ideal. Problem is that it's 29", and my girlfriend is gonna kill me.

ah well! Hope it isn't too heavy....

my last SDTV was about this size and i almost destroyed myself carrying it from the car to the house. these things are ungodly heavy.


It is better video separation than composite.

No, I get that, but what I mean, is if you're using an xrgb mini, you should be using the RGB out of the genesis. You'll get even better video quality that way.

Afaik, all genesis consoles have RGB out (you don't have to mod it), and all you need is the right cable.
No, I get that, but what I mean, is if you're using an xrgb mini, you should be using the RGB out of the genesis. You'll get even better video quality that way.

Afaik, all genesis consoles have RGB out (you don't have to mod it), and all you need is the right cable.

Getting an RGB cable takes less effort than modding the console for s-video, though.

I just had the s-video modded genesis before I bought the XRGB.

On your advice I just bought an RGB cable for it.


When I get my xrgb, cables aren't an issue.

I have RGB SCART cables for each console hooked up to a multiplug. All I need is a single adapter for the multiplug's output scart cable to fit the xrgb and I'm sorted. Altogether, cheap as hell to set up.

I feel for you Americans who don't have the wonders of european RGB SCART. Must cost a fortune.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
The biggest hurdle I have to overcome now when it comes to hooking up legacy consoles to modern monitors is dual 240p/480i games. This seems to be considerably more common than I had previously suspected.

Saturn Bomberman switches over to 480i at the start of every wide-stage match. On a Framemeister, this would be aggravating as hell due to the HDMI handshake and screen-blanking on every resolution change. (So, that makes for the second major reason for me to consider the mini to be a waste of over $300.)

No idea how Crafty-Mech's project is going to handle interlaced video, as last I checked it wasn't a priority for him. I'm on the lookout for a cheap XRGB2 or XRGB3 if I can get lucky, but I've heard that while those are the best you can get for this particular issue even they're not perfect.


I just had the s-video modded genesis before I bought the XRGB.

On your advice I just bought an RGB cable for it.

Awesome. I think you'll be pleased on the quality over even svideo.

If you were just using a CRT, S-Video is fantastic, but when using an XRGB Mini, it's almost pixel perfect when using RGB.

The biggest hurdle I have to overcome now when it comes to hooking up legacy consoles to modern monitors is dual 240p/480i games. This seems to be considerably more common than I had previously suspected.

Saturn Bomberman switches over to 480i at the start of every wide-stage match. On a Framemeister, this would be aggravating as hell due to the HDMI handshake and screen-blanking on every resolution change. (So, that makes for the second major reason for me to consider the mini to be a waste of over $300.)

No idea how Crafty-Mech's project is going to handle interlaced video, as last I checked it wasn't a priority for him. I'm on the lookout for a cheap XRGB2 or XRGB3 if I can get lucky, but I've heard that while those are the best you can get for this particular issue even they're not perfect.

The games that switch resolution are few and far between, in my experience. There's a few more games that do that kind of thing, but I haven't really come across it often.
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