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Upscalers, CRTs, PVMs & RGB: Retro gaming done right!

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Cool! Now I just need a 20" PVM...

Be on the lookout for a BVM as well. Not sure how familiar you are with the difference, the BVM is the higher end version of the PVM, and was often used in broadcast studios. According to Fudoh it's the best of the best. Regardless, enjoy the 14" and go get a scart to BNC breakout cable!

One last thing for everyone....not sure if you've seen this article on tested, but it's a recommended reading for everyone intro gaming CRTs.

Be on the lookout for a BVM as well. Not sure how familiar you are with the difference, the BVM is the higher end version of the PVM, and was often used in broadcast studios. According to Fudoh it's the best of the best. Regardless, enjoy the 14" and go get a scart to BNC breakout cable!
The biggest BVM advantage lies mostly on the geometry settings and on screen menu with hour counter. Because with the hour counter you can tell without looking at it wether it's like new or pushing it.

It's not a huge difference by any means albeit if money is not the issue or you're lucky, sure... Go there.

PVM's providing they don't have a lot of hours on them (and this is the tricky part) can be 100% as good.

Only difference in the end is that 20" PVM's cut at 800 TVL's (more than enough) while BVM's of the same size went all the way until 1100 TVL's. (800, 900, and 1100 TVL models being available).

Not a whole lot of gain to be had from 600 TVL's and up (For SD content), scanlines will get thicker under low brightness though which is an acquired taste.


Bah... I can't stand not having a CRT monitor... You guys are making me jealous as hell. Space is definitely an issue though (I live in a stereotypical modest sized NYC apartment).

So, I now ask you all this: what's the smallest set (with the smallest back) that you guys think would be worth getting for RGB gaming? Any particular models that are good (and dare I ask) have a stylish chasis in a retro-sort of way?

Unfortunately, I entertain business guests and don't have a separate game room, so decorum is a factor for me (as shallow as that may be). But I am probably having some custom cabinetry built for my home entertainment center in the next few weeks, so if I'm going to pull the trigger, now's the time. I may have some doors built to house a small set (of maybe like... 14 inches) for retro games beneath my floating Plasma display.

Any thoughts for getting the best retro picture out of the smallest possible size constraints?
Bah... I can't stand not having a CRT monitor... You guys are making me jealous as hell. Space is definitely an issue though (I live in a stereotypical modest sized NYC apartment).

So, I now ask you all this: what's the smallest set (with the smallest back) that you guys think would be worth getting for RGB gaming? Any particular models that are good (and dare I ask) have a stylish chasis in a retro-sort of way?

Unfortunately, I entertain business guests and don't have a separate game room, so decorum is a factor for me (as shallow as that may be). But I am probably having some custom cabinetry built for my home entertainment center in the next few weeks, so if I'm going to pull the trigger, now's the time. I may have some doors built to house a small set (of maybe like... 14 inches) for retro games beneath my floating Plasma display.

Any thoughts for getting the best retro picture out of the smallest possible size constraints?

Custom cabinetry sounds neat. I came across this CRT + Flatpanel side-by-ide on another forum, maybe this could give you an idea?



I have a 14" Sony PVM-14M2E and i think for size constraints its the perfect monitor for retro gaming. I picked mine up along with a 20" PVM-20M2E and i hands down prefer the 14" :) I think they look pretty cool and industrial aswell.

This is mine running Retroarch on a Wii through component. The PQ is sublime.


I have a 14" Sony PVM-14M2E and i think for size constraints its the perfect monitor for retro gaming. I picked mine up along with a 20" PVM-20M2E and i hands down prefer the 14" :) I think they look pretty cool and industrial aswell.

This is mine running Retroarch on a Wii through component. The PQ is sublime.



That is indeed nice. It's a shame that only PAL Wiis support RGB. That 240p content would look even nicer in RGB.

I wonder, can you import a PAL Wii for the RGB support, then softmod for 60Hz and use of NA software?


Got my Dreamcast hooked up to my 55" via VGA then into a VGA to HDMI box as my tv has no VGA port...only thing is, I can't get rid of the lines all over the screen. Was the same just with the VGA box, any ideas?


That is indeed nice. It's a shame that only PAL Wiis support RGB. That 240p content would look even nicer in RGB.

I wonder, can you import a PAL Wii for the RGB support, then softmod for 60Hz and use of NA software?

I'm not sure on that one to be honest. I have both an RGB Scart Cable and the Component Cable so maybe it's something i could try out and see what happens. I know a lot of pal software allows to be run in PAL60.


Can anyone recommend an S-Video cable for N64? Not looking for first-party and I don't play the system that much, so I figured S-video would do me instead of going the RGB-Mod route.

I ask, because I've heard some third party cables just pass composite through the S-video connector. Thanks!

The Llama

That is indeed nice. It's a shame that only PAL Wiis support RGB. That 240p content would look even nicer in RGB.

I wonder, can you import a PAL Wii for the RGB support, then softmod for 60Hz and use of NA software?

I've been curious about this for a while. What do you guys mean when you say "RGB"? Like, what is it that this "RGB" connection gives you that component doesn't? Is RGB like a VGA adapter like computer monitors use? Or what?
Kevin - great video. You should really dedicate an entire episode to RGB gaming, as there is a ton of info people just aren't clear on. Btw, are you going to get a snes scart cable, and then the scart to BNC breakout? While S video looks great, you've gotta go the whole way now that you're so close...

I already have the SNES SCART cable (as well as scarts for most of my consoles). Ordered the SCART to BNC connector as well.


Thanks Timu, but I thought that guys videos were supposed to not highly-regarded round these parts? Plus, with the prices those are commanding on Amazon/eBay, I'd be better off buying first party!

Is is safe(ish) to assume that if I buy an S-video cable that DOESN'T have a yellow composite plug as well, I should be safe from having composite passthrough?
I did not know that, lol. Regardless of that they seem to be one of the better received svideo cables from what read and I don't think there can be composite passthrough without a composite signal.
I already have the SNES SCART cable (as well as scarts for most of my consoles). Ordered the SCART to BNC connector as well.

Cool. Would like to hear your thoughts once you've got it running. I didn't see it over S video, but noticed my snes blurred the colors pretty badly over rgb, as it wasn't a 1-chip model. I wound up buying a snes mini with the rgb mod and am now finally happy with the picture quality.
I've been curious about this for a while. What do you guys mean when you say "RGB"? Like, what is it that this "RGB" connection gives you that component doesn't? Is RGB like a VGA adapter like computer monitors use? Or what?

RGB will get you better color separation. Component (YPbPr) has the advantage of 480p, but if you're playing a bunch of low-res 240p games like the ones pictured in that post, RGB is preferable.


That is indeed nice. It's a shame that only PAL Wiis support RGB. That 240p content would look even nicer in RGB.

I wonder, can you import a PAL Wii for the RGB support, then softmod for 60Hz and use of NA software?

Wiibrew allows to bypass the region protection, but some games are finicky with RGB. For example No More Heroes, that I specifically imported because of censorship in the PAL release, output only the red channel in RGB. I had to use composite to play this game in colour. That was a few years ago and I don't know if was solved with software updates.

50/60Hz is set in the settings, for once Nintendo was cool with us. But then you'll be stuck with 50Hz Virtual Console games anyway, unless you go the piratey road.

I thought about replacing my Megadrive, MegaCD and SNES with a Wii+Retrode. It should be viable especially as the Retrode has outlets for Megadrive and SNES controllers, I'm not sure why I lost interest in the project. I guess using the original consoles is something I care more than I thought.


That is indeed nice. It's a shame that only PAL Wiis support RGB. That 240p content would look even nicer in RGB.

I wonder, can you import a PAL Wii for the RGB support, then softmod for 60Hz and use of NA software?

RGB support is software based not hardware. My Wii is a Japanese model softmoded to PAL firmware using "AnyRegionChanger". The emulators for NES, SNES, Megadrive etc. are extremely good and all offer crisp 240p output. Obviously any NTSC discs, VC games and Wiiware titles won't work natively but there are homebrew workarounds. Use a disc loader or USB loader for Wii discs and "ShowMiiWads" to make VC and Wiiware wads region free( although this is far from perfect).


Just tried hooking up my Wii using component to the Mini. The picture looked really bad...like overly dark (shadow/darker areas were just black)..played with my TV setting and even with vivid mode I still had to turn up the Mini's gamma to near or at max, and brightness up.

Something doesn't seem right. Color seems slightly off. Hue and saturation can't help it..basically at night time of day, the textures have a lot of flickering artifacts whenever camera moves, and when stationary, there are artifacts but they do not flicker...uh this is annoying.

Anyone has optimal settings with Wii component?


Just tried hooking up my Wii using component to the Mini. The picture looked really bad...like overly dark (shadow/darker areas were just black)..played with my TV setting and even with vivid mode I still had to turn up the Mini's gamma to near or at max, and brightness up.

Something doesn't seem right. Color seems slightly off. Hue and saturation can't help it..basically at night time of day, the textures have a lot of flickering artifacts whenever camera moves, and when stationary, there are artifacts but they do not flicker...uh this is annoying.

Anyone has optimal settings with Wii component?

I don't recall having any issues with my Wii running into my mini. I probably just used the standard component settings from junker HQ as WL.


It is a jokey post but it's how it is. If you got the dough for an XRGB mini, chances are you can fund an NES RGB mod. Feeding composit to an XRGB is like putting low octane fuel in your drag car.

Since you seem more inclined to go the CRT route you can just not spend the money on an xrgb an put it towards an RGB NES and a good CRT for a damn sweet combo.

Thanks for the info. I searched for some info about how to do it but that proces is way over my head :) Think the best way to go is just buy a modded nes and maybe it's time to switch from a pal nes to a ntsc nes.

Any suggestions where I should look?


I guess and hope you are not serious with that comment?

I have no experience in modding and don't know anyone directly that does that stuff. Buying a modded unit seems a way to go but that requires importing and is probably pricey.

If I wanted a true retro gaming experience I would buy a solid crt. I'm just looking for a easy way to improve the image quality on my current setup and with the systems I play my games on.

Well if your in the UK/Europe and get yourself a NESRGB unit I can install it in your NES for you


I can vouch for lettuce and his work with the nesrgb. He helped me in removing the ppu on mine when I was doing my nesrgb mod. Did a fantastic job and kept me updated along the way.

Doing the nesrgb mod is one of the best mods that can be done to any console imho, seeing nes games in RGB for the first time is jaw dropping.


Thanks for the info. I searched for some info about how to do it but that proces is way over my head :) Think the best way to go is just buy a modded nes and maybe it's time to switch from a pal nes to a ntsc nes.

Any suggestions where I should look?

I believe any NES can be moded for RGB. So if you wanna save a little time and money, you could just do it to a toaster NES. If you want the sleek top loader, I'm afarid there's not much you can do to avoid the expense especially since you're in a pal territory looking for an import. There are people in this very thread who do the mod. If you can find someone local with good reputation that would be even better... which I think I have found recently in AZ.

On that note: is anybody here a member on the Neo-Geo forum?


I believe any NES can be moded for RGB. So if you wanna save a little time and money, you could just do it to a toaster NES. If you want the sleek top loader, I'm afarid there's not much you can do to avoid the expense especially since you're in a pal territory looking for an import.

Well i managed to get the JPN HVC-101 system which i think looks nicer that the US NES-101 top loader version, its cheaper to boot, has the Controller EXT port on the side of the system and already has the multiout socket on the rear of the system from the factory!.

I paid £51 delivered for mine with 2 dog bone pads and all cables from eBay, combine this with the N8 EverDrive and NESRGB and its win win



Custom cabinetry sounds neat. I came across this CRT + Flatpanel side-by-ide on another forum, maybe this could give you an idea?



YES! You have no idea how much this image helps. It gives me so many ideas and it's what I had in my head to some extent.

Kick ass post, my friend. Very kick ass post.


I have a 14" Sony PVM-14M2E and i think for size constraints its the perfect monitor for retro gaming. I picked mine up along with a 20" PVM-20M2E and i hands down prefer the 14" :) I think they look pretty cool and industrial aswell.

This is mine running Retroarch on a Wii through component. The PQ is sublime.



Those both look great. What do you think is a fair price for a good 14" monitor? Also, how big is the back of the Sony PVM-14M2E?


Those both look great. What do you think is a fair price for a good 14" monitor? Also, how big is the back of the Sony PVM-14M2E?

I paid £10 ($17) for my 14M2E and £10 for my 20M2E. The guy wanted them both gone so I got a good deal. I would pay anything up to £50 if its in good condition and the geometry is very good. They really are good screens for 8-Bit 16-Bit consoles.

According to the Brochure it states the depth is 431mm. You have to remember these are square units as they can be stacked, they don't slope at the back like consumer units.


I paid £51 delivered for mine with 2 dog bone pads and all cables from eBay, combine this with the N8 EverDrive and NESRGB and its win win

I'm looking for one too, I think you got a nice deal here. Every time I think of getting one, I remember I'll have to get the console and all the cables ($100), a NESRGB that I'll mount myself ($100) and an everdrive ($100) so I can stop throwing all my money into ebay. Damn expensive.


I paid £10 ($17) for my 14M2E and £10 for my 20M2E. The guy wanted them both gone so I got a good deal. I would pay anything up to £50 if its in good condition and the geometry is very good. They really are good screens for 8-Bit 16-Bit consoles.

According to the Brochure it states the depth is 431mm. You have to remember these are square units as they can be stacked, they don't slope at the back like consumer units.

That eBay you picked them up from?


I don't recall having any issues with my Wii running into my mini. I probably just used the standard component settings from junker HQ as WL.

Playing RE4 and not seeing any problem. Xenoblade on the other hand has constant flickering on the textures when moving the camera during night time.


I paid £10 ($17) for my 14M2E and £10 for my 20M2E. The guy wanted them both gone so I got a good deal. I would pay anything up to £50 if its in good condition and the geometry is very good. They really are good screens for 8-Bit 16-Bit consoles.

According to the Brochure it states the depth is 431mm. You have to remember these are square units as they can be stacked, they don't slope at the back like consumer units.

Cool, just to confirm.... those monitors are 60hz NTSC format right?


Cool, just to confirm.... those monitors are 60hz NTSC format right?

They will do PAL/NTSC 50/60hz. I'm in UK so 50hz land but most of my machines are NTSC. I've ran my SNES and Famicom through composite and they worked fine at NTSC.


Custom cabinetry sounds neat. I came across this CRT + Flatpanel side-by-ide on another forum, maybe this could give you an idea?

This is so cool. Make it a bit bigger and we're really talking. I doubt I'd have both running at once very often, though...


I bought this today from maplins for £8. It was originally a 3m VGA to BNC cable until I chopped off the VGA connector. Just waiting on the Female SCART plug to arrive then I can build it up and connect my consoles up to the PVMs using the SCART cables.

I'm loathed if I'm paying £30 for the same lead as this one I'm building.

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