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US/CAN Club Nintendo Thread: New and improved. Read the OP.


Actually that makes me feel better. Heh.

What about 3DS VC games purchased using Club Nintendo coins? I just redeemed Metroid II and that other game (Link Launch I think). Will I get coins for those? More importantly, will I get them before the 1st? I'd really like to avoid purchasing some crap 3Shop game just for points. Just need 15 more...

I redeemed CN coins for Fluidity earlier last year, and I got all the coins as if I'd bought it. I imagine it'd be the same for 3DS eShop/Virtual Console.

I'd recommend Gunman Clive for 3DS. It's a fun Mega Man -esque platformer with great art. $1.99 for **EDIT** 5 coins.
I redeemed CN coins for Fluidity earlier last year, and I got all the coins as if I'd bought it. I imagine it'd be the same for 3DS eShop/Virtual Console.

I'd recommend Gunman Clive for 3DS. It's a fun Mega Man -esque platformer with great art. $1.99 for 10 coins.

Well, hopefully I get the post-play survey for those games within the next two days.


shirt is nice.
i actually get compliments on it all the time haha.

How much does it shrink when you wash it? I can fit into a medium fine but if it's going to shrink a lot then it'll be a problem. I wanted a large just in case for this issue but of course they're sold out of those...
Last minute rush for Gold here; Platinum totally out of my reach unless I go buy a Wii U tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up on Sin and Punishment, it's been sitting in my backlog unopened and I had no idea it was worth coins. I'm now sitting at 10 coins shy of Gold and just bought Kokuga; I should get at least 10 coins from this in the next day or two, right?


Gives all the fucks
Tomorrow's the last day before the reward year resets on July 1st. But yes, I would suggest getting it done by midnight PT.

Now to see how long it'll take Nintendo to announce the rewards.


I have a question about the 20 bonus coins for buying a VC game deal (though I'm not sure anyone will be able to answer it). If I purchased Yoshi for 30 cents yesterday, would that count for the bonus points? I see nothing on the promo age that says it wouldn't...


Good platinum rewards this year, please Nintendo.
I don't want calendars or cards.
But if there are Fire Emblem cards I would get those in a heartbeat


Gives all the fucks
Yes, July 1st will reset your yearly status, so you can enter any codes & do any surveys you have. Though considering the traffic of people trying to redeem their gold/platinum reward, you might wanna wait a few days after.


Gold Member
Personally, I want another dope ass statue like the one we got a few years back. I know deep down we won't get that though.


First time I've qualified for Gold status. I rarely buy first party Nintendo games. Hoping I get some nice VC game download from this.
Woot, made it thanks to dat Animal Crossing deal at Amazon (Best Buy price match).



Gives all the fucks
You can check to see how much of your coins expire by going to "Account & Coins", then click the "Coins & Status" tab. Any coins you have expire after 2 reward years.
So wait, do you have to spend your coins by the end of this month too? 'Cause there's nothing I want at the moment.
You only have to spend your coins if they're about to expire.

To check to see if you have coins expiring, go to "Accounts & Coins" then to the "Coins & Status" tab. It will let you know if any are about to expire.

If you don't have any expiring, just hold on to them.

edit; beaten. Damn you!


I just scored Platinum yesterday using a copy of Steel Diver lol, so I'm pretty happy about that. I'm hoping for Luigi hats, but only if they're made out of better material than the ones Iwata and Miyamoto were wearing. I know Nintendo has to be cheap but at least make the hat a darker shade of green!

Well, hopefully we find out the rewards sooner rather than later.


Full werewolf off the buckle
My first Platinum this year. I hope we get something substantial this year and not like a bunch of temporary tattoos or some shit.
Alright, reached gold level. Hoping for some eShop game rewards since I don't live in the US (imported 3DS XL) and can't have physical stuff shipped to me. I had to give Nintendo some made-up account in Orlando when signing up for Club Nintendo, don't tell them!
Ugggh. In my genius, I redeemed all my Club Nintendo codes (just bought a 3DSXL and some games), not realizing the year ends June 30.

So...I need 140 points for Gold, and 440 points for Platinum. I have Animal Crossing (50) and Personal Trainer Cooking (20) coming later, so I wouldn'tve made it anyway, but now I want to hit Platinum (since it's literally soon).

So. Have US Club Nintendo codes? I'll buy em. PM me and we'll work it out, Paypal wise. COUGH EM UP


Since I have 290 coins expiring and don't really want anything, does anyone want one of the DL games?

So one out of these two.

Super Mario Bros 3
Metroid II
Link 'n' Launch

All gone.


I hit Platinum forever ago...I have more points to input...when can I start putting htem in?

Since I have 290 coins expiring and don't really want anything, does anyone want one of the DL games?

So two out of these three.

Super Mario Bros 3
Metroid II
Link 'n' Launch

I'd take link n launch!
So, who's excited for another weekful of "what the fuck Nintendo I bought $600 worth of games for this shit?"

Hey, I'll be happy if I just make it to Platinum, to be honest. I don't really care what the reward is!

...Though a Luigi hat or those snazzy cards -would- be nice...
So, who's excited for another weekful of "what the fuck Nintendo I bought $600 worth of games for this shit?"

I dunno, the three posters I got last year look damn nice on my wall. Especially the glow in the dark Luigi Mansion one. Pretty excited to see what is coming up for Plat reward.
Some of you would really be happy with a Luigi hat as the platinum gift? I hope that is not the platinum gift; personally I would want something a little more nicer/special than that hat.

Now if the Luigi hat could be purchased with points – I’d buy that.


Hmm not sure the policy on it, but should we create a thread.. just to inform folks that the year is up tomorrow and a disclaimer to check to see if points are expiring?
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