- Have organised international community saying Assad has to go.
- Have isolated Assad.
- Continued humanitarian efforts.
- Consulting our partners in the region (e.g., Egypt and Turkey).
- Will do what we can to help the syrian opposition.
- Must make sure we know who we are helping before we commit fully (i.e.,
by providing heavy weapons to opposition).
- We are taking the lead.
- Romney opposed hunting and taking out Qadaffi, thought it was mission creep (was ok for taking out regime).
- Romney does not have different ideas of Syria. We are trying to promote a moderate Syrian leadership.
- Humanitarian disaster.
- A threat to Israel. Removing Assad is a high priority.
- Don't want military conflict. Need to organise partners in the region that will
take the lead in Syria. Then make sure that they have the necessary arms.
- Coordinate with our allies, particularly Israel.
- Make sure that insurgents that become armed are responsible parties.
- Want to see Syria as a friend when all is done.
- Obama's strategy was to let others take the lead (UN and then Russia).
- US should have taken the lead. America can help form a unity/council group.