No way. That hands Romney the initiative. Obama is playing it right.Yeah, he should only get aggressive if Romney's criticizing him, which hasn't really been happening in this debate.
how's scheiffer doing
Obama lying about America being a democracy. America is a republic.
Pretty well. This is not contentious. Nobody is talking over anybody. Romney is basically just saying, "Me too."
Pretty much going as planned. Romney: "I support Obama, but he's not leading." Obama: "I agree with Romney, I am doing a good job."
Wasn't that part of the problem we had with Obama in the first debate, too much agreeing with the opponent?
Does anyone else see Romney looking like he's gonna cry?
Initiating remoisturizing protocol.BRO STOP BLINKING
Does anyone else see Romney looking like he's gonna cry?
They keep saying the same thing back and forth!
Reminds me of when my friends have an argument over something they agree on... just saying it different.
"Assad - I mean, Kofi Annan."
Weird Freudian slip.
this is boring, they both have the same positions.
The whole Syrian thing is a farce. We jumped all over Libya over the threat of violence. Meanwhile Assad slaughters women and children and we sit here saying if it takes a few more years we can keep talking.
Obama lying about America being a democracy. America is a republic.
Joke candidates. I'm glad someone else is seeing this. I wouldn't blame people if they started watching NFL right now.
This tendency to worry about politicians being aggressive or 'disrespectful' to one another is a curiously American impulse. It's a bloodsport. Don't ask people to feign politeness or courtesy. Especially when Mitt Romney is flailing like he is.
iran's route to the sea
Obama pivoting FP back to DP
Watching the debate on BBC with the smart commentary from the Live Text correspondents makes me a sad panda for American tv.
Obama doing great. Clear & presidential.
Pretty well. This is not contentious. Nobody is talking over anybody. Romney is basically just saying, "Me too."