much worse lolThat's the thing: they're not. They try to be and they still fail. Don't they have the worst ratings?
much worse lolThat's the thing: they're not. They try to be and they still fail. Don't they have the worst ratings?
So, has the race really been tightening, or is that made up? I honestly don't follow politics a ton, unfortunately.
Yep. Romney wrapped this up tonight.
He did what he needed to do. 1. Avoid getting dragged into Obama's desperate, immature personal attacks and lies and 2. lay out a firm vision for the world's future.
Simply stunning.
the fact that I was able to get my phone and take this picture gives you all the context you need
one of the most intimidating stares I've ever seen.
So, has the race really been tightening, or is that made up? I honestly don't follow politics a ton, unfortunately.
To you I'm mentally inept but to others I make complete sense. Paradox or simply that I'm misunderstood? In terms to the debate, Romney showed BO what a leader looks and sounds like in this debate.
Yep. Romney wrapped this up tonight.
He did what he needed to do. 1. Avoid getting dragged into Obama's desperate, immature personal attacks and lies and 2. lay out a firm vision for the world's future.
Simply stunning.
:lolYep. Romney wrapped this up tonight.
He did what he needed to do. 1. Avoid getting dragged into Obama's desperate, immature personal attacks and lies and 2. lay out a firm vision for the world's future.
Simply stunning.
I want to say 44th President, and (b/c i didn't knowStupid question here. If Obama wins re-election is he still considered number 44?
Yep. Romney wrapped this up tonight.
He did what he needed to do. 1. Avoid getting dragged into Obama's desperate, immature personal attacks and lies and 2. lay out a firm vision for the world's future.
Simply stunning.
CBC online poll (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
Who do you think won the debate?
89% Obama
10% Romney
1% Tied
He was just so positive. I didn't know he was so into world peace until today. What a man. I'd like to have a CapriSun with him, anytime.Yep. Romney wrapped this up tonight.
He did what he needed to do. 1. Avoid getting dragged into Obama's desperate, immature personal attacks and lies and 2. lay out a firm vision for the world's future.
Simply stunning.
To you I'm mentally inept but to others I make complete sense. Paradox or simply that I'm misunderstood? In terms to the debate, Romney showed BO what a leader looks and sounds like in this debate.
He said the only difference is the Romney would've bailed them out SOONER. I'm dizzy here
Yep. Romney wrapped this up tonight.
He did what he needed to do. 1. Avoid getting dragged into Obama's desperate, immature personal attacks and lies and 2. lay out a firm vision for the world's future.
Simply stunning.
Because it's all about creating the image that the angry left are attacking the poor, oppressed right. AMERICAN VALUES ARE UNDER ATTACK FROM EVERY DIRECTION. Best is when Fox cries about how the left are oppressing people's rights to oppress other peoples' rights.Why do people say the media is liberal biased?
If only we could vote for the POTUS too.CBC online poll (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
Who do you think won the debate?
89% Obama
10% Romney
1% Tied
Yep. Romney wrapped this up tonight.
He did what he needed to do. 1. Avoid getting dragged into Obama's desperate, immature personal attacks and lies and 2. lay out a firm vision for the world's future.
Simply stunning.
So, has the race really been tightening, or is that made up? I honestly don't follow politics a ton, unfortunately.
Yep. Romney wrapped this up tonight.
He did what he needed to do. 1. Avoid getting dragged into Obama's desperate, immature personal attacks and lies and 2. lay out a firm vision for the world's future.
Simply stunning.
When is Rachel Meddow on or whatever her name is??
I assume your criteria for Romney winning is not getting in a fist fight with the moderator.
Seriously, why is it that Romney supporters actively won't admit when their guy loses a debate? It doesn't mean he lost the election to admit he didn't look very good.
And everyone wonders why Obama didn't hit Bane on the mask the first time.This election reminds me so much of The Dark Knight Rises
1st debate: Obama gets his back broken
2nd debate: Biden shows Obama that he cannot give up, and must fight on
3rd debate: Obama is back and rescuing all his friends from going into the water because they are afraid to stand up.
4th debate: Obama comes back to face Bane one on one and utterly beats him down, as he has not given up on America.
This election reminds me so much of The Dark Knight Rises
1st debate: Obama gets his back broken
2nd debate: Biden shows Obama that he cannot give up, and must fight on
3rd debate: Obama is back and rescuing all his friends from going into the water because they are afraid to stand up.
4th debate: Obama comes back to face Bane one on one and utterly beats him down, as he has not given up on America.
This election reminds me so much of The Dark Knight Rises
1st debate: Obama gets his back broken
2nd debate: Biden shows Obama that he cannot give up, and must fight on
3rd debate: Obama is back and rescuing all his friends from going into the water because they are afraid to stand up.
4th debate: Obama comes back to face Bane one on one and utterly beats him down, as he has not given up on America.
In before you see our government.Can we saw off the South and merge with Canada?
It's Bulbo, he likes to live in his own little world.
Why do people say the media is liberal biased?