Rhomega Beta
Can we outsource CNN to China?
Sure. The Chinese News Network.
Can we outsource CNN to China?
I love the idea that Obama is behind. Just makes Democrats fight harder.
ETA: Anderson's eye's are so blue. So bluuuuuuuuuueee.
It's truly stunning that we have a credible candidate who stands for virtually nothing. How anyone can feel good about voting for him is beyond me. How can you even know what policies you're voting for?
My roommate tried to actually defend the "we need more ships" comment
CNN Poll
48 Obama
40 Romney
lol what
O 48%
R 40%
If it was little league, Obama was like:"If this was a little keague game they would have called it for Obama after 4 innings" Carville
i honestly believe that the first debate is absolutely forgotten in the minds of many at this point.
obama won the 2nd two debates and biden won his.
who can even remember that first one?
This guy on CNN is an absolute dumb ass and like so many conservatives, in a reality distortion field. The election was set in motion after the first debate? Lol. Guarantee the 2nd and 3rd debates impacted too. Heck even CNN admitted as much based on their crowd of undecided voters.
When even Chemical Ari says the other guy won, it's pretty over. Seems like the politicos on twitter are making a hard break towards Obama now that the polls are coming out.
Lincoln won. Again.
I can, because if Obama had brought his performance from the second two to it, this election would be over.who can even remember that first one?
O 48%
R 40%
CNN Poll
48 Obama
40 Romney
lol what
CBC online poll (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
Who do you think won the debate?
89% Obama
10% Romney
1% Tied
wut. thats a total of 88%?
the_pwn said:Ignore until we have more details. They have polled Republican heavy groups before.
O 48%
R 40%
wut. thats a total of 88%?
Ignore until we have more details. They have polled Republican heavy groups before.
Isn't that what polls are for you useless CNN fucks.
48-40? Did they poll 100% of the south again
CNN Poll.
Obama 48%
Romney 40%
CNN: wtf?
CNN Poll.
Obama 48%
Romney 40%
CNN: wtf?
thats good. repubs are polled more.
O 48%
R 40%
wut. thats a total of 88%?