Faith - Hope - Love

Women's size 11
(Equivilent to men's size 9)
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Gross, no thanks. Him talking in that clip makes it obvious it's a dude. You cannot replace a real woman. Sorry. You can't.
No it's not. It's probably one of the hardest things.Female voice is easy to replicate.
A little voice training. No operation is needed.
shamefull wanking followed by the "not my proudest fap" gif?!So what are we supposed to do with this thread?
No it's not. It's probably one of the hardest things.
Is that why most trannies sound like flamboyantly gay men?It is. Trust me.
Every man can sing. And speak like a woman. It's just a tone change.
But it requires training. And it can be long. But it's not hard.
Fucking disgusting. Calling that dude a "she" is like calling Ed Gein by the name of the woman whose skin he was wearing.
Let's cleanse our eyes with some vintage Sports Illustrated Babes. Kathy Ireland was beautiful. One of my favourites.
Is that why most trannies sound like flamboyantly gay men?
Sounds like you had a rough Trot.I was sure for years that I was intersex, but the karyotyping test actually came back negative. When I was born, supposedly everything looked normal enough for a baby boy. The problems I've had were mostly internal:
- Cryptorchidism (undescended testes),
- Testicular hypoplasia (atrophied testes)
- Defective vascular formation
- Prostatic atrophy
- Epididymal cysts
- Genital dysaesthesia (pain/sensitivity)
- No sex drive
- Infertility
Apparently, I was also at a very high risk for testicular cancer as well...but I'm thankful to say that all went away with the surgery I had 3 years ago. My blood pressure and many other health issues all started getting better after beginning prescribed estrogen injections. My body has effectively mutated genes due to the prenatal Diethylstilbestrol exposure, so it's anyone's guess why all this works the way it does with me.
Thank you so very much for the kind and thoughtful response! It means a lot to me!
(And don't worry- Guys can look amazing without hair!)
That's right women, we can cook better than you, we can run faster than you, and we're prettier too if we try.
If medical science had a guaranteed way of preventing prenatal sexual differentiation
Fucking disgusting. Calling that dude a "she" is like calling Ed Gein by the name of the woman whose skin he was wearing.
Let's cleanse our eyes with some vintage Sports Illustrated Babes. Kathy Ireland was beautiful. One of my favourites.
Post #85 might help.Can we have an open discussion? I'd like to see if someone who is trans or 100% supports it can help me out?
I'd never hate a person, I'd defend anyone who is trans if they are attacked for being trans. In my opinion, there are people who are clearly male/female at the same time (hermaphrodite) and they can choose which gender they want to be. But people who are not hermaphrodite, it just feels like they need mental help. It feels very wrong to encourage someone and tell them "yes, you are are a woman, it's OK to want to remove your penis" and vice versa. What is a male and what is a female is flexible across time and cultures. In fact, it could be difficult to discern and say "this is what a man is, this is what a woman is" based on what someone does.
Except of course, what the genitals do.
A vagina is used for giving birth. Someone with a penis can never give birth. And vice versa. This is the thing that really determines what is male/female, across time and across cultures. This creates a binary. So someone can say they feel like a woman, even though they have a penis. But their definition of what is a male/female is surely defined by their current cultural context? If so, they're saying that despite what their body is, they feel that their current cultural understanding of what is a female is, what they feel like. This means they aren't objectively female, they just feel a certain way. Doesn't that mean that it's a psychological thing? If so, no they aren't female, but they feel like what their society says is female.
The only way you could say someone is definitely male/female despite what their body is, is if you believe people have a soul and that their soul is male/female. But a belief in souls opens up a whole can of worms that leads to religion in some capacity. And I don't think there's a lot of trans issue supports who are religious.
I'm sorry if anything I've said is offensive. I'm trying to share what it feels like coming from the other side.
How can anybody be a woman if there is no definition of what a woman is? Like when SJWs say, "a woman is a person who says they are a woman", they've just tried to define a word by using the word in the definition, which is a tautology and a syllogism. It's impossible for anybody -- transgender or not -- to say "I am a man/I am a woman" if there is no definition of what it is to be a man or a woman. At least in the "good old days" of transexualism, you had to go through the surgery to "become" the other sex, so there was some sort of definition, based on genitalia, But since that was deemed exclusionary, the new definition is meaningless and illogical.
My definitions are : a woman is a human being of the female sex, and a man is a human being of the male sex. That guy on the cover is a man.
I would correct that to say that a transsexual male/female can never be a 100% biologically correct male/female. That's clear to everyone.You're arguing semantics; therefore, you're post is meaningless. All that matters is that a person of one sex cannot ever become the opposite sex due to innate and incontrovertible biological differences between the two sexes. Period.
I was sure for years that I was intersex, but the karyotyping test actually came back negative. When I was born, supposedly everything looked normal enough for a baby boy. The problems I've had were mostly internal:
- Cryptorchidism (undescended testes),
- Testicular hypoplasia (atrophied testes)
- Defective vascular formation
- Prostatic atrophy
- Epididymal cysts
- Genital dysaesthesia (pain/sensitivity)
- No sex drive
- Infertility
Apparently, I was also at a very high risk for testicular cancer as well...but I'm thankful to say that all went away with the surgery I had 3 years ago. My blood pressure and many other health issues all started getting better after beginning prescribed estrogen injections. My body has effectively mutated genes due to the prenatal Diethylstilbestrol exposure, so it's anyone's guess why all this works the way it does with me.
Thank you so very much for the kind and thoughtful response! It means a lot to me!
(And don't worry- Guys can look amazing without hair!)
The only way you could say someone is definitely male/female despite what their body is, is if you believe people have a soul and that their soul is male/female. But a belief in souls opens up a whole can of worms that leads to religion in some capacity. And I don't think there's a lot of trans issue supports who are religious.
I would correct that to say that a transsexual male/female can never be a 100% biologically correct male/female. That's clear to everyone.
But you can get pretty close. If you consider being born the wrong sex a biological mistake/abnormality, just like being inferile or not being able to have kids, it all makes a lot more sense. Transsexuals are being fixed, not just making a change because they're bored of being a bloke and fancy having their dick chopped off.
US is an inherently religious country.
There's religion everywhere. Everybody who says they are "atheist" are actually preaching anti-Christianity and so on.
There's no doubt that SJW, BLM, and any other modern "progressive" movement is religous in its core.
Trans movement is the same.
I think actually trans cases are pretty rare and should be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
LMAO...I’m an atheist and don’t give two shits about Christianity, I don’t preach against it and I try to follow the golden rule and say Merry Christmas and put up a tree every year. I stand respectfully quiet when my family prays over food. What are you even talking about? Atheism is a lack of belief not some creed against anything.
That's off topic.
You're an atheist minority. Majority, and the "thought leaders" are just leftist anti-Christian progressive fuckers.
How many do you actually know in real life? Because I’ve met nobody that meets your description. People I roll with just want to get along with their family and live their lives.
Yea at this point “feminism” Is largely controlled by menIn a way, trans women are the ultimate trolls to straight women and they can't say anything about it. Its like some men figured out how to use their powers against them
Anybody who I know is irrelevant. Cause anecdotal evidence.
But if you read what American Atheists leaders preach - it's clear what's going on.
That's right women, we can cook better than you, we can run faster than you, and we're prettier too if we try.
Sounds like you had a rough Trot.
Trans people have unfortunately been used as a political weapon. Wether it's the toilet debate, gender pronouns or hormone blockers being given to 6 year olds.
Most people I know wish the best for trans people. Hope they find what makes them happy, hope they live a productive life etc.
What they don't like is the way the left are forcing it down people's throats, well above what trans people themselves want even.
Men playing womens sports, forced pronouns, Twitter mobs trying to get you sacked from your job if you think there are only two sexs.
Most trans people just want to go along to get along. Being used as a political football isn't on their wish list.
I say it is a mental illness, not as an insult, but because it effects peoples mental health, and the mind does not match the body.
There are trans able people who think their arm doesnt belong to them. It feels alien. They want to chop it off as it causes them distress. ALOT get limbs amputated to try and find a solution.
Everyone would say that is a mental illness, and to me trans gender is the exact same thing.
No Malice meant by it. I hope they get the best help to deal with their situation.
I would hate to be in the same situation.
That doesnt make me transphobic. It doesn't mean I am scared of trans people, it doesnt mean I hate trans people.
With things like this SI swimsuit cover, its like they want a backlash against trans people. Its like they are trying to create conflict. Like I said, using trans people as a political wedge.
That's my thoughts anyway, for what it's worth.
Are you in a position to have more knowledge and insight into this complex subject than medical/psychological professionals and people who themselves elect to go through the evaluations and then (if I'm not mistaken) irreversible surgery?Unless a person is literally a hermaphrodite, undergoing sex change via surgery and/ or hormone therapy does not equate to being fixed. If a person is born chromosomally male or female with no sexual abnormalities, then they are the sex that they are supposed to be. Hence, if they believe that they are not the sex that they are supposed to be, then they are delusional and need psychological treatment.
Wrong. You're focussing on the loud minority. Most people who are atheist are functionally non-theist, which is to say they live their lives as if the concept doesn't exist. So unless it's brought up, they don't feel the need to talk about it. What you're referring to is anti-theism, but even then it's not specifically anti-Christian. I can see how anti-theism would be more common in a country like USA though, because when people escape some of the shit their parents do they can finally go to r/atheism and rant about it. That place is a shithole of anti-theism.That's off topic.
You're an atheist minority. Majority, and the "thought leaders" are just leftist anti-Christian progressive fuckers.
Valentina Sampaio was born in a fishing village in Aquiraz, Ceará, which is in Northeastern Brazil. Her mother is a schoolteacher and her father is a fisherman.[5]
At eight years of age, her psychologist identified her as transgender, but she did not start calling herself Valentina until she was 12.
in the abstract perhaps but in practice atheists have many beliefs. for instance that Climate Change will "kill us all" unless we do X Y and Z and give money to the same industries that have supposedly doomed humanity. millions will die and go hungry and violent weather will happen... unless we give them a LOT of money. then i guess they stop all hurricanes and famines from happening somehow.Atheism is a lack of belief not some creed against anything.
in the abstract perhaps but in practice atheists have many beliefs. for instance that Climate Change will "kill us all" unless we do X Y and Z. another belief is that humans are the same as animals, because Evolution, and there is nothing really special about people, and often this is used to justify valuing animal lives over lives of humans. another belief is that abortion is not murder, that the 250k+ lives terminated each year is "a necessity" so that people can go to college and have healthy bank accounts.
there are many beliefs embraced by modern popular atheism. i would throw in "trans women are real women" there as well. intersectional politics is an atheistic ideology.
Seconded. I don’t care enough to celebrate or condemn it. It’s there. It exists. Ok.
Well, if THIS is trans now, things are getting VERY complicated... (aka thread needs more pics)
My problem is, when it starts disenfranchising real women, that is what upsets me. At that point I can no longer in good conscience tolerate the fiction that a man is a woman, when they are taking a job (ie access to power) away from them. this is what keeps rubbing me the wrong way w this stuff. Halle Berry stepped down so a man could play the role instead, that sounds like the opposite of progress to me.Seconded. I don’t care enough to celebrate or condemn it. It’s there. It exists. Ok.
I’ll stick to the original recipe . I don’t want any pain in my ass.
I looked it up and last year the cover model was just an Instagram influencer. So it seems like they are just chasing internet trends.
It’s like this is what happens when you let the internet dictate everything.
I don't mean to offend anyone, but a woman is more than a soft voice, plump lips, breasts, and a fatty buttocks. A woman is a human whose pair of sex chromosomes are comprised of two X chromosomes and who subsequently has ovaries, a uterus, and the ability to become pregnant.
No matter how much surgery and hormone therapy that a man undergoes in order to attain the superficial characteristics of a woman, his pair of sex chromosomes will always be comprised of an X and a Y chromosome, he'll never have ovaries or a uterus, and he'll never be able to become pregnant.
There is no such thing as a transgender woman. There is only one type of woman: woman.
Why I should I keep logic and reasoning to my self?I would keep this radical outlook to yourself. I don’t know if you’ve ever dealt with an indignant gender studies professional but it’s not pretty at all.
Why I should I keep logic and reasoning to my self?
I knew that you were joking, but I wanted to make a point.Humor, look in to it. Indignant genders studies professional didn’t tip you off lol