Faith - Hope - Love
Sounds like you had a rough Trot.
Trans people have unfortunately been used as a political weapon. Wether it's the toilet debate, gender pronouns or hormone blockers being given to 6 year olds.
Most people I know wish the best for trans people. Hope they find what makes them happy, hope they live a productive life etc.
What they don't like is the way the left are forcing it down people's throats, well above what trans people themselves want even.
Men playing womens sports, forced pronouns, Twitter mobs trying to get you sacked from your job if you think there are only two sexs.
Most trans people just want to go along to get along. Being used as a political football isn't on their wish list.
I say it is a mental illness, not as an insult, but because it effects peoples mental health, and the mind does not match the body.
There are trans able people who think their arm doesnt belong to them. It feels alien. They want to chop it off as it causes them distress. ALOT get limbs amputated to try and find a solution.
Everyone would say that is a mental illness, and to me trans gender is the exact same thing.
No Malice meant by it. I hope they get the best help to deal with their situation.
I would hate to be in the same situation.
That doesnt make me transphobic. It doesn't mean I am scared of trans people, it doesnt mean I hate trans people.
With things like this SI swimsuit cover, its like they want a backlash against trans people. Its like they are trying to create conflict. Like I said, using trans people as a political wedge.
That's my thoughts anyway, for what it's worth.
I think most transgender/transsexual people (the ones with medically diagnosed gender dysphoria) are incredibly uncomfortable with all the demands much of the so-called "community" calls for these days. I know I sure am...and I think any post male puberty trans woman who enters female sporting events or anyone who gets angry when people don't want to date them are dealing with some serious narcissistic issues. You would think these people would understand how their entitled attitudes can and will anger people and backfire against their hopeful outcomes.
Then again, I believe these people have a weird case of narcissistic personality they have no care whatsoever about the effects their words or actions have on the lives of others.
Does your 2D:4D ratio show signs of this? Mine's quite high and I've always been a bit different in unwanted ways.![]()
Y'know...I'm not sure! I need to look into that more. My ring finger and index finger are the same length, so I'm not sure what that means.

The only way you could say someone is definitely male/female despite what their body is, is if you believe people have a soul and that their soul is male/female. But a belief in souls opens up a whole can of worms that leads to religion in some capacity. And I don't think there's a lot of trans issue supports who are religious.
I'm sorry if anything I've said is offensive. I'm trying to share what it feels like coming from the other side.
Nothing offensive at all! I always appreciate the call for open discussion.
I'm definitely a person of Christian faith, and it's my faith in the love and grace of the Lord that helped me get through all the struggles I've faced in life.
I've often thought that my spirit is that of a woman. I even used to hold onto the idea that once this earthly body dies and I am given a glorified new spiritual body in Heaven...would my new body appear female? I have no idea if souls actually even have gender, but I like to think they might.
You taught me alot with your comment. I thought it was just a psychological thing when people chose to change genders. But you taught me that there's actual physical changes to the body that can cause a person to feel different about themselves. I'm really happy that you shared your experience with is since I personally don't have alot of experience with transgenders. Not because I don't want to socialize with them but because I really haven't seen any around where I live.
I always love reading about people's experiences because it helps me understand them better.
Again thank you for sharing.
Thank you so very much!! ❤
That's why I like NeoGAF so much. I'm so tired of all the anger and judgment in the world- People are far too quick to see people as enemies who must be destroyed. Shared discussion with open hearts and empathy are how we make the world a truly better place for everyone. ❤
"So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love." - 1 Corinthians 13:13
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