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Valve Officialy Announced Deadlock


Gold Member

"Deadlock is still in early development stages with lots of temporary art and experimental gameplay."​


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It feels like it would only take one person with common sense at Valve to pipe up and tell them this game will be dead on arrival. It's plain to see for anyone with a functioning set of eyes.

Edit: I feel it's only fair to admit to speaking out of my ass. The third-person view and art style led me to assume this would be a dumbed down mobile F2P shovelware shit-tier game for babies but there's an actual game here. With some polish to the UI this might genuinely be the next game I play with my friends. I'm still holding out for a first person mode but that will likely never happen.
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On one hand I respect the attempt, but come on man, listen to the community. No one wanted your version of Smite, lmao. The game is pretty cool from what I played, definitely more Smite like as it's more of a MOBA than a hero shooter. It's like people forgot their genres lmao.

So at least it's NOT just another hero shooter, but still... Such a weird path to take. But Valve does have "fuck you" money so whatever I guess, lol.
And not a fuck is given, Overwatch is one hero shooter too many, Concord is a dumpster fire, and this just looks…Meh…Wtf were they thinking? Who honestly thought THIS over Half Life 3 was a good idea 😩
I'm with you, but I'd rather they didn't make half life 3 if they don't know what they're doing with it, or they just half ass it.


Tag, you're it.
or half life 3, or L4d3. If they wanted to make another GaaS shooter so bad they could’ve made TF3.
For real, TF3 on Source 2 would be awesome. I just don't understand the need to do another hero shooter especially when TF2 continues to have a steady player base (60K right now and after the massive bots banning). Let's hope Valve ins't infected with "the virus" because I expect a lot more from them that just chasing trends :(


Do they even have any game developers working for them any more?
This looks like it was outsourced to Ramesh and Ranbir, two plucky independent developers from Santa Clara.
I agree, core gameplay might be solid enough but for fuck sake Valve another hero shooter to pile on top of all other hero shooters? Why not another fucking card game while you're at it?
Isn't this more like a third-person MOBA?

Not that there would be a lot of difference imo, but still.

There's a huge difference.

People thinking 'hero shooter', think of Overwatch. Deadlock is basically DotA in TPS form. It has all the traditional MOBA elements; multiple lanes, laning phase with last-hits and denying, item builds, boss, jungle/creeps, guardians/walkers (towers) and inhibitors.


I'm with you, but I'd rather they didn't make half life 3 if they don't know what they're doing with it, or they just half ass it.
Same, they probably wrote themselves into a corner with HL2, theres no way 3 can be as small scale really when the conflict has reached that ‘We gotta take the fight to the Combine’ moment.
Still Portal 3 or L4D3 should be no brainers, L4D in particular should borrow the horde dynamics from World War Z etc and just build on what already worked. Valve are such weird devs lol


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
There's a huge difference.

People thinking 'hero shooter', think of Overwatch. Deadlock is basically DotA in TPS form. It has all the traditional MOBA elements; multiple lanes, laning phase with last-hits and denying, item builds, boss, jungle/creeps, guardians/walkers (towers) and inhibitors.
In that case the comparisons with Overwatch, Concord and the likes are completely out of place. Thanks for the clarification man.


Tag, you're it.
Isn't this more like a third-person MOBA?

Not that there would be a lot of difference imo, but still.
I honestly don't know as I was thinking it was just a hero shooter but I could be wrong. As soon as I saw the gameplay I was like... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh wtf Valve?!

There's a huge difference.

People thinking 'hero shooter', think of Overwatch. Deadlock is basically DotA in TPS form. It has all the traditional MOBA elements; multiple lanes, laning phase with last-hits and denying, item builds, boss, jungle/creeps, guardians/walkers (towers) and inhibitors.
Ah my bad, I was wrong indeed. I still don't understand why this is happening and not TF3.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Considering it's still in early stages of development I wouldn't be judging the visuals yet.

I also think that it's kinda cool that they are letting people play it so soon, since the sooner they get user feedback the better. Imagine if Concord would have done that, maybe it could have ended up being a decent game.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I'm starting to wonder if I even like video games anymore. It's just more Gaas shlock all the fucking time. It never ends.


This game looks amazing. I was so sad when battleborn got shutdown and died, now valve has essentially resurrected the game. This will be my most anticipated game of 2025.

FYI: This is not a traditional hero shooter it’s a MOBA with TPS mechanics.
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Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
You probably don’t. I only see you rant in most threads, and you’d probably still be ranting if this was a single player game.

I mean, I mostly comment to laugh at Ubisoft/GaaS dumpster fires these days, so I can hardly be faulted for that. If this was single player, I'd probably just be ambivalent.


Where the fuck is Half Life 3.....
I mean, there has been some weird activity that a lot of miners have been seeing on the backend. A lot of people think it's pointing to that. But honestly, personally, I'd rather not get my hopes up about anything until we know for sure, lol.



Bryan Cranston Reaction GIF
not gonna like I'm not sure if any of the writers or gameplay designers from Valve's peak years 2004-2010 even work there anymore.

Obviously they still have good developers on DOTA2 + CS2 but those are very different games than something like Half-Life or Portal.
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