markot said:Does leaving a game running really help >_<?
Yes, just leaving a game running helps just as much as playing one of them right now.
markot said:Does leaving a game running really help >_<?
so maybe it's possible the stat tracking and shit is fucked up?gregor7777 said:Killing Flor has had 5000+ since noon and it's still at 3%
JaseC said:So, the red bar is based on hours played, isn't it? People leave their games idling for, say, 8 hours, quit them so Steam updates the hours played on your account and they're then considered calculations toward the countdown?
Datwheezy said:Yes. Although it hasnt been 100% guaranteed, thats what should logically be happening.
Edit:Both trackers are complete estimates, so neither of them are probably right. Plus we dont know what effect filling up one of the red bars will do yet.
BY2K said:The number of hours a game needs depends on how long/how well it sold.
The more sales and the longer the game was released, the more hours it needs. This is why Killing Floor is moving so slow.
shagg_187 said:OK, So I'm running the following in the background:
Bit.Trip Beat
Super Meat Boy
(Running more then one in background counts, right? right?!)
Phantom Limbs said:I've only managed to get 6 potatoes all day today. I haven't played half the games in the sack yet though. I have up on the AAAAA and the first Audiosurf one.
What are some really easy ones?
The_Technomancer said:What happens when WEOTW hits 100 determines weather I continue to care or not.
I'm hoping that the big ZERO at the top of the page switches to ONE and multiplies the speed of all the other bars.The_Technomancer said:What happens when WEOTW hits 100 determines weather I continue to care or not.
I am sure that refers to Chell. When the game goes live it will switch to one since Chell will be the test subject.epmode said:I'm hoping that the big ZERO at the top of the page switches to ONE and multiplies the speed of all the other bars.
Drkirby said:How do I get the Potato in The Ball? The Wiki list like 8 requirements to happen at the same time, any easy way to do it?
Original-Blue said:Ive been a lurker here for a while now, but I think this incentive to release early is really cool. I haven't really followed the whole alternative reality game thing but I just bought the potato pack (all ready had portal 2 pre installed).
Should be a good way to pass the time until the proper release... And hey; any amount of time that its early suits me fine and dandy.
EternalGamer said:Yeah, and many of the games are a great way to pass the weekend.
I recommend The Wonderful End of the World (which will only take a couple of hours to complete) and Amnesia highly.
I beat the former and am currently stuck in the later. I'm downloading "The Ball" and Toki Tori right now. Both look cool.
I wasn't so fond of the music games-- Kick It, Aaaaaaah, and Audio Surf--but there is so much other good stuff in this pack that it is totaly worth the money and time investment.
I think it is also pretty cool that Valve is using a big release like Portal 2 as an opportunity to highlight some indie games.
There's not even a "one.png" on the site, so it seems unlikely that it would change, unless they have a system to automatically upload new number images.Lostconfused said:I am sure that refers to Chell. When the game goes live it will switch to one since Chell will be the test subject.
Super Meat Boy is really fast if you've already gotten to World 4, but really long if you haven't. You can get there in like an hour or less if you know what you're doing.shagg_187 said:Let's say all of these games are in my backlog and I've yet to play them at all.
How long does if take to get potatoes for:
Bit.Trip Beat
Super Meat Boy
Well, I don't think they would have a numbers directory/path just for one number.Blizzard said:There's not even a "one.png" on the site, so it seems unlikely that it would change, unless they have a system to automatically upload new number images.
Bit.Trip.Beat is quick. Play on easy.shagg_187 said:Let's say all of these games are in my backlog and I've yet to play them at all.
How long does if take to get potatoes for:
Bit.Trip Beat
Super Meat Boy
You can get one in Amnesia in 30 seconds flat. Just create a profile named "Casbah" and input "troubled memories" as the password when prompted. The other requires you to pretty much 100% the DLC, which would take a while.shagg_187 said:Let's say all of these games are in my backlog and I've yet to play them at all.
How long does if take to get potatoes for:
Bit.Trip Beat
Super Meat Boy
Lostconfused said:I am sure that refers to Chell. When the game goes live it will switch to one since Chell will be the test subject.
shagg_187 said:Let's say all of these games are in my backlog and I've yet to play them at all.
How long does if take to get potatoes for:
Bit.Trip Beat
Super Meat Boy
I'm a moran, you're right. I was typing out the name instead of using the digit. So okay, at least greater than 0, and it would sorta make sense to count the number of complete games because they were referred to as "test chambers". Whether that posts the rate though...butter_stick said:If you check the url of that ZERO, you can change the filename from zero to one-nine. So it seems like it'll keep track of something. Maybe number of people playing Portal 2?
The big problem with this is that the rate is apparently determined by how many people own the game. So if a TON of people own Killing Floor, it can be at 5000 all day yet barely move. The 2400 people from end of the world seem like they'd barely make a dent in KF even if they coordinated.Good news from that is that hopefully all the CPUs playing that game will switch over to another game![]()