you know i do not mind at all that they are revealing a bunch of new riders and actually giving them a purpose. This is becoming my favorite season so far. i just feel bad for any completest who has to have every figure, because at the rate its going there will be 20+.
Magenta changed Gridon to Ornac to preserve the joke (Ryoji quickly gives Jonouchi a name that's just the Lock Seed backwards) and didn't want to do a TN or leave it in Japanese, although I personally feel since the Drive shouts "DONGURI ARMS!", people could've easily put 2 + 2 together. But, you know, I guess it's not the end of the world since otherwise the translation's good.
I didn't watch the episode yet, but do they translate DONGURI ARMS into Acorn Arms? If they do (which they must, because they translated Ichigo into Strawberry), then I don't see a problem, as it keeps the joke.
whats the joke??
Gridon - Donguri
Ornac - Acorn
His name is an anagram of the fruit/nut/seed he uses. From what I gathered.
I didn't watch the episode yet, but do they translate DONGURI ARMS into Acorn Arms? If they do (which they must, because they translated Ichigo into Strawberry), then I don't see a problem, as it keeps the joke.
Showed my wife the intro of Kamen Rider Bravo, how he got the belt and well...the general last 4 minutes of Gaim ep 6. We both have the same opinion...this is one of the best Riders ever![]()
After watching episode 6 of Gaim, I have to say I'm impressed with just how many interesting characters the show is managing to juggle so early on.
I have to say, I really didn't see Bravo coming.
Still not 100% sold on Gaim, though. I don't know, maybe Kamen Rider just isn't for me...
I don't think anyone likes the Baron douche save for the fangirls anyway.
I really hope fruits and nuts get back on him more.
What lock did grape steal btw
I don't think anyone likes the Baron douche save for the fangirls anyway.
I really hope fruits and nuts get back on him more.
What lock did grape steal btw
You mean Kaito? He just like to challenge strong dudes and have no respect for the weakers, I don't think he was douchey so far.
You mean Kaito? He just like to challenge strong dudes and have no respect for the weakers, I don't think he was douchey so far.
Kaito is like Kaiba, he's a cool rival...he even does the cool card tricks (but has a hand double doing it for him)
Also is robocop jap?
Suika LockseedI don't think anyone likes the Baron douche save for the fangirls anyway.
I really hope fruits and nuts get back on him more.
What lock did grape steal btw
No, but one of the designers of Robocop (Rob Bottin) was a fan of Gavan and designed him based on it. To complete the circle, the 8th Metal Hero, Jiban, was a tribute to Robocop.
Honestly I still feel Robocop remake won't have the depth the original one will have, rather it'll be just a mindless action movie of the 2010's.
I like Acorn and Pinecone switch personalities in and out of suit.
Yeah Hase is tough like a Kleenex and Jonouchi calls the shots as civilians.
I want to know how and or why they get money of inves games. On paper their kids dancing and battling. Is that how they support themselves?
Yes I recall the ep where Kouta brought home all that inves game money
So the RPG girl only going to visit the 4 main riders?
The only time he showed "signs" of being not-douche is when he hates cheaters and when he made that kid jump. Otherwise he's more of that "muh philosophy" guy.
You mean the guy who always loses, plays off his victories against weak players as something major, but still tries to act cool?![]()
Seems naming the belt "Warring Driver" in the sub is going to come back and bite them in the butt...
Scans show a new character named Ryouma Sengoku, spelt the unique way of the driver, who apparently created them.
He's played by some dude who was Aguri in GARO, if you recognize that.
Seems naming the belt "Warring Driver" in the sub is going to come back and bite them in the butt...
Scans show a new character named Ryouma Sengoku, spelt the unique way of the driver, who apparently created them.
He's played by some dude who was Aguri in GARO, if you recognize that.
So like here is why IMO the Ryouma Sengoku/Sengoku Driver thing is a complete nonissue. Note: implementation ideas liable to change.
Sengoku (戦国is a common enough word. Sagara uses it in episode 6, even. But this guy, and his driver, aren't 戦国, they're 戦極.
Which means if the show wants to associate these weird spellings of the name to each other, as opposed to 戦国, they have to do it in dialogue
By saying the driver is his brainchild, is named after him, or a big scene where both sets of kanji come up on screen where he can clarify
As I see it, we call the guy Ryouma Sengoku and if the show doesn't care to draw a connection, we don't need to either.
If it does, we can clarify that connection by tweaking dialogue, exactly as we did for Gog/Magog in Go-Busters.
@DeadPigmon Right, I know he's the brainchild behind the belts. But if the show points that out, we can tweak dialog to our favor.
@My2tiical Well I more mean if he says "The belt is named after me." we can do it as "The belt's name derives from my own." or such.
@My2tiical I think the meaning of the name, and how that pertains to the driver and its purpose is genuinely important
@My2tiical To the extent I don't think "Sengoku Driver" is the right choice even if it is named after him, awful as that may sound
Honestly I don't get that much of the sub drama.
I'd wager it's bet money. People watching bet on who's going to win and the winner gets a cut.
People on the internet went crazy with the Gridon/Ornac thing, and I thought it was a nice way of handling it, so I don't know either...
The way I see it, they should do whatever you want to do so you can easily understand the text and make whatever weird connection you needed to do to make the concept fly (be it naming people differently or changing up Nossan's jokes so they make sense) and, if need be, put an explanation somewhere on a blog and, whoever wants to, can go read it.
I really wish they would document on why they made the choices they made on a central "let's talk about translation" place so I could easily go read it as opposed to piecing information together from 3 twitter accounts and the occasional "let's make fun of T-N" blog post. I always thought it was an interesting subject.
I'd wager it's bet money. People watching bet on who's going to win and the winner gets a cut.
I kind of assumed they sold the lock seeds they won. It's clear that the loser of the game gives their seeds to the winner, and it's also pretty clear that those seeds are worth a fair bit of cash. I don't know, show's never really brought it up aside from Kouta bringing home the cash.
I finished the last couple of W episodes yesterday and the epilogue movies today, so I'm pretty sure I'm done with the series now. It was a damn good show, overall.
Movie Wars Megamax has a W section that takes place after the end of the series/the epilogue movies. And the previous Movie Wars before that has a section that serves as a "prologue" to W, focusing on Skull.
Of course you may have already watched these, since I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to when you say "epilogue movies" (you could be referring to W Returns Accel/Eternal, or the things I just mentioned).
I saw Movie War Core, but I haven't looked into Megamax yet.