Which are more dangerous for humans? The Faiz belts or Dark Kiva belt?
Which are more dangerous for humans? The Faiz belts or Dark Kiva belt?
Normal people can't use any of the Faiz belts. The former school students could use it because they had Orphenoc cells implanted in them - but most of them didn't grow enough to sustain the belt, and that's why they died afterwards while using Kaixa. A completely random normal person attempting to use any of the belts would just get an error message.
I've been testing some different settings for bigger gifs and this sounded like an excellent opportunity.
I just watched the first episode of Faiz and I didn't remember anything that they lay out in it. I'm glad the Blurays are coming next year. I hope somebody re-releases it in non-terrible quality, because I don't want to watch the TV-N releases again.
By the way, they were such dicks with the Faiz trailer. They totally led you on by making you think she was going to be the rider: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3L_oXGBJU8
That wasn't the case, and we still want a female lead rider to this day... Let's hope Gaim delivers (it won't)
its too late for gaim. gaim is its lead rider.
Of course. I'm talking about Gaim making a female rider that's worth a damn, not just re-used costumes in a TV movie special.
Well from the set pics Cherry and Peach will be evil and on the side of Zombie Melon.
villian female. GREAT. the one time we get a true female rider and its a villian. im sure at the end everyone will be good and get along.
Pause is Melon really a zombie? Did I miss something?
Sois part of "shady totally not evil" company eh? so awkward hearing him talk seriously.DJ guy
Also this is a great gif. The most fitting "look out we got a badass over here" image
Sois part of "shady totally not evil" company eh? so awkward hearing him talk seriously.DJ guy
Loved Gaim. i hope they keep expanding the number of outfits. Yea i think the provider guy is something shady. im starting to think that the host, the provider, and the professor are the evil 3. KR usually has a top 3 villain.
You know what sucks about Kyoryuger? That it's almost over.
You know what sucks about Kyoryuger? That it's almost over.
Two great episodes this week.
Also, anyone noticed that there hasn't been a new MotW costume in Kyoryuger for ages?
wasnt this for the crossover movie where a bunch of riders show up?? also you guys thin the standalone movie will show ALL gaim riders?
Also, Kyoryuger hasn't been able to climb out of the ratings hole Go-Busters left behind, still stuck in the 4.0% range.
Not sure what Toei/TV Asahi can do to turn the ratings around, but at least the show is safe with Bandai's toy money.
Which are more dangerous for humans? The Faiz belts or Dark Kiva belt?
I don't think the kids even liked Go-Onger.
So no.
Ratings-wise? Gaim is doing rather badly. Toy sales-wise, which is the thing that actually matters? Better than any Kamen Rider in the past several years.
Go-onger had high ratings iirc
Is that really Zangetsu's upgrade though? Every marketing material has called Shin Zangetsu a new Rider. It could be a Dark Zangetsu-like character rather than a replacement for his belt.Prediction: Bravo will turn back to fight Yggdrasil and gets killed with Zangetsu's upgrade.
I'm curious about the toy sales. Wizard's sales dropped waaay below Fourze's, though still twice what Go Buster did, even if the ratings were slighty better.Ratings-wise? Gaim is doing rather badly. Toy sales-wise, which is the thing that actually matters? Better than any Kamen Rider in the past several years.
Ratings-wise? Gaim is doing rather badly. Toy sales-wise, which is the thing that actually matters? Better than any Kamen Rider in the past several years.
Huh? There are numbers for Gaim's ratings (and toy sales?)? The usual source for tokusatsu ratings (the japanese tokusatsu ratings wiki) still doesn't seem to have numbers for Gaim. Do you know somewhere else?
You need to look at things in context. Go-onger's ratings were higher than the ratings of the current shows, but it actually lost quite a bit of the children's audience coming from Gekiranger (and Shinkenger right after it also was more popular with children). So, Go-onger didn't seem to be well received by children (even if it wasn't a disaster like Go-Busters).
Is that really Zangetsu's upgrade though? Every marketing material has called Shin Zangetsu a new Rider. It could be a Dark Zangetsu-like character rather than a replacement for his belt.
Huh, so Go-onger wasn't a spike though? Still TOYS.
Sad that we won't get GB's lack of toy shilling. That's a rarity and only seen in Sentai pre-Gao (though Hurricanger and Dekaranger are an exception I guess).
But I think it's safe to say that was only because Decade was the first Anniversary show and Shinkenger and W happened to air next to it.