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Vamola! TokuGAF 2013 | 20 Years of Teenagers with Attitude


Kyoryuuger #4 was great. The team is finally together. The battery charged powers are an interesting concept though. I wonder how that will translate to the US adaptation with the morphing grid and what not.

Hmmmm....Power Rangers.



best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
What are some under represented animals in toku? Even with B Fighter I think insects don't get enough play. And on the dino front, fucking plesiosaurs.

kamen rider bro. their flagship isa bug and they had a whole season dedicated to them

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I always thought a Super Sentai where they shrink, instead of grow, would be a cool way to introduce bug-based mechas.

Like...a Doctor-themed Series, with them fighting the Monster of the Week inside a body that they invaded. They could have Morphers which are Bugs but also double as the Mechas, them shrinking and traveling through bodies.

Also, given all the cool powers they have like multiple arms and camouflage, an Octopus-based Toku Hero would rock. Maybe when we get to the Kamen Rider that's themed around "8".


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Motif is not actual bug powers. They should do a season with riders with bug powers. Kabuto doesn't count.

Then your best bet is super sentai. I don't think any kamen rider used actual animals as a motif.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
just fucking with you. Real talk Sagunzo was the best combo. I want that theme played at my funeral.

I must be losing my mind because I could have sworn I posted something

But that sagouzo beat is hard.


Axel Hertz
Back when I was younger, Tokusatsu were a great source of TV audience down here in Brazil. We had a bunch of 80's Metal Heroes and Sentais (and we even got, arguably, the best Kamen Riders: Black and Black RX) that would be broadcasted (dubbed) on the TV and I watched most of them.

One that I've never watched back then was Tokkei Winspector. I think it came on a couple years later and I wasn't watching much TV anymore, or maybe it was the time it was being broadcasted - I don't really remember.

Starting around 3 years ago, those Tokusatsu series started to be released on DVD, with both their early 90's Brazilian Dubs and Original audio with subtitles, and I purchased a couple of the series I liked back then. Winspector also came out, but as I said, I didn't really watch it then, so I didn't bother.

For a while now, I've been wanting to watch a Tokusatsu. Because of that, and of this thread, I recently started watching Kouryuger. But that's only one episode a week, and I gotta scratch that Toku itch, so I decided to watch some Winspector and try to figure out why I never watched it as a kid.

Winspector is a metal hero about a special police section (their badge says Special Rescue Polie Winspector) that's only called on special cases. Ryōma is the only human member of the team, and when necessary he dons the Fire armor suit. The other two members of the Attack Force, Biker and Rider, are humanoid robots that have special abilities. Biker, made based on a Bike, has super strength and a couple swords made out of bike handles. Rider, on the other hand, has the ability to fly.

I'm 5 episodes in and goddamn, this is bad. I'm not even talking about the campyness of some of these series. Juspion (called Jaspion here), for instance, had really dumb episodes based on the fact that the protagonist was not from planet earth, so he wouldn't understand basic things like paying for food.

Winspector, while it still has some campy stuff, mostly regarding this other undercover Winspector detective little brother, doesn't really take advantage of the robots, which have decent personalities.

On the actual story bits, the show doesn't seem to have a proper direction yet: they've been all so far regular villains being a villain in the city. That's ok, but not when the stories are as absurd as they are. Here's one of the episodes central plot, for example:

A 43 year old that had a love for Remote Controlled toys. Because of "technology", all the parks in which he used to play are being converted to buildings, so he gets pissed at that fact and start rigging his toys with explosives and trying to blow up those buildings. He's not that successful, but he manages to do some damage.

The first thing he does after that? He calls the Police Chief of the Winspector group to brag about it and explain his plain. The main computer identifies and tracks him, and there we go capture him.

Sure, I'm only 5 episodes in, but there doesn't seem to be any overarching story or any explanation for anything. All the other Tokusatsu I watched at the time managed to lay down a plot on the first episode, while this, so far, is just random criminals doing random stupid things. I don't know if they were trying something else or they just didn't have a course set from the start.

I'll keep watching it, as the show has a lot of neat ideas and some characters have great personalities, but they haven't been fully explored so far. For instance, the robots, which have great character, don't usually show up until the "fight" part of the episode. And the main dude can only be inside his armor for around 5 minutes, or it starts to over heat (but I think that gets fixed later in the series).

The armor/robot designs are really cool and I also love the Intro song. But that may just be nostalgia speaking. The storytelling is so bad though...

Fake Edit: I don't really know why I'm writing all of this. I'm sure there are Brazilians in here who saw Winspector back then. Does it get better?

Real Edit: I guess Winspector was the first of the new "Rescue Police Series" metal hero series, after the "Space Sheriffs" I was used to watch. Maybe that's why it's so different from what I was used to.


So I just started watching The Hero Yoshihiko and the Demon King's Castle yesterday, and it's great! A perfect parody of Dragon Quest and its derivatives. The "going into someone's house, breaking their stuff and stealing their valuables while they watch" joke is executed with aplomb.


So I just started watching The Hero Yoshihiko and the Demon King's Castle yesterday, and it's great! A perfect parody of Dragon Quest and its derivatives. The "going into someone's house, breaking their stuff and stealing their valuables while they watch" joke is executed with aplomb.

Yes, it's amazing. Now watch everything in one sitting.


I don't know if The Hero Yoshihiko and the Key of Evil Spirits reusing jokes from the first season is the worst thing ever or the best thing ever.


Sooooooooo guess what two Driver belts just got adult high end models announced for them? I'll give you a hint...one of the best Heisei series ever made.

Belt 1

Belt 2

Kamen Rider W series pro versions of Accel's drive and the Lost Drive Skull and NEVER used!

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Oh, man, that second belt look tight!

About 10 episodes into Kabuto, and I LOVE the pacing of this show...the biggest problem with Fourze, my first Kamen Rider, was it seemed obsessed with stretching every Monster of the Week plot to two-episodes when many of them could've been quickly resolved. But with Kabuto, it seems like everything going at a much faster pace, probably since there's not really a set "monster of the week" formula going on.

Also, TheBee was a pretty tight suit, can't wait to see the other ones. It's kind of weird though, coming off shows like Fourze and OOOs where they had tons of different powers, watching Kabuto where all Tendou has is basically super-speed and a kick.
On Ben 10 today they had an invasion of Toku'stars.

The bit where the side characters swooped in with that space cruiser of theirs to blast those giants was just like an Ultra show. The earlier fight with the giant elephant at the harbor was an interesting scene as well. Whoever the showrunner is for this season, they've been nailing these homages.


The bit where the side characters swooped in with that space cruiser of theirs to blast those giants was just like an Ultra show. The earlier fight with the giant elephant at the harbor was an interesting scene as well. Whoever the showrunner is for this season, they've been nailing these homages.

This season has been crazy with shout outs. Aziz Asaira as an evil Richie Rich? yes please.


AkibaBlue was excellent; hopefully New AkibaBlue is half as good.

So how was today's episode of Megaforce? I couldn't watch due to traveling.

It was ok. It was a big episode plot-wise for the season (major villain defeated), and the way the framed it all as an anti-bullying episode was kinda cute; but Red Ranger is still a robot.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Mega Red is a terrible. terrible actor he really lowereed the bar.

seriously. i thought samurais red was bad, but jesus this dude just exists. hes fucking worse than carter and thats a damn statement.

other than that, is megaforce moving too fast? the clusterfuck zord has already been activated?

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
The fight between Fourze and Meteor vs. the 12 Horoscopes in the Kamen Rider Fourze Movie was probably the coolest thing I've seen yet. 0.o


OT just put up the new episode of Kyoryuger! It's go time!


This episode would've been pretty good if it weren't for Ramires. His Japanese was just painful to listen to. Then that
Come back, Ankydon!
made me want to close the video.


KyoryuCyan's acting is Megaforce Red's levels of bad.


Also, who is going to transform into Cyan next episode? Ramirez looks a bit too heavy to be in the Cyan suit from next week, is it going to be Amy?
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