A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
I think SHTZ will be better.
Gold's sword looks silly when putting batteries in.
I like how he does a Japanese style dance instead of a Samba, and how his actor doesn't look like a male model. His theme song is great, too.
This Wizard's ep must be their sushi epsiode.
Gold's sword looks silly when putting batteries in.
I like how he does a Japanese style dance instead of a Samba, and how his actor doesn't look like a male model. His theme song is great, too.
I hope we get a proper Megaforce vs. Samurai teamup and not skip ahead to Gokaiger.
How old he was really shocked me.
I can't stand Gremlin. Instead of sounding mischievous and annoying like I think they intended to, the whole act fell flat and it just looks like the actor is uncomfortable with that act.
Oh man, just watched Kyoryu 9 & 10. What a pair of episodes.
Yeah, that makes two nearly-30 year old regulars on the team. When's the last time that happened?
Accel confirmed playable in Battride War! And he's got Booster Upgrade, too. I love how it keeps showing up in games despite only ever being in the show once (if you count the Accel movie as "the show").
Finally got my finger out and preordered. Birth next please, Bandai.
Accel confirmed playable in Battride War! And he's got Booster Upgrade, too. I love how it keeps showing up in games despite only ever being in the show once (if you count the Accel movie as "the show").
Will the game have all power ups and forms and whatnot?
It's looking that way so far.
If Gatack's playable, I hope they throw in Hyper Gatack from the Ultimate Battle DVD.
So I just watched the entire first season of Akibaranger. The show itself is fantastic, but the premise is so very, very awesome. Hopefully the second season can manage to keep the quality
Hopefully the second season can manage to keep the quality
And we got our Silver Ranger for Super Megaforce:
The actor's name is Cameron Jebo.
And we got our Silver Ranger for Super Megaforce:
The actor's name is Cameron Jebo.
I don't know why but I always feel like American versions are less... "fun".
I actually just started watching Dairanger alongside Kamen Rider Blade, since I wanted to break the Kamen Rider string a bit, because I saw a topic about Dairanger's monster designs and I thought they looked cool.
I LOVE the old-school (well, 90s) special effects, especially how they have characters fade in and disappear, it's a cool effect. And Dragon Star Lord is such a cool marionette.
Dairanger has so much flair like that it's amazing. The fights are also some of the best of the 90's...
Is it actually confirmed now? I know that there was a bit of talk about it and he had denied it.
Did anybody else's ep 3 of Akiba from OT not work? There's no sound or video, it's just a black screen.
Did anybody else's ep 3 of Akiba from OT not work? There's no sound or video, it's just a black screen.
Oh, and Eka Darville (RPM Red) was in the latest episode of The Vampire Diaries. He's playing a very minor role so that doesn't rule him out for an appearance in Super MegaForce. however, he did state that he wouldn't return for a full season...not sure if he wants to return for just an episode though.