Urban Scholar
Wished Gokaiger would have gone on for a bit longer. The Gokai change gimmick was great and the cast was great too
We got 50 eps of goodness nothing better to ask for
Wished Gokaiger would have gone on for a bit longer. The Gokai change gimmick was great and the cast was great too
Look, if Saban cant be arsed to get Government Handouts from his friends at the white house and the DNC then fuck it. How you think is able to even get his technical teams for the fucking reediting?
I mean that's the dems in a fucking nutshell. I mean look at fucking Young Turks. Gone to that pay wall in youtube.
I think Kyoryuger's finale might rank up there with Deka's and Gokai's.
Yeah, it really did feel like a final morph.Honestly, this last episode's morph felt like it belonged in the finale.
Everybody as given their hero moment in the camera, as if it was the last time we were going to see them. Kinda like the final Go-Busters morph (spoilers for those who haven't seen it).
I can only imagine how they top it for the finale. Maybe with explosions? Backflip? Alldoing it?10 rangers
Shows how outdated I am. I thought they were still on Go-Busters. Oh well, I'm having more fun watching the old stuff anyways. Wish Metalder would get fully translated.
Oh! Someone did do Metalder. I knew this toku hiatus would pay off.
You need to check out Kyoryuger, it's so much better than Go-Busters.
I would've preferred a Gokaiger The Movie (with Go-busters here and there) instead of what we got =/ That wholeI like Go-Busters, but with that said, I absolutely love Kyoryuger. I look forward to it every week.
Speaking of Go-Busters, 8 more episodes left until I'm finished. Go-Busters vs Gokaiger was alright, worth the watch, but not terribly spectacular. Goodness, did I miss those Gokagier suits, though.
I think there are some Metal Heroes in Super Hero Taisen Z. Didn't Gavan tank though?I'm kind of surprised they haven't tried to bring back Metal Heroes yet. It's just a matter of time. I was sure they would after Gavan.
I'm kind of surprised they haven't tried to bring back Metal Heroes yet. It's just a matter of time. I was sure they would after Gavan.
I'm kind of surprised they haven't tried to bring back Metal Heroes yet. It's just a matter of time. I was sure they would after Gavan.
Finally got to the Dairanger episodes referenced in Akiba.
Shit's great, most I've enjoyed Dairanger so far. Except maybe that baseball episode.
Sentai/Kamen Rider/Power Rangers was so much better when there was less CG.
All things are better with practical effects.
Kazu had zero screentime. Dude was the hairdresser and that's it. Kinda felt sorry for him. I was more angry with how they didn't really include Kou too much in the finale though. Whatever happened to his actor?
All things are better with practical effects.
There aren't any effects going on here
probably because he turned heel
Honestly, this last episode's morph felt like it belonged in the finale.
Everybody as given their hero moment in the camera, as if it was the last time we were going to see them. Kinda like the final Go-Busters morph (spoilers for those who haven't seen it).
I can only imagine how they top it for the finale. Maybe with explosions? Backflip? Alldoing it?10 rangers
Has anyone seen Liveman and is it any good
The triplets who played Trey of Triforia (Gold Zeo Ranger) also confirmed they didn't receive invites. I'm starting to think we're not going to get ANY tributes outside of the Legend War.
I don't understand.
This is Dairanger right?
Be honest dudes what will I not like and what will I fanboy gush over? Right now this gfis are badass.
David Yost rejected his invite.
Some people complain about the baseball episode, but they're no fun nazis. It's kind of Abaranger-esque where it constantly bounces between goofy and serious. Maybe not as goofy as Abaranger though.
Bad blood history with the team? Didn't they tease him about being gay?The Baseball episode is a classic. Besides, baseball episodes have been around since Goranger, and we had a whole team whose design was based on baseball players (Dynaman).
Dang. He went to the conventions, why wouldn't he go into the show? New Zealand too far away?
Bad blood history with the team? Didn't they tease him about being gay?
That was a while ago, he and the cast seemed to have reconcile since then. Here he is in the 2012 Power Morphicon.
This is Dairanger right?
Be honest dudes what will I not like and what will I fanboy gush over? Right now this gfis are badass.
I would wager him not going is probably due to more Saban cheapness.
Tommy looks way too into it.