Watch Da Birdie
I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
So, what you guys think?
So, what you guys think?
Man, that's pretty rad. I haven't really played around with designs much after making myself a Harlock outfit.
He's samurai theme, nice. Liking the bronze and the katana in his belt. Now, let's hope they nail the writing. Just based on the design, it looks like we might be in for a goofier rider again. Who know's, though? We've gotten some serious riders with goofy designs.
It seems to match the rumor about him using swords based on past Riders, as it mentioned the top-knot which you can see slightly on the helmet, and to the left looks to be a white sword (Fourze) and there's that green piece which might be part of the CycloneJoker sword.
Narutaki is Gaimu
He looks remarkably un-toy like, at least from the back. Ever since OOO, the Riders started to look like action figures; but this one looks just like a legit Samurai. Are we sure it's him?
This. I like his looks, but are we sure this aren't one of those local Japan heroes? I know there are several of them.
Things that I'm certain of.
>OP image is Gaimu
>The face is similar to Faiz
>There's a clear samurai motif, Date Masamune especially. See OP image, you can vaguely see the famous Date crescent style helmet.
>Jumpei Shiokawa is working on the show, just some random assistant director. See >>9278716
>Takebe is the producer
>Starts October
>Gaimu uses fruits
>Belt has a short sword
Things that I'm not sure about.
>Eyes were red, possibly change with his different forms. I only saw the face for a short second, all I could think of was Date Masamune at first.
>One of the main cast is born 1996.
>Forms were called XX之系 (XX no kei)? 之 is like の but archaic. Kei is basically style. XX Style.
Don't quote me on the last part, I've been so busy lately. If you know anything about Japanese work ethic, it's fucking insane. I've been mixing up things lately.
I'm 100% certain there are fruits. I remember some co-worker saying バナナ (banana) as a pun on バカな (silly) when we first heard of the fruits. We don't really work with Kamen Rider, but things spread around in the building.
Preach!OO was great, haters be damn.
This is a summary of what the 4ch dude said...
The previous rumor mentioned a "touch screen belt", so maybe it really was inspired by Fruit Ninja if true. :0
The fight scenes for the Kalish seasons are actually pretty good when muted; you take out the Kalisplosions and it's full Sakamoto hotness.
Here's Magishine's first battle with the fight scenes replaced with the Sakamoto footage from Mystic Force.
I can deal with wirefu, and explosions. But it is the slomo and exstended "Argggh!!!"s that get me.
Yep. It makes the Kalish seasons (like OO) unwatchable for me. The obnoxious presentation and yelling characters outside of fight scenes also make my head hurt.
In the 4chan thread, there's a guy who seems pretty authentic...showed a timestamp of his Japanese passport, seems really knowledgeable, who's claiming the theme this year is "fruit", which has been brought up previously. Apparently it's punning off budou (martial arts and/or grapes).
I'm out.
There's also someone saying the theme is "healthy eating" and is a comedy series, but it doesn't seem to be the same guy.
I'm...I'm not sure how I'd feel about being taught in Kamen Rider.
Wow...that new female rider looks male as all get out in costume. Seriously, its so rare we get the opportunity to see a Rider designed to look female and they waste the chance this time around...sad. Especially given the suit designer of this show!
That adds even more notches to why Wizard has let me down. Best things in the show is the belt, Grendel and Phoenix. Needs more Shabadoobie...needs less everyone else. God I wish this series had a protagonist as interesting as Hino Eiji or Shotaro to carry it.
Cmon me.
The video says it was posted on the 27th, and I even checked back a couple pages to see if it was mentioned since then, which it wasn't, but now I see there are a few youtube links that go to private videos -- so it was uploaded by someone or some group before but taken down? Who the hell does that?
Whatever, I'll just stay out of the thread then.
kamen rider wizard fourze ultimatum movie
lol. They really did make haruto ridiculously OP. Some really nice fight choreography all around. suited and unsuited.
Someone finally subbed it?
No TVN did.
You know... thinking back, Infinity is like the first ring haruto got that wasn't created specifically by white wizard. Wonder if that's gonna be key to stopping his plan.
The movie doesn't have that much dialouge really so TV-N didn't bother me, it's pretty much filled with long fight-scenes.
The un-suit fights were cool, but why would the Riders not transform right away? Like they spend 10 minutes fighting the baddies unsuited until reinforcement shows up to help them.