Also, Alpha was on Futurama:
I just saw the articles about Bryan Cranston doing voice work for Power Rangers in the past. That's awesome.
This.Gokaiger is Decade done right.
I do remember DekaBright, but damn, I totally forgot about the existence of DekaGold..
It's ok. DekaGold was only there for less than a second before she got blasted out of her suit.
was dekagold even in SPD?
Nope, only Dekaranger suit that wasn't used. Instead there was an SPD Orange in a dream sequence.
That beats everything.EXPLOSION, NOW.
so badass.
Jaden: Koji Yusa (Urataros from Kamen Rider Den-O)
Mia: Sachiko Kojima (Suzie Q from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Mike: Wataru Hatano (Gajeel from Fairy Tail)
Kevin: Tsuguo Mogami (Spike Bourne from Beyblade: Shogun Steel)
Emily: Ayaka Shimoyamada (Additional voices in Space Brothers)
Jin: Yoji Ueda (Speedwagon from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
That beats everything.
Wonder if it has any effect on Infinity.
Hurricanger movie is available without subs. The kung-fu kid from Go-Busters is back, kicks butt; but otherwise, I thought it was a bland movie. Seemed dull and low-budget.
Also, Power Rangers Samurai is being dubbed in Japanese. #why
Satoshi Matsuda (Ren Akiyama/Kamen Rider Knight in Ryuki) as Len/Kamen Rider Wing Knight.
Yuria Haga (Mari Sonoda in 555 and Mio Suzuki in Kiva) as Maya Young.
Kōji Yusa (Urataros in Den-O) as Drew Lansing/Kamen Rider Torque.
Tomokazu Sugita (Kivat-bat the 3rd in Kiva) as JTC/Kamen Rider Strike.
Kenji Matsuda (Kamen Rider Zanki in Hibiki and Jiro/Garulu in Kiva) as Grant Staley/Kamen Rider Camo.
Shouma Yamamoto (Takato Shiramine/Kamen Rider Rey in Kiva: King of the Castle in the Demon World and Taiga Nobori/Kamen Rider Saga in Kiva) as Brad Barrett/Kamen Rider Thrust.
Ryouta Murai (Yuusuke Onodera/Kamen Rider Kuuga in Decade) as Albert Cho/Kamen Rider Spear.
Miyuki Sawashiro (Kiva-la in Decade) as Kase/Kamen Rider Siren.
Hōchū Ōtsuka (Deneb in Den-O) as Xaviax
Tsuyoshi Koyama (Kamen Rider Odin / the Visor Voice in Ryuki) as Eubulon.
Why is Japan ignoring RPM
There hasn't been a rpm dub? Have all the others before it been dubbed?
watching old shows, they don't really do much damage to megazords during battle anymore these days.
Like battle 'wounds' when getting hit.
Though the last Sentai that really showed awesome mecha damage was Go Busters.
This weeks wizard is![]()
Wizard 47
Well that sure escalated quickly.
This weeks wizard is![]()
Wizard 47
Well that sure escalated quickly.
It was totally as everyone guessed, but the way they handled it made it pretty exciting. Why wasn't Wizard this awesome during the Myna Bird and earlier arcs? Gosh. :\
Here I am thinking Taizen was last year and it came out in April.
Does Gentarou meet Daigo?
Does Gentarou meet Daigo?
sooo i guess we now know whats the most op final form around lol.
Only way to beat infinity is by stealin.
Wonder why no one has done that before. But Wizard will just cry and "say I am their hope" and another ring will appear,
pretty much... some ridiculous level of OP plot armor since kabuto when he just raised his hand and hyper flew through fucking time/space to him lol.
Yeah but Kabuto was awesome.
true. Well, while i'm not too hot on the show, i still find Wizard to be one of the better heisei riders in terms of fighting style and forms and abilities.
Oh yeah fighting is the least of Wizard's problems. His supporting cast is dead weight. Especially coming off Fourze.
idk, fourze support cast is moooostly dead weight. Just more interesting characters lol.