Brawly Likes to Brawl

Gaim at a baseball game:
You get to hear the OP theme a bit clearly here, sounds nice!
Sengoku Movie Wars trailer (bad quality):
HD trailer:
Gaim Ep1 Trailer:
Gaim at a baseball game:
You get to hear the OP theme a bit clearly here, sounds nice!
Gaim at a baseball game:
You get to hear the OP theme a bit clearly here, sounds nice!
leaked tokkyuger toy
Seems Gaim's catchphrase according to a little promo poster is:
Ore? Orange?
"Me? Orange!"
I wonder how O-T will translate that pun?
I'm pretty sure I heard Gaim say that in the Crossover. I also noticed that he didn't know what a Kamen Rider was till Wizard told him, so it looks like the term might not be used in-series.
Seems Gaim's catchphrase according to a little promo poster is:
Ore? Orange?
"Me? Orange!"
I wonder how O-T will translate that pun?
I'm pretty sure I heard Gaim say that in the Crossover. I also noticed that he didn't know what a Kamen Rider was till Wizard told him, so it looks like the term might not be used in-series.
Gaim at a baseball game:
You get to hear the OP theme a bit clearly here, sounds nice!
Also, apparently Kota spends the first episode of Gaim practicing his poses and such when he first gets the Lock-Seed.
I guess that's the context of the picture on the official site showing him trying to hide behind a door from his sister.
Timeranger 15 is a classic. You guys should watch it.
OT got up to 15 already?
Man, the Faiz cast sure looks different these days.
Man, the Faiz cast sure looks different these days.
Seems Gaim's catchphrase according to a little promo poster is:
Ore? Orange?
"Me? Orange!"
I wonder how O-T will translate that pun?
kusaka still looks the same. that train stops for no man
1st half of Megaforce is now on Netflix, and Saban, Bandai and Nick just announced that their partnership has been extended until 2016. So expect Go-Busters and Kyoryuger to premiere on Nick and not Vortexx (meaning those hoping for the end of the 20 episode seasons will be at a loss). But hey, Nick actually has viewers, and PR ratings are as high as they've been in a LONG time, so it was a logical decision
1st half of Megaforce is now on Netflix, and Saban, Bandai and Nick just announced that their partnership has been extended until 2016. So expect Go-Busters and Kyoryuger to premiere on Nick and not Vortexx (meaning those hoping for the end of the 20 episode seasons will be at a loss). But hey, Nick actually has viewers, and PR ratings are as high as they've been in a LONG time, so it was a logical decision.
Also, here's some Toku pre-production concept art of Kabuto, Kabuto again, and Den-O. And here's the pre-production suits for Dynaman back when they were still a Baseball Sentai:
and the original concept art for Battle Fever J:
Why didn't we get these?
Here's a book with pre-production concept art for all the Sentai robots.
Honestly, I wouldn't even mind shorter seasons if they just went whole hog at it. None of the <season>/Super <season> split seasons like Samurai and Megaforce, just one self-contained arc a year. Really pare it down, cherry pick the best of the Sentai footage to suit the show and make as focused a season as you can.
That'd work better with an extra five or so episodes a year, though.
So no one is going to comment on Nossan sleeping with his sister, or his sister's brave waking King up?
That stupid Wizard crossover was so bad and I feel bad for watching it.
That's Mihara, the guy who used the Delta belt the most.Who is the last dude in the first row?
Is that Sawada or...the guy who became Delta.
Huh, I don't know if that's photoshopped or not. (haven't seen that episode yet)That stupid Wizard crossover was so bad and I feel bad for watching it.
Them sleeping on the floor doesn't seem weird to me, since it's established they are in hard times. The blue glow from his sister did raise my eyebrows, but didn't think much about it afterwards.
The Shinkenger-style roll call got my attention more.
BTW is there any chance of more Kamen Rider games being announced before X-mas? I was really hoping to shoot for an import this holiday out of the usual batch of X-mas cash I receive.
Even if there are, there's no chance they are going to be released this X-mas. The toys should be good for x-mas purchases!