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Vamola! TokuGAF 2013 | 20 Years of Teenagers with Attitude


Usually I'll wait for higher quality GIF, but for this...



Loved it.


Clearest version of the actual Megaforce theme (not the one during the opening credits)

People that watched megaforce, did it have any PR unique forms or battlerizer?


Super Megaforce doesn't seem to have them either, unless you count
the Goseiger suits transforming into the Gokaiger suits transforming into past suits

The toys show off new Megazords, but since they are Megazords, the chances of them being on the show is 0.0001%.


Also, just as Akibaranger said, everyone's ripped:



Axel Hertz
I though Bragigas was a bit too much, but Giganto Kyoryuzin?


Edit: Well, at least Bragigas, Giganto Kyoryuzin and Plezuon, even though they're big and massive, are pretty mobile and can actually fight.

Flashman's Gran Titan (I guess he was called Great Titan originally), which is my only other clusterfuck-gattai parameter, however, would just sit straight up and fire a laser beam:


For size comparisons: The small, red "Zord" (what do we call them for non-power ranger series?) is inside the big white square behind him.

I can't even count how many Kyoryuzin we could have fighting at once. I wonder if they'll do something insane in the movie. And I hella miss Caped Pteraiden-Oh


Great breasts out for no good reason. But if I were stuck on a ship for months there are worse company.

For a show aimed at adults vs a show designed to sell toys to kids, Gouraigan is pretty juvenile compared to this week's Gaim. The scene where Kouta's sister rejects his money remains my favorite.
has no one ever taken any film classes over there? You can't have boobs hanging out the whole time if you want anyone to pay attention to the plot or action or w/e, because people will be distracted.


Aesir also translated the current standings:


I was surprised when there was a Red Hot team in Episode 2, because it showed there was more to it than just the main few. Maybe they will become important later in the story.


So... this week's Kyoryuger definitely seems to support
Torin being KyoryuSilver
. Also, Gaim... not quite sure what to think yet about it. I'll give it until episode 10, probably.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
For a show aimed at adults vs a show designed to sell toys to kids, Gouraigan is pretty juvenile compared to this week's Gaim. The scene where Kouta's sister rejects his money remains my favorite.

A lot of people I saw seemed very upset with what the sister said, personally I got the gist of what she said and agreed with her to an extent. Kouta's essentially cock-fighting and putting himself in potential danger for money.
A lot of people I saw seemed very upset with what the sister said, personally I got the gist of what she said and agreed with her to an extent. Kouta's essentially cock-fighting and putting himself in potential danger for money.

The problem is that she didn't phrase it that way. She seemed more more pissed that he had a job entertaining people than about the possibility of danger. Plus, Kouta used to work at a construction site, so its not like he wasn't in a dangerous position before. That scene would've worked a lot better if she questioned the stability of the work, rather than how Inves battles benefited people.
A lot of people I saw seemed very upset with what the sister said, personally I got the gist of what she said and agreed with her to an extent. Kouta's essentially cock-fighting and putting himself in potential danger for money.

Yeah, but the problem I had with what she said is that he's doing what he loves and makes him happy. She had to have noticed he was down in the dumps lately, so she should be happy for him...and if he's good at what he does and can support himself with it, she should be supportive I thought.


A lot of people I saw seemed very upset with what the sister said, personally I got the gist of what she said and agreed with her to an extent. Kouta's essentially cock-fighting and putting himself in potential danger for money.

The problem is that she didn't phrase it that way. She seemed more more pissed that he had a job entertaining people than about the possibility of danger. Plus, Kouta used to work at a construction site, so its not like he wasn't in a dangerous position before. That scene would've worked a lot better if she questioned the stability of the work, rather than how Inves battles benefited people.

Yeah, but the problem I had with what she said is that he's doing what he loves and makes him happy. She had to have noticed he was down in the dumps lately, so she should be happy for him...and if he's good at what he does and can support himself with it, she should be supportive I thought.

This is great power and great responsibility stuff. She sees him as being able to do great things. That money was quick and dirty like when Spidey fought Bonesaw.
The problem is that she didn't phrase it that way. She seemed more more pissed that he had a job entertaining people than about the possibility of danger. Plus, Kouta used to work at a construction site, so its not like he wasn't in a dangerous position before. That scene would've worked a lot better if she questioned the stability of the work, rather than how Inves battles benefited people.
The way she phrased it is very Japanese. Basically, your job should benefit the greater community and not just yourself. Also, the Inves battle stuff is probably looked at as gambling, and she'd frown upon that.

I bet she works for Yggdrasil though.


Not the main heroine, but Navi side character. she is played by a former porn actress.

So wait...if someone watches a stream of this show in America they get hit with underage nudity then? If so thats really bad and dangerous for someone just trying to watch some toku online.


So wait...if someone watches a stream of this show in America they get hit with underage nudity then? If so thats really bad and dangerous for someone just trying to watch some toku online.

No one underage is naked in the show. This is the naked character. Born in 1985



Gaim is uhhh

I'll give it a few more episodes though.

Grape dude still has the best costume.

No way, Baron is where it's at.

It's like Ryuki with more yellow.

Also, the dynamic between Baron and Gaim reminds me of Ryuki and Wingknight. Except it makes slightly more sense (for now).
I think all the suits in Gaim that we've seen thus far have been pretty great. The only one I'm kinda iffy about is those whack shoulder things on Gaim's Pine Arms.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Good ep, but I'm disappointed that the banana henshin isn't peeling like a banana.

Speaking of which, is Sid like Narutaki or is he like the Birthday CEO guy?
Foundation X still exists im sure. Could be just another bid for power by then.

Speaking of, how did they factor into Wizard while I'm thinking about it? I didn't see as much of a hint anywhere at this point and wondering how would they anyhow.

The Magic Rings was another rejected proposal made by Fueki long ago is all I can come up with.

Good ep, but I'm disappointed that the banana henshin isn't peeling like a banana.

Speaking of which, is Sid like Narutaki or is he like the Birthday CEO guy?

He seems to come off as a bit off like a combination of the two. Sid knows way too much more about stuff even given we're 3 episodes in and doesn't mind lending a helping hand when it benefits him. He'll be someone to watch out for while the story evolves and will become a big bad in the last 10 episodes somehow.


I don't think Foundation X ever factored into Wizard. And with the 15th Heisei coming up, I think they are going to start loosening up on the W-verse and just do Decade-style crossovers, at least for the duration of Gaim.


So... um.... Zyuranger is freaking weird. And is Bandora one of the most petty villains ever? Nearing 10 episodes in, and the worst thing she's done is
try and keep the Zyurangers on the land of the legendary weapons 24 hours so they turn to stone
. Otherwise, picking on kids and stealing food? Not exactly high priority villain material.
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