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VANQUISH |OT| Bullet Ballet performed by the London Awesome orchestra


bish gets all the credit :)
I've finished the first two chapters. HOLY SHIT, game is amazing. Hopefully it keeps up. It's nice seeing actual bosses in my shooters.


Just finished the game today.

Suffice to say, this was one of the best games of the year for me (and by proxy, one of the best action games of this generation when considering that both Devil May Cry 4 and Ninja Gaiden 2 fumbled the ball). I never really got into the Gears of War chest-high-wall cover gameplay, but Vanquish really adds all the right things that makes this style pretty entertaining in my eyes. The game is short, true (game recorded about 4 and a half hours for my playtime, so including deaths, probably 5 hours total), but this is the ultimate "dick around" type of game. All the set-pieces are surprisingly entertaining and most of the bosses are quite fun to fight (
Most notably the rip-off T-1000 boss and both of the Bogey battles
). Hell, I was surprised that repeat bosses actually did new attacks and what-not, as I was kinda worried that Platinum would just phone it in like DMC4's repeat bosses.

But overall, as I mentioned, this is the type of experience that I wished Ninja Gaiden II delivered on. (On that subject, now I'm thinking up re-picking up NG2 360 or getting Sigma 2, even though the former definitely has pissed me off more than once, and the consensus is that the latter kinda screwed up fixing NG2's problems by also getting rid of NG2's greatest strengths).

The story is meh, mostly inoffensive, but never gets as obnoxious as say... Bayonetta's story. No real way it was meant to be taken overly serious. Plus,
the entire "instigate a war to revitalize doomed nation/failing economy" isn't exactly novel, but it's not as if the game manages to epically fuck it up in anyway, so it's pretty inoffensive here

Played it on normal, so I'll most likely end up going through Hard and God Hard.


I asked this before, but no one answered. Does anyone know just how badly Vanquish did? Does anyone have the actual sales numbers?


finished it on hard yesturday afternoon just got my no die run through to do now
great game pretty much on of my faves from 2010

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Wow these tactical challenges are fucking hard. So much for all 1000. :(

MattyH said:
finished it on hard yesturday afternoon just got my no die run through to do now
great game pretty much on of my faves from 2010

Yeah I just beat it on hard today and did the no die run playthrough in the past couple weeks.


This game really feels like Mikami was doing his take on Metal Gear Solid. The presentation is hit and miss. Some good music, some bad. Some good voice acting (Kari Wahlgren), some bad (confusingly, Steve Blum). Even the lip-syncing feels like it was done by two completely separate studios.

And of course, there's just random silliness thrown in for good measure, which was nice to see (DANCING ROBITS). I can't decide if the game knew its story was ridiculous (which Bayonetta's obviously did) or not. Stuff like the president at the end make it seem like it was supposed to be a joke.

Anyway, good game. Lot of fun. Would love to see a sequel with more and bigger transforming robits.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
and more modes and unlockables. this game could have been one of those games I'd play over and over again if there was something as nice as a New Game+ with extended AR suit and a weapon upgrade system that actually promoted use of the weapon and allowed you to carry them through chapter select and the like, like RE5.
After getting this game on Amazon for cheap, I've been tearing into this game pretty hard. I just finished the game today on Hard difficulty and I got to say, HOLY FUCK! I am so mad that I overlooked this upon release due to the poor reviews. There is so much to love about this game! This game looks so fucking good, and not just technically. The amount of destruction and explosions going off all around as you tear apart those "god damn RIs" is fantastic. The gunplay feels so right. I have more fun fighting the enemies of Vanquish over the enemies of Gears of War.

Sure the story is really lame and hokey, but you can't deny that this is one of the most fun games of the year.


Just finished it and WOW what a ride. P* definitely Studio of the year.
really really looking forward to Vanquish 2, I hope Mikami leaving P* won't cripple the game

And now, the challenges :D


GONz said:
Just finished it and WOW what a ride. P* definitely Studio of the year.
really really looking forward to Vanquish 2, I hope Mikami leaving P* won't cripple the game

And now, the challenges :D

Bayonetta was more sucessful sales wise, and even that has no word of a sequel yet so I'm not going to get my hopes up

Vanquish 2 would be day one for me if it ever happened though
I got this game as a secret santa gift and started playing it last night.


I am playing it on hard and loving it so far. Some how I started on my couch and ended up about 3 feet away from my television. I hope I can handle the challenge of hard difficulty of this game.


well not really...yet
YMMV, but heads up, the strategy guide by Futurepress (the same guys who did the amazing 400+ page Bayonetta guide) is available for 1 penny at Gamestop if they still have it in store.
I know this sounds like a dumb question (but this console generation is often marked by dumb things): does the Vanquish DLC disable achievements? I'm assuming no, but one can never be too sure...


X26 said:
Bayonetta was more sucessful sales wise, and even that has no word of a sequel yet so I'm not going to get my hopes up

Vanquish 2 would be day one for me if it ever happened though
It'd better be in planning, otherwise I'd feel trolled hard by P* :(
Beat Vanquish a few days ago, but I came across this .gif posted in another topic:

How do I jump forward like that? I can't believe I've never done that...

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I assume that's a weapon-specific melee attack.
Having played Vanquish a couple of times over the last two weeks I have to say the death mechanics are perfect. Last time I died I rage quit because I lost my upgrades, however at the same time I knew exactly what I did wrong and I won't make the same mistake again.

Together with the old-school weakness boss/large enemy design and the amazing set pieces I think this is the best designed 3rd person shooter I've played.

It's a real shame that the fun of playing through a game with a friend in co-op and being rewarded for putting time in poorly designed multiplayer matches resonates better with reviewers today.


Neo Member
a Master Ninja said:
Beat Vanquish a few days ago, but I came across this .gif posted in another topic:

How do I jump forward like that? I can't believe I've never done that...

Thats not jumping forward, its the "flash kick" you can do with the heavy machine gun.

I use that weapon all the time as it gives me a jump button.
Great for taking out enemies in cover or distance, jump->slo mo sniper :D


Finished my hard run earlier, regret not playing on that difficulty from the start :D Also, is it just in my head or do the enemies use different moves on hard as well? Does that trend continue in god hard?

Anyways onto the challenges
Dead said:
YMMV, but heads up, the strategy guide by Futurepress (the same guys who did the amazing 400+ page Bayonetta guide) is available for 1 penny at Gamestop if they still have it in store.
Ouch, that sucks. Futurepress is pretty much the only guide publisher that puts out skilled/hardcore gamer oriented guides. Both the Bayonetta and Vanquish guides were very well done, although there's always room for improvement.

X26 said:
Finished my hard run earlier, regret not playing on that difficulty from the start :D Also, is it just in my head or do the enemies use different moves on hard as well? Does that trend continue in god hard?
Enemies are more aggressive but do not gain any new abilities.

Sequel? Pretty much no chance.

astroturfing said:
my problem was that every time i was doing really well and kicking ass, something out of fucking nowhere would one-shot me and i would RAGE. i hate dying in a game so much without knowing WHY. i didn't mind if was playing like an idiot and a big rocket hit me, or i got too close to the "unknown" enemy and it destroyed me.. those were my own damn fault and i didn't mind trying again. also, way too many irritating invisible walls in levels, and stuff you cant use as cover even though it would be logical. got killed way too many times because of those design faults.
There is nothing cheap like what you're describing in Vanquish, at least not in a scoring run. I recommend you record your own game footage, so you can look back and identify what killed you, and realize you could have prevented it, instead of breaking another controller or blaming imaginary "design faults" that you can't identify or describe. Sometimes there are snipers camping on elevations, for example, but they can all be spotted on your first time through if you pay attention. Also, the game is meant to be replayed multiple times for score and enemy positions memorized. Invisible walls? Never ran into any.. are you trying to run off the map or something? It's not an exploration game. Just about anything can be used as cover. Examples, please. Keep in mind I have the Futurepress guide with elaborate maps of every piece of terrain. And once again if you are playing for score, you will rarely be using cover or bumping into 'invisible walls' as you'll be too busy trying to zoom to the next checkpoint.

RiotPelaaja said:
Disagree. The first boss battle comes way too soon and is quite tough on Normal and I've played a lot of games. I think that was a bad design decisioon, they should have had the boss a bit later. I still gave the game 9 though.
How many games you've played is irrelevant, nor does it matter what names are attached to the difficulty levels. The fact is you ignored an easier skill level (for whatever reason) then blamed the game for being too difficult. This is the exact same as someone choosing the hardest skill level then complaining when they get owned, while everyone else rolls their eyes. Maybe they should keep normal locked and make everyone play casual auto to unlock it. :p
Ive had this game since launch, installed it, and never got around to playing it until today.

Im soooo sorry Vanquish. You are fucking awesome, and Im a horrible person.

Not even to the end of ACT I yet and Im enjoying the hell out of this game so far. So good.
TheApatheticOne said:
Ive had this game since launch, installed it, and never got around to playing it until today.

Im soooo sorry Vanquish. You are fucking awesome, and Im a horrible person.

Not even to the end of ACT I yet and Im enjoying the hell out of this game so far. So good.
If you bought it at launch full price, you're far from a horrible person.

Hell even if you rescued it from a bargain bin yesterday I wouldn't think ill of you.
Urban Scholar said:
I haven't started my hard mode run yet but can anyone else vouch for this?
It's really good at taking Gorgies out. One headshot will kill just about every variant. It's not so great at taking Romanovs out, however. Viewhounds... maybe, but you don't encounter those a lot, and you can instakill them with an EMP Emitter while they're flying. It has the same melee as the Heavy Machine Gun, so you can replace either weapon when you run out of ammunition. Personally, I think the best weapons in the game are the default ones. The Laser Cannon is the only DLC weapon I find really useful. It has great range and firepower. Just don't use it in AR mode or else you'll overheat the suit in double time. The Disk Launcher is great, too.
Urban Scholar said:
I appreciate the insight sir and will keep this in mind.
Many people don't see how useful it is until they find out just how quickly a Romanov can be dismembered by it. Sam won't use the suit in its melee function, either, so you won't have to worry about overheating. Keep in mind, however, that each melee attack uses up one disk. The melee itself isn't really too useful unless you want to cancel an enemy's melee, running, or charge up animation. For the most part, you'll want to stick to shooting the disks at Gorgie heads. For Romanovs, you can take out any of their limbs. It's also very effective at crowd control since it can hit more than one enemy at a time per shot. (Usually two enemies per shot.)
TheApatheticOne said:
Ive had this game since launch, installed it, and never got around to playing it until today.

Im soooo sorry Vanquish. You are fucking awesome, and Im a horrible person.

I must also add my apologies. Loved the demo, bought it on release day, completed it on hard and found it...ok. I was going through an odd period of not really wanting to play videogames terribly much, and foolishly gave more attention to the massively disappointing Fallout New Vegas.

Then I decided to play it through again last week. Somehow it made perfect sense and is now probably my game of last year. The challenge levels alone are some of the most thrilling, demanding and nerve shreddingly exciting stuff in videogames for years, and after finally beating level 4 I pretty much had to have a tot of whisky and a lie down to soothe my twitching hands and mangled brain. I'm going to need some kind of goddamned montage to man up enough to beat challenge 6 next. This is what games should be about.


Unconfirmed Member
It's really good at taking Gorgies out. One headshot will kill just about every variant. It's not so great at taking Romanovs out, however. Viewhounds... maybe, but you don't encounter those a lot, and you can instakill them with an EMP Emitter while they're flying. It has the same melee as the Heavy Machine Gun, so you can replace either weapon when you run out of ammunition. Personally, I think the best weapons in the game are the default ones. The Laser Cannon is the only DLC weapon I find really useful. It has great range and firepower. Just don't use it in AR mode or else you'll overheat the suit in double time. The Disk Launcher is great, too.

You don't even need to headshot. one body shot will kill most gorgies, and it penetrates so you can body shot through turrets, walkers, air carriers etc.

It's pretty much the sniper rifle without the limitations that make that weapon balanced:lol

High damage, high accuracy and long range, but with a clip and larger ammo count.(gets 60 shots at max level.)

With it I was able to kill
before he got off of the monorail.

It's my favorite weapon right alongside shotgun in the game.
Chopperman said:
You don't even need to headshot. one body shot will kill most gorgies, and it penetrates so you can body shot through turrets, walkers, air carriers etc.

It's pretty much the sniper rifle without the limitations that make that weapon balanced:lol

High damage, high accuracy and long range, but with a clip and larger ammo count.(gets 60 shots at max level.)

With it I was able to kill
before he got off of the monorail.

It's my favorite weapon right alongside shotgun in the game.
I only speak in terms of default weaponry, because if you're playing for score, you'll be using the mission select mode, which starts you off with default weapons. Furthermore, God Hard doesn't allow weapon upgrades, and there isn't a New Game+ mode, which makes upgrades pretty useless in my eyes.


Unconfirmed Member
Furthermore, God Hard doesn't allow weapon upgrades, and there isn't a New Game+ mode, which makes upgrades pretty useless in my eyes.

I don't see how either of those reasons defeat the usefulness of full ammo and bonuses on your playthrough

but I honestly haven't really played for score though and don't like how mission select works. I always just play through the full game and make the best of what the game gives me drop wise

I'll do godhard some day. Maybe after I finally sit down and do the challenges
TheApatheticOne said:
Ive had this game since launch, installed it, and never got around to playing it until today.

Im soooo sorry Vanquish. You are fucking awesome, and Im a horrible person.

Not even to the end of ACT I yet and Im enjoying the hell out of this game so far. So good.

You are forgiven. Now enjoy an awesome game. The game was so good I bought 3 copies of it.

1 for my NA Xbox upstairs
1 for my PAL Xbox downstairs so I can show it off to folks when they come over.
1 for my nephew because he really wanted it but couldn't afford it.

Sega took my money and I'm happy about it.
Up to Act 5 and really enjoying it so far. Power sliding is so much fun. The repeating Boss battles are a bummer though. There's no excuse and smacks of laziness when the game is so short.
lucablight said:
Up to Act 5 and really enjoying it so far. Power sliding is so much fun. The repeating Boss battles are a bummer though. There's no excuse and smacks of laziness when the game is so short.

I disagree. Much like they were in Bayonetta, they are the same repeat bosses in shell only. The battles themselves are generally very different (at least as far as shooters can be different), due to the different environment/arena and quantity/type of enemies involved. It's not ideal, but I certainly wouldn't call it laziness - in fact I almost groaned the 2nd time I had to fight one of those giant spider/walker suckers, but the first 10 seconds of the fight made me realise I was in for a completely different challenge due to the way the battle was set-up.

It's more or less a given in the arcade based genres that you will repeat bosses, I can hardly think of a fast/score-based action game in recent memory that doesn't have at least one or two boss repeats?
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