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VANQUISH |OT| Bullet Ballet performed by the London Awesome orchestra

_dementia said:
Good luck. I haven't even tried GH yet after beating Hard. :/
I've finished a couple levels in it. It's not so bad. Probably on par with Master Ninja Mode in Ninja Gaiden Black. I think it's kind of ridiculous that they give you practically no AR time, though. You're given so little that they may as well have removed the feature completely.


Owensboro said:
This is coming in Gamefly later this week, and I'm super excited about it. What are some quick tips/tricks I should know going into the game? duffyside's post about not using cover intrigues me.......
Play how you want to play, and if you keep on dying then you should probably change things up. I used the cover a lot myself and gradually figured out how to play away from it and be more aggressive and stuff. The biggest thing for me was to just get used to the amount of AR time and the different ways you can go in and out of it.
RoboPlato said:
So I have a $20 promotional credit from Amazon and I was thinking of putting it toward this. Problem is, I really enjoyed the demo but couldn't beat the boss :/

I don't want to have to play this on auto mode since it seems that all the fun comes from pulling off the awesome feats. I didn't find it too fun when I tried to play it like a typical shooter. Does the game ease you into the combat better than the demo?
Didn't play the demo but I beat the game on normal*...same answer as the others, it doesn't really ease you in. It's fine though really, think of it as a toughening up phase, by the time you figure out how to beat the boss you'll probably be a lot better than when you started. Don't get me wrong, it'll still kick your ass, but you'll get better and figure out how to kick back.

*Note that I rarely play shooters and was still able to do it. I did start a run on casual auto for the hell of it afterwards and honestly it seemed just fun and should be a good challenge for a first time run.


adversesolutions said:
Hey you beat Hard! Congrats!

How about those challenges? ;)

I've gotten past the 4th Challenge once, probably mostly due to luck because I haven't been able to repeat it. The 5th Challenge is INSANE! That won't be completed for quite a while, if ever.
jintek said:
I've gotten past the 4th Challenge once, probably mostly due to luck because I haven't been able to repeat it. The 5th Challenge is INSANE! That won't be completed for quite a while, if ever.

5th is actually hella easy. It's the 6th that biblical scribes wrote about.


adversesolutions said:
5th is actually hella easy. It's the 6th that biblical scribes wrote about.

Yeah, hopefully I get that far but just beating God Hard for me may be enough. The Challenges just don't seem to jive w/ my mental gameplanning for some reason so far. But maybe I just need a day off to practice...


the challenges are such a whore. the main problem being that they are long and i lose concentration and then die to something dumb. then i dont want to replay the whole stage because i just spent 15 minutes doing the first several waves.

im at the last boss on my Hard run. been there for a few days and havent had the incentive to beat them yet.

i also fucked up my no death run by continuing after a death without realizing it after not playing for a week or so. so ill have a 1 death Hard run when im done. ha ha.

doubt ill ever complete these challenges though. ive only finished #1 so far. :/


Daigoro said:
the challenges are such a whore. the main problem being that they are long and i lose concentration and then die to something dumb. then i dont want to replay the whole stage because i just spent 15 minutes doing the first several waves.

I beat the first one, then gave up on them for that reason.


Unconfirmed Member
They're actually not that long

you just have to learn the waves before you can start tackling them efficiently (Killing enemies while they're spawning taking them out in groups)

They can be completed in like 2 minutes at a high level(besides 6) and I think most players could complete them in 7 or 8(and probably 10 for 6)

Just takes a bit of practice and effort. Don't go into them expecting to clear them on your first try.


I have a video up on youtube with tips for challenge 6. I can't link it now because youtube is blocked from work.

It's pretty easy to find, Vanquish Challenge 6 waves 1, 2 & 3 if I'm not mistaken. Helped a bunch of people since the game came out by the feedback I've been receiving.


Chopperman said:
They're actually not that long

you just have to learn the waves before you can start tackling them efficiently (Killing enemies while they're spawning taking them out in groups)

They can be completed in like 2 minutes at a high level(besides 6) and I think most players could complete them in 7 or 8(and probably 10 for 6)

Just takes a bit of practice and effort. Don't go into them expecting to clear them on your first try.

It's still an issue, in my opinion. I think once you reach a wave, there should be an option to practice it independently of the others, and then once you've figured out a strategy, then you can give the whole thing a shot again.

It was incredibly frustrating on Challenge 4 and 6 to be able to just cruise my way up until the final wave, only to then die almost instantly. I would have to then spend an additional 8 to 12 minutes just getting back up to Wave 5 every time, something I could do with ease, only to then last maybe a second longer and die again. If it takes 10 minutes to get to the final wave, and I need fifteen attempts to beat it, that's two and a half hours of shit: I'm just repeating the waves I know how to beat, and are no longer challenging, again and again just to even attempt the final part. Sucks.


duffyside said:
It's still an issue, in my opinion. I think once you reach a wave, there should be an option to practice it independently of the others, and then once you've figured out a strategy, then you can give the whole thing a shot again.

It was incredibly frustrating on Challenge 4 and 6 to be able to just cruise my way up until the final wave, only to then die almost instantly. I would have to then spend an additional 8 to 12 minutes just getting back up to Wave 5 every time, something I could do with ease, only to then last maybe a second longer and die again. If it takes 10 minutes to get to the final wave, and I need fifteen attempts to beat it, that's two and a half hours of shit: I'm just repeating the waves I know how to beat, and are no longer challenging, again and again just to even attempt the final part. Sucks.

So true.

I got all the trophies except the one for beating challenge mode. Stuck at challenge 4 (challenge 5 was quite easy) - almost every time I reach the final wave, but also dying almost instantly at the beginning. And I'm starting to become a little bit nervous :/

I'm trying to get my first Platinum trophy with Vanquish (have my PS3 for about two years).

Other than that, for me Vanquish is quite possibly the best TPS this console generation.

Hoping for sequel (regardless of lower than expected sales) directed by none other than Hideki Kamiya (ala Resident Evil 1 & 2).

Also, anyone see this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWGfXaXlzoI&feature=related - it's from another universe!
jintek said:
I've gotten past the 4th Challenge once, probably mostly due to luck because I haven't been able to repeat it. The 5th Challenge is INSANE! That won't be completed for quite a while, if ever.

what?? the 5th one was WAY easier than the 4th, i beat it on my third try, almost on my second. while the 4th... i spent like 3 hours on it and could not get anywhere. so fucking frustrating compared to challenges 1,2,3 and 5.

i wish i had the balls to go back and force myself to beat the 4th challenge so i could unlock the last one, which supposedly is even more ridiculous...


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
WOW! Just got the urge to play this again...HOLD ME


Koralsky said:
Also, anyone see this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWGfXaXlzoI&feature=related - it's from another universe!
Dude. I just searched for this thread so I could come post the exact same video.

For anyone who doesn't like to click links without some description; it's a video of someone playing Vanquish's 6th Challenge... and beating it in under 5 minutes. An absolutely epic ending to that battle as well.

He has other videos too, including him beating the 4th Challenge in about 3. This game is In. Credible.


astroturfing said:
what?? the 5th one was WAY easier than the 4th, i beat it on my third try, almost on my second. while the 4th... i spent like 3 hours on it and could not get anywhere. so fucking frustrating compared to challenges 1,2,3 and 5.

i wish i had the balls to go back and force myself to beat the 4th challenge so i could unlock the last one, which supposedly is even more ridiculous...

What can I say, I died pretty easily into the 5th wave...but then again I've only gotten that far once. I'm getting closer to beating it on God Hard, but that 4th challenge I may never get past again...


So...last boss is impossible. I'm randomly dying to something. It's a one-shot. Two hours now and I can't beat it.

Hard mode, btw. I'm dying while behind cover, not even sticking my head out. They're clear across the map. It's one thing to die and get better, it's another to die and not even realize what the fuck is doing it.

I'm beyond annoyed.


Since I had lost my gamesave, I wa hesitant to start over. But I did. And this time I finished the game in one setting. Really stylish, and it had nice bosses.


PSN going down gave me a chance to play some single player games and man but isn't Vanquish the best of the bunch when it comes to gameplay. It just so slick and crazy!

I've tried about six times to beat that first challenge. It really separates the men from the boys.


Just got the game last week and LOVE IT. Gameplay took me a while to learn as it has somewhat of a steep learning curve. I am replying it on hard mode now. I have completed every challenge except for 6. Watching those videos BLEW MY MIND! That guy makes it look super easy. Farthest I made it was round 3 :(


That army leader guy is such a bitch on hard mode :( I beat it but damn I think the entirety of Chapter 5 took me like 3 hours to beat.

Now for my no death super easy mode run :)
According to this Sega-Sammy Holdings IR, Vanquish did 830,000 worldwide!

Those are pretty good numbers! Would like to see it crack a million but probably can't anymore.

is that enough for the game to be succesful though? from what i understand, a game with an average budget selling just a million isn't enough nowadays..

whatever the case, game deserved to sell much more.


I'd be in the dick
astroturfing said:
is that enough for the game to be succesful though? from what i understand, a game with an average budget selling just a million isn't enough nowadays..

whatever the case, game deserved to sell much more.
I think that Platinum's budgets are a lot less than most companies but, yeah, the game did deserve to do better. I really need to replay it. I finally got a hold of the mechanics toward the end of my first, normal playthrough and it got a lot more fun after that. I bet a replay will be really awesome now that I know what I'm doing. I don't think I'll be able to handle any higher difficulties than normal though :(


Vanquish is up on Games On Demand now. (is this new? or has it been out for a while?) its been on the dashboard for almost a week now.


I just started playing again after a long break from this game. Can anyone tell me why I would ever use the Disk Launcher, Lock On Laser or Shotgun? They all just seem kind of worthless.
dwin45 said:
I just started playing again after a long break from this game. Can anyone tell me why I would ever use the Disk Launcher, Lock On Laser or Shotgun? They all just seem kind of worthless.
Shotty for dat damage, disc launcher for easy de-limbing of the Romanovs.


Augemitbutter said:
how many people in here have finished challenge 6?

I finished Challenge 6 in both the XBOX 360 and PS3 versions. My Gamertag is AlbertWeskerUMB and PSN ID is Gazel_Ministry for those who care. I also cleared God Hard on XBOX 360 and I'm thinking about launching a PS3 run of it soon after I get my Platinum.

I just watched that less than 5 minutes video and HOLY SHIT does that guy make this game look crazy fucking cool! I forget the time it took me to do this challenge, but it was definitely over 10 minutes, probably closer to 20 in both versions. It's definitely a heart pumping scenario, maybe not as bad as the final boss on God Hard, but still pretty damn tough.


_dementia said:
Shotty for dat damage, disc launcher for easy de-limbing of the Romanovs.
The shotgun's damage is really substantial up close. Even I, as someone who realized its usefulness early on, was surprised to see Challenge runs by better players on youtube who relied heavily on this gun. It actually might be the best gun in the game.

Disc launcher not just for de-limbing, but for decapitating. One well-placed shot makes a Romanov an almost non-issue (a blind maniac can still hit you, just not very often).

And the lock-on laser is just plain fun, but it's also great for the Russian dude(s). If you're going to beat Challenge 6—unless you're amazing at this game—you're going to need a lock-on laser. Two of 'em, actually.


To expand a little on the disc launcher, one of the big things to know about it is that it doesn't use up the AR meter for melee attacks, just the disc ammo.


japtor said:
To expand a little on the disc launcher, one of the big things to know about it is that it doesn't use up the AR meter for melee attacks, just the disc ammo.
Ah, very true. Forgot about that. Best way to get some achievements. And it's pretty fun to pin one last Romanov in a corner and just saw away.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
duffyside said:
Ah, very true. Forgot about that. Best way to get some achievements. And it's pretty fun to pin one last Romanov in a corner and just saw away.

I love using the disc launcher to take off arms and deal with other enemies at the same time. It's a shame I didn't know it was useful until my second playthrough.
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