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VANQUISH |OT| Bullet Ballet performed by the London Awesome orchestra

ToyMachine228 said:
Why the hell did you play it on Easy? I've always wondered who plays ANY game on Easy. Yes, Challenge Mode isn't a cake walk.

people who want to see the story but don't like/not good enough for the gameplay? A lot of people played Bioshock on easy since the story was outstanding and the gameplay was not. People recommend to play Deadly Premonition on easy, too. Hell, I played Gears of War 1 on easy because that was my first dual analog shooter and I needed to learn the contols


Foliorum Viridum said:
I don't see what's so hard to understand about that? I just wanted to experience the game without dying 100 times and having to restart sections. It was a nice, flowing experience and I got to enjoy shooting dudes without worrying too much about taking cover etc.

I mean I've done both Gears of War games on Insane, so I do enjoy the challenge sometimes in games like this, but I like GoW a lot more and re-played them on higher difficulties.

The difficulty adds to the experience, I think. Especially with this game. You totally missed out on that near death rush.
I'd say it depends on the game. Deadly Premonition, for example, only increases the health of the monsters you fight, I believe. It doesn't really make the game harder, just more tedious, and the combat aspect of the game is the least interesting compared to the story/exploration aspects. Same could be said for Bioshock's atmosphere/story vs it's combat.

Whereas a game like Vanquish is almost entirely about it's combat. The story isn't anything special, where Vanquish succeeds is in its carefully crafted battle sequences. The difficulty there makes the game more enjoyable and makes you take advantage of all the stuff the developer put in the game to make it a quality gameplay experience.
gdt5016 said:
The difficulty adds to the experience, I think. Especially with this game. You totally missed out on that near death rush.
But although I liked the game, I didn't really like it. If I kept dying I wouldn't have completed it.

A game like Gears? Played it on normal the first time because I was confident I was going to like it, I absolutely did, replayed it on Insane and loved it more. This game I wasn't sure if I was going to like due to Platinum's previous games not being my thing and that's why I picked easy - the game had to sell itself to me and if I kept dying I wouldn't've given it a fair chance. As it stands, I did enjoy it, but I know that I wouldn't want to replay it and have a challenge that a higher difficulty presents.

I find it stupid people say there's a "right" and "wrong" way to pick difficulties. I know how I want to play games and I enjoyed my time with Vanquish as a result of picking easy. It's nothing to do with my skill level - if I had put the time in I'm sure I would've been able to master the game, but I simply didn't want to.


Foliorum Viridum said:
But although I liked the game, I didn't really like it. If I kept dying I wouldn't have completed it.

A game like Gears? Played it on normal the first time because I was confident I was going to like it, I absolutely did, replayed it on Insane and loved it more. This game I wasn't sure if I was going to like due to Platinum's previous games not being my thing and that's why I picked easy - the game had to sell itself to me and if I kept dying I wouldn't've given it a fair chance. As it stands, I did enjoy it, but I know that I wouldn't want to replay it and have a challenge that a higher difficulty presents.

I find it stupid people say there's a "right" and "wrong" way to pick difficulties. I know how I want to play games and I enjoyed my time with Vanquish as a result of picking easy. It's nothing to do with my skill level - if I had put the time in I'm sure I would've been able to master the game, but I simply didn't want to.

I'm not a difficulty whore in the least. It's just that Vanquish is at it's best when you get that rush. It's an integral part of the experience, IMO. Part of what makes it so good.
Gryphter said:
Hell, I played Gears of War 1 on easy because that was my first dual analog shooter and I needed to learn the contols

If you are new to shooters, playing on Easy doesn't bother me at all. And I can see an absolute balls to the wall run through a game like Vanquish. If you want to just feel all powerful and blast your way through everything as quickly and stylishly as possible. I'm not a masochist when it comes to difficulty by any means. But many games are balanced around "Normal" difficulty so it's often recommended for the most enjoyment. Vanquish may be slightly different.


Bought the game yesterday and I've so far managed to get up to Act 2 Mission 4. Sadly I feel the game is becoming repetitive already. Once you've practically eliminated a bunch of robots in every possible style, your left with nothing but eliminating a bunch more in a similar fashion. I'm obviously not that far into the game and I don't know what's really forthcoming in terms of levels and bosses, but I think I've seen all there is to offer from the gameplay and how much it will actually continue to contribute to the enjoyability for the remainder of the game. The story certainly doesn't hold its own and rarely contributes to an incentive for playing the game. I think perhaps if I continue this it may be wise to do so in short bursts.


I just got my posting privileges recently, and I've been reading this thread since the day it was made.

I love this damn game. So. Much. I think it is incredibly under-appreciated, and I have a feeling that most people who dislike it are ones who would classify Vanquish as a "cover-based shooter." If you're spending a lot of your time behind cover, you're doing it wrong. Cover is there if you screw up and need to recharge your health and/or suit. Otherwise, you should be dodging, rolling, sliding,—and as the thread title indicates—dancing between your enemies and indeed their bullets.

What is really not given the credit it deserves is the enemy variety. I have found myself bored to death with so many shooters—both third and first-person—because the game is just a shooting gallery. There's a dude, pop him in the head, ok he's dead, next... Halo is another game I recently got into and appreciated the fact that there were different types of enemies and you had to approach them all differently, but Vanquish is on a whole other level to anything I can think of. To compare it to Halo, in Reach you have Elites, Brutes, Jackals, Grunts, and maybe Hunters if you want to consider them standard enemy types. You have almost that much variety in number in just the different types of Romanovs in Vanquish: Missile, Fire, Drill, Laser. Then there are standard RIs, the gold-armored ones, snipers, spider-mines, the roll-ball things, the blue ninja robots, and more.

And I can't even really tell if this game has a real "boss" or not. It blurs the line so well and it's just so damn refreshing. Are the Scorpions bosses? I don't think so, as you do fight them along other enemies. Same with the rolling buzz tank. But the Unknown is pretty clearly a boss, outside of the Challenge mode, and man-oh-man, what a great boss it is too. The third time I fought in the anti-gravity core on my first play-through, I attempted to implement a tried-and-true shooter abuse tactic of standing behind a barrier inside a little separated area and just pick off the Unknown's weakness from relative safety. Yes, I expected it to fire back, but I was in such a position that all it would take to get back into cover is a single step to the left to get behind the "wall" again.

I even expected it to stop firing once I retreated to my safe-spot and scuttle over near me. I also felt I was in an area so tight there was no way it could enter through the opening, and I believe it could not, in its original form. But this son-of-a-bitch parked itself in front of the opening, then extended its "neck," slithered its head inside and looked right at me with the huge red glowing orb-eye of its, then, you guessed it, lit me the hell up. I swear the whole thing reminded me of the way a domesticated animal would react if you play a hide-and-seek type game with it. Only, y'know... without the death-lasers.

I could go on and on and on about this game. In fact, I probably already have. Sorry about that. Consider it 6 months' worth of pent-up enthusiasm for what I think is mechanically the best shooter I've ever played.

I do wonder though: how many other people got the platinum trophy/1000g?


duffyside said:
I do wonder though: how many other people got the platinum trophy/1000g?

Quite a few people here have and some are also in the God Hard leaderboards.


I recently got all the achievements after finishing God Hard with a positive score (with some really helpful tips from iconoclast and JoeFenix) - I must've spend over 50hrs in the game and I think that there is still room for improvement in my play style, the depth of this game gameplay/mechanics-wise especially for a shooter is fuckin' unbelievable...overall an amazing game that will be remembered as an underrated gem in the future.


duffyside said:
To compare it to Halo, in Reach you have Elites, Brutes, Jackals, Grunts, and maybe Hunters if you want to consider them standard enemy types.

Your cutting halo a bit short. Besides forgetting about Skirmishers, you neglect to mention that there are subsections to the enemies you mentioned that give greater variety. There's normal elites, jetpack elites, stealth elites, and ultra's who use weapons like the plasma sword, the plasma turret, plasma launcher and concussion rifle. There are normal jackals and ones who snipe using the focus rifle. There are normal brutes and chieftains wielding hammers. Normal grunts and the ones wielding the plasma cannons and launchers. On top of that, you have vehicles to consider, namely the ghost, the reverant, wraith, banshee, and stationed turrets.

I agree with your point that Vanquish has a really nice amount of variation to it's enemies, but Halo is no slouch to compare it to.


Prophet Steve said:
I just have this game a week of two but I am going for god hard in the summer I thin when I have time, see if I can do it.

Well besides 1-3, 4-2 (fucking RIA's!), 4-3 and the last two boss fights which are the most brutal parts of the game the difficulty is quite manageable for a mode called God Hard. :p

You should definitely give it a try, the satisfaction when you finally beat a level is so great..Vanquish = <3.
duffyside said:
I do wonder though: how many other people got the platinum trophy/1000g?

I got 1000g, was my first time overcoming such a major challenge in an action game.

Iconoclast also managed it.

For people thinking about trying God Hard, I never tried it but damn, it sounds like hell honestly. lol Hard and the Challenges was enough for me.

Hey, speaking of Vanquish!!

Is it not amazing that we have not gotten a single DLC for this game?? Wasn't there at some point some talk of additional challenges? DLC would have been a good way to keep people playing (and from selling the game off used).

Then again, Platinum didn't do any DLC for Bayonetta either so maybe it's not their style.


Generic said:
Your cutting halo a bit short. Besides forgetting about Skirmishers, you neglect to mention that there are subsections to the enemies you mentioned that give greater variety. There's normal elites, jetpack elites, stealth elites, and ultra's who use weapons like the plasma sword, the plasma turret, plasma launcher and concussion rifle. There are normal jackals and ones who snipe using the focus rifle. There are normal brutes and chieftains wielding hammers. Normal grunts and the ones wielding the plasma cannons and launchers. On top of that, you have vehicles to consider, namely the ghost, the reverant, wraith, banshee, and stationed turrets.

I agree with your point that Vanquish has a really nice amount of variation to it's enemies, but Halo is no slouch to compare it to.

I wasn't comparing Vanquish to Halo because I think Halo is over-rated (mechanically). You're absolutely right that it's no slouch. I was using it as the absolute best example of enemy variety I could think of. I neglected to mention the points you brought up because I guess at the moment I didn't think the enemies using different weapons should count to the variety, because in that case the regular RI who use a floating turret should count as well, for example.

You make good points though. If we're not just talking enemy variety and AI, then the movement in Vanquish also deserves mentioning. Halo (which, again, I consider the pinnacle, at least in my limited knowledge of shooters) really just moves the way any other shooter does. Yes you have different weapons and vehicles, but I'd say a good 80% of the game is going to be played at the same speed and rhythm. In Vanquish, there is normal, slow, and fast, and I believe every person plays it differently. On my first play-through, I really leaned on the slow-down mechanic. It wasn't until I watched other people not initiate the bullet time for less intense battles that I considered that strategy. And then on my last Pangloss statue run, I moved as fast as I could, because at that point I had finished Challenge mode and could really tear through the campaign.

Again, Halo's combat is GREAT, though I think I like Vanquish a bit better.
adversesolutions said:
Is it not amazing that we have not gotten a single DLC for this game?? Wasn't there at some point some talk of additional challenges? DLC would have been a good way to keep people playing (and from selling the game off used).

Then again, Platinum didn't do any DLC for Bayonetta either so maybe it's not their style.

There was DLC. It was a weapon pack (that you could have gotten by pre-ordering the game through GameStop).


adversesolutions said:
Is it not amazing that we have not gotten a single DLC for this game?? Wasn't there at some point some talk of additional challenges? DLC would have been a good way to keep people playing (and from selling the game off used).

I take it you're not counting the pre-order weapon pack that later came out later? But yeah, it's too bad about no DLC. If Platinum even had been planning on creating some, I'm betting Vanquish doesn't have enough copies sold to warrant its completion. A shame, really. It drives me up a wall when people talk about this game as if it's bad, especially when their reasons are incorrect (see Ryan O'Donnell on RebelFM talking about how there is no reload canceling, for instance).

But major respect to all you who beat God Hard. I'm so glad there was no trophy for that mode, because Hard was plenty tough for me; I never even attempted God Hard.


Hey guys what's the best way to defeat those green jellyfish guys in the cave before they blow the tank, Act Darkness I think?


FTH said:
Hey guys what's the best way to defeat those green jellyfish guys in the cave before they blow the tank, Act Darkness I think?

Use the EMP's wisely ;)

That will stop them and give you enough time to blow them before they reach the Tank.

Once they ran out, I'm sure I found a Rocket Launcher in one of the crates to take care of the rest. Also, Boosting and advancing ahead to get a head start in depleting their health also helps.


AAK said:
Use the EMP's wisely ;)

That will stop them and give you enough time to blow them before they reach the Tank.

Once they ran out, I'm sure I found a Rocket Launcher in one of the crates to take care of the rest. Also, Boosting and advancing ahead to get a head start in depleting their health also helps.
:O the EMPs!! omgthankyousomuch srsly :eek: I will try harder! >:)
I could make some replays of levels if you guys like. Animated .gifs, too. I have an HD capture device.
You should! I may need help later..


erotic butter maelstrom
I could make some replays of levels if you guys like. Animated .gifs, too. I have an HD capture device.

I would appreciate some awesome GIF's. I've used that GIF of Vanquish guy punching off the Argus's head so many times, I could use something new.
FTH said:
You should! I may need help later..
Just let me know which level. I'll default the difficulty to Hard mode since encounters don't differ from the former difficulties. I haven't gone through God Hard yet, but I plan on doing so pretty soon.


Finished this game two days ago. Played it on casual as I could not deal with all the deaths and found it very enjoyable. That said, never have been as disgusted in a game ending as I was in this one.
Becoming friends after all that fighting acting as if nothing happened? Then holding on to a ledge and lighting a cigarette after escaping with your life? Was that suppose to be cool?

The only redeeming factor to the end were the cool end credits.


LQX said:
That said, never have been as disgusted in a game ending as I was in this one.
Becoming friends after all that fighting acting as if nothing happened? Then holding on to a ledge and lighting a cigarette after escaping with your life? Was that suppose to be cool?

Yeah, it didn't make much sense but
Burns admitted defeat, and being an honorable soldier he complied with Sam's wishes before his death. He felt siding with the President was the only way to win because it seemed there was no other way, but when Sam bested him, Burns placed all his trust into him. If you watch Bleach, think Abari Renji's battle with Ichigo, and when Ichigo shows his capabilities, Renji places all his trust and body for him.

Damn... I really feel like an otaku nerd all of a sudden.

But I don't care, that final battle following it was outstanding.


Maybe I'm in the minority, but the ending totally worked for me. The whole story was silly, stupid, and over-the-top. Loved it from beginning to end. If your only problem was with the ending, then you clearly weren't paying attention!


This is coming in Gamefly later this week, and I'm super excited about it. What are some quick tips/tricks I should know going into the game? duffyside's post about not using cover intrigues me.......


I ordered this for $26 off of Amazon based on GAF's reaction. This isn't a game where I'll end up stomping on my controller if I can't beat NG without dying, right?
Quixzlizx said:
I ordered this for $26 off of Amazon based on GAF's reaction. This isn't a game where I'll end up stomping on my controller if I can't beat NG without dying, right?
Remember, it's just a game no need to rage. It is pretty fair when it comes to difficulty curve on Normal and Hard IMO, just be aware you will get penalized for dying.
Quixzlizx said:
I ordered this for $26 off of Amazon based on GAF's reaction. This isn't a game where I'll end up stomping on my controller if I can't beat NG without dying, right?

If you're used to shooters, Normal shouldn't be a problem.
But I would advise against Hard if it's your first playthrough!


I'd be in the dick
So I have a $20 promotional credit from Amazon and I was thinking of putting it toward this. Problem is, I really enjoyed the demo but couldn't beat the boss :/

I don't want to have to play this on auto mode since it seems that all the fun comes from pulling off the awesome feats. I didn't find it too fun when I tried to play it like a typical shooter. Does the game ease you into the combat better than the demo?


You guys should specify what you want me to capture. Levels? QTEs? Cutscenes? Name it.
If you're offering to make an animated .gif for, say, an avatar; I'd really love the shot from one of the first (if not the first) cutscene, before they've even boarded the Providence, where it's a profile shot of Sam with the "space battle" going on behind him through a window. It's only like 1 or 2 seconds long. Not sure if it would look better looped standard or played forward then backward then forward again, looping like that.

Hope I'm not mis-reading your offer. It took me 20 minutes to even make this avatar I just started using yesterday... I balk at the idea of .gif.


erotic butter maelstrom
You guys should specify what you want me to capture. Levels? QTEs? Cutscenes? Name it.

Hmmm, maybe one of the parts when those giant chainsaw tank things bust out of the ground

just about any moment in the game could make a cool GIF, maybe just some awesome slo-mo boost slide kills


I think you should also make .gifs or videos showcasing Vanquish's gameplay. The set-piece stuff is very cool, but what really makes this game stand out is just how incredible it is to play. You seem like a good player, v Narayan, so I suggest picking the areas you think would really demonstrate what makes Vanquish so special.

The moments that stick out in my head are thus: the first boss fight against the dude with "the spoiler" on his suit. A lot of people called this cliche, but I call those people assholes.

The place where I was just giggling with joy though was where Sam and Burns are trying to take down that spinning laser cannon, and the lightning is almost an orange sunset type of thing. You have to fight 2 or 3 scorpions during this, as well as a bunch of RIs and a few Romanovs as well. What really set it apart for me though was how I had just finally become comfortable in the rhythm of the game, in knowing how to use the suit's power and let it recharge without panicking. This is important to this moment's greatness is the way that big huge purple laser comes shooting down, and is so completely devastating if you're not moving or in slow-mo. But if you are in AR-mode, you can let this huge beam slowly inch up to, literally just centimeters away, shooting enemies around the laser before diving out of the way at the very last second. I just felt like such a bad ass the way I could hear the laser coming, roll into AR mode, nonchalantly pick away at enemies, before rolling away with the beam barely missing me, and doing it with the utmost confidence.

The third major stand-out moment for me is the first time I fought the Unknown. However, any battle against the Unknown is worth showing off, in my opinion. Just such a clever, fun, yet creepy enemy.

And one last thought I had while I was writing all this is a "GTFO" type of .gif with the Crystal Viper. When he does his loud-footstep sword attack, and you have the opportunity to stop it by hammering square (or X) at the right moment. If you set it up so Sam is running away, seemingly under fire and in trouble, and then at the last second turns to catch the sword, I think that would make a great .gif.


I'm currently about 3/4 of the way through on God Hard, this game is damn near impossible sometimes but I love every minute of it!

And I don't think there's any question this is the best TPS this generation (from a gameplay perspective). It does so many great new things for the genre in new ways it's quite refreshing while still being familiar.

Can't wait for Platinum's (and Mikami's) next game!


RoboPlato said:
Does the game ease you into the combat better than the demo?
Honestly? ... No. That battle in the demo is early on and I too found it difficult the first time I played it. It's actually, in my opinion, one of the few faults with the game; that moment is way too hard for that early on.

However, that is a peak in difficulty that I don't think returns until about an hour later, which will also probably be frustrating. Vanquish is a game that rewards you incredibly for learning it though, and my Hard play-through involved me dying about 5 times compared to something like 40 on my first normal play-through.

I really, really think the game is worth powering through its few frustrating moments, and I think that the demo area is one of the WORST areas to show off in the entire game. Hope you give it a shot.


duffyside said:
Honestly? ... No. That battle in the demo is early on and I too found it difficult the first time I played it. It's actually, in my opinion, one of the few faults with the game; that moment is way too hard for that early on.

However, that is a peak in difficulty that I don't think returns until about an hour later, which will also probably be frustrating. Vanquish is a game that rewards you incredibly for learning it though, and my Hard play-through involved me dying about 5 times compared to something like 40 on my first normal play-through.

I think I died less on Hard than on Normal, too. Usually when I died on Normal it was because I didn't understand what I needed to do or how to avoid the one-hit kills.


I think I died 10+ times in the demo area, just doing crazy stuff and exploring what I can do. But after that, I was much better at this game and had no problem doing my no-continue (hard) run.
duffyside said:
If you're offering to make an animated .gif for, say, an avatar; I'd really love the shot from one of the first (if not the first) cutscene, before they've even boarded the Providence, where it's a profile shot of Sam with the "space battle" going on behind him through a window. It's only like 1 or 2 seconds long. Not sure if it would look better looped standard or played forward then backward then forward again, looping like that.

Hope I'm not mis-reading your offer. It took me 20 minutes to even make this avatar I just started using yesterday... I balk at the idea of .gif.
You can find footage of the profile shot in this trailer. You can extract the video, cut that particular section out, and make a .gif out of it.
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