Well they just aired it here. Good ep but I couldn't here most of what they said since I had to have my volume low. How did Hank figure out?Myra wasn't his mom
Hah, yeah, that was great! Speaking of twists... I was expecting the Momma's Boys logo but NOPE! Even better!
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So Myra is not the mother.
He had his memory erased along with Hank.
Just throwing this out their since its kind of a theme. Dermot is now the only living venture family member who knows both of his parents.
I wonder if Hank and Dean even have a mother. Maybe Rusty made them.
I wonder if Hank and Dean even have a mother. Maybe Rusty made them.
There was a fan theory back during Season 1 that Dean was a clone of Rusty, and Hank was a clone of Brock.
and personality wise that kinda makes sense. until you see how strong brocks genetics are.
Finally caught up... whew
I fucking love the Venture Bros, it's hands down one of my favorite shows of all time. There's a bunch of things I want to say but i'll keep it short:
-Doc is still a bitch (though he definitely has his reasons)
-Dean is actually a good character now (he's just now realized his life is complete & utter shit. His character resonates with me now)
-Hank's hair from early season 4 was amazing
-Hatred is fucking terrible and disgusting, I really hate him
-Brock is the personification of god
-The Venture Bros universe is awesome
-Doctor Orpheus is the best character
-Hank's hair from early season 4 was amazing
-Brock is the personification of god
-Hatred is fucking terrible and disgusting, I really hate him
How can you hate Sgt. Hatred? He's one of the best things in the boys' lives right now.
Hatred is has boobs and has become their mother. Dr. Freud, paging Dr. Freud.
Yea, it's super obvious. I was actually gonna type up a post about how while Brock might be great at killing things/being awesome, he was a poor influence/fit for the boys. Hatred is just a lot better at nurturing and child rearing.
If the big theme of earlier seasons was failure then the show seems to have switched gears a bit to say that in that failure you might find your true calling (or re-find). Failing upward in a sense. Upward here meaning finding happiness, success and fulfillment on a personal level. Hatred and child rearing, you have Monarch being a poor "villain" but a good husband, Brock in place that suits him etc.
Oh god, it's like listening to Billy Quizboy and Pete White. I know they do like 90% of the voices but its still throwing me off.
How is Monarch a horrible husband? He genuinely loves his wife, he LISTENS to her advice and they have a healthy sex life. Dr. Girlfriend doesn't do anything she doesnt want to/isn't apart of anything she doesn't want to be. The only thing he hasn't really heard her on is with 21 but I feel pretty confident that's probably some foreshadowing about 21 rejoining the fold.
If it makes you feel any better, I never cared for the the twins that worked with Dr. Girlfriend but everyone else seems to have loved them.
If it makes you feel any better, I never cared for the the twins that worked with Dr. Girlfriend but everyone else seems to have loved them.
He's incredibly selfish he hasn't done one thing to help Dr. Girlfriend. When she wanted to arch for herself the monarch got all bitchy.
Yeah his Viceroy talk in the recent episode was pretty creepy.
He might need to comprise a little more but I still don't believe that if he's as bad as you're making him out to be, she would stay with him. That's not like Dr. Girlfriend at all. She knows how to put her foot down. I don't see her being as sweet and patient as she has been (especially this season's premiere with the plan) with him if he was some how a horrible husband and never gave her something she enjoyed.
Ive never heard anyone say anything good about the moppets. The only time I've laughed at them was when the monarch and dr girlfriend told them off. I'm still hoping 21 ends up killing them for slowly driving him even more insane over a year.
I really really wish we could see Dr. O again.
The short season is making the complete absense of the Monarch and Dr. Orpheus all the more pronounced. I really really wish we could see Dr. O again.
Only two episodes to go.
What a bummer. I feel like we're just getting into the thick of the season.
Not sure how everything will tie up but I'm sure it will be great.
And there's still that feature length episode in-between season 5 and 6 to look forward to! Or has that been shelved?
The short season is making the complete absense of the Monarch and Dr. Orpheus all the more pronounced.
Yeah. The season is almost over and it feels like nothing has really happened yet.