tarsier not much but i bet its vita game. 45 ppl working over there
Sanzaru is doing amazing job with Sly from what I can tell
My bets:
ND- Uncharted 4 as PS4 launch game.
SP- New IP PS4 launch window.
GG-Killzone 4 PS4 and new shooter RPG IP a la Mass Effect for PS4 launch window.
Evolution-Wipeout meets Rollcage = best PSN PS4 launch game.
Sony London- Wonderbook games, helping other studios with PS4 SDK and PS Home PS4 beta.
Sony Cambridge- working on Killzone Mercenary as part of GG.
Media Molecule- Tearaway for Vita, and a new IP for PS4 launch window.
Sony San Diego- MLB The Show and Warrior's Lair for Vita.
Sony Bend- Uncharted Vita 2. If I was Sony would hire them a 2nd team create a 2nd team to make Syphon Filter PS3 & Vita late 2013 / early 2014.
Sony Santa Monica- New IP for PS4, to continue helping little studios and the GoW team would work on GoW4 PS4 after it.
Ready at Dawn-New IP for PS4 and maybe X720, if it works Sony must buy them to make GoW Vita even if they don't want. xD
Studio Japan- Rain, Pupeteer, Loco Roco Vita, Gravity Rush 2, helping with Soul Sacrifice and TLG s released November 2013 (like Agent).
Polyphony Digital-GT6 PS4 to be released in PS6 launch window.
Quantic Dream- New IP for PS3, that one that appeared in a Heavy Rain poster and was mentioned before. If Beyonds works well Sony would try to buy them or to get at least a 3 games contract for PS4.
United Front Games- wouldn't work with Sony anymore.
BluePoint would make ZOEHD Vita and after it GTA HD collection Vita.
Zindagi would made something for Move 2 as PS4 launch game (Sports Champions 3?).
Giant Sparrow would help with a Unfinished Swan port and their next game (2014) would be PS3 PSN+Vita.
Superbot next game would be PASBR2 for PS3 and Vita (2014 too).
I think both Double Eleven(LBPVita2), Tarsier(LBPVita2), Clap Hanz(other HSG), Cellius(Ridge Racer 4D), Funbit (new IP helped by Santa Monica), Novarama (Invizimals Vita) will release new Vita games during late 2013 or 2014.
Vita gets a price cut in Q1 2013, PS3 gets a price cut in Q3 2013 and PS4 is released Q1 2014.
PS3 ends selling more than PS1 and 360 at the end of its lifetime, and Vita ends selling slightly more than PSP partially thanks to wifin+Bluetooth+Gaikai conectivity with PS4 which would leverage Remote Play and Cross Controller to a new level.