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Virginia sixth grader suspended for a year and prosecuted for not having marijuana

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Let's not forget this humdinger...

A Texas boy was suspended from school after bringing a "Lord of the Rings" toy to school.

NY Daily News reports 9-year-old Aiden Steward was suspended from Kermit Elementary School after the schools says Steward threatened a fellow student with the "one ring".

School officials told a classmate he could make him disappear with the ring. Stewards family says they had just watched "The Hobbit" days earlier, inspiring the young boy's imagination.

Jason Steward told the Daily News the kids were just playing make-believe when the incident occurred.

“Kids act out movies that they see. When I watched Superman as a kid, I went outside and tried to fly,” Steward said.

In the movie, anyone wearing the ring becomes invisible. Last week Aiden told a friend he could put the ring on the friend's head and make him invisible.

I assure you my son lacks the magical powers necessary to threaten his friend's existence,” the boy's father later wrote in an email. "If he did, I'm sure he'd bring him right back."

The school is not commenting on the matter. Aiden's family says the boy has been suspended three times this school year. Once for referring to a classmate as black and another for bringing the book "The Big Book of Knowledge" to school.

“He loves that book. They were studying the solar system and he took it to school. He thought his teacher would be impressed,” Steward said.

His family says the book depicted a pregnant woman in an illustration, which led to the suspension.


“The young man was telling people on the bus that he had marijuana that was given to him by someone from the high school,” Guynn told me. The attorney added the leaf was not dried, as marijuana typically is, but that “it was a little sprig” that looked to Guynn exactly like a photo of a marijuana leaf he found on the Internet.

Sixth grade.

Young man.

That delicious twisting of language to suit your needs.


I love how our education system disciplines by suspension and removal of education. If you want kids to not use drugs you don't suspend them you educate them.

Some people...


Holy shit, I remember I did this in elementary and I had a bag of grass saying it was weed. Teacher was cool enough to just say not to do otherwise Id get in serious trouble.


Nobody in a position of authority can ever admit they're wrong.

That's why they stick to their guns and the boy gets harmed as a result.


the unfortunate confluence of of an overzealous school and prosecutor. The sad thing is, the kid is more likely to become a drug addict now than he ever was before this incident.

Of course this happened in this ass-backwards state. Sigh...

C'mon, this sort of thing isn't isloated to Virginia. Virginia isn't more "ass-backwards" than the mean of the country.
Sometime in the last 20 years, schools have gone completely insane.

Maybe it was Columbine, educators and politicians suddenly decided that schools needed to be treated like prison camps and treat all students as likely criminals instead of kids



Ronald Reagan still has his legacy over school students intact


Well, that settles it. I'm founding my own K-12 school where anything goes. Send your kids if you dare.
I went through a DARE program. Not only was it a complete waste of time, it replaced PE too.

Taking away kids' exercise periods was probably more unhealthy at the end of the day. Yes, people still did whatever drug they wanted when they got to high school.


Outside of development countries, there is no place I'd be more scared to raise children in than the USA.
When I was a middle school kid there was a short period when we used to carry powdered sugar in plastic bags that we would snort to look like "drug lords". Horrible to think I'd been expelled for that in th US.


Let's not forget this humdinger...

How... how is this possible?

I mean, to be honest, being suspended from that place actually sounds like an improvement.

But seriously. This thread is hurting me. Punishing children for doing harmless things children do that are completely unrelated to school and learning.

I mean, even without the ridiculousness, a whole fucking year suspension for pot? For a kid posessing pot, you're going to potentially ruin his education and his future? How is that logical at all!
The attorney added the leaf was not dried, as marijuana typically is, but that “it was a little sprig” that looked to Guynn exactly like a photo of a marijuana leaf he found on the Internet.

“The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, use or being under the influence of alcohol, anabolic steroids, or any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana or other controlled substance … [or] imitation controlled substances or drug paraphernalia while on school property, while going to and from school, or while engaged in or attending any school-sponsored or school approved activity or event, is prohibited, and will result in an automatic recommendation of expulsion.”

Guynn called that “a pretty standard rule across the commonwealth.”

“It’s the same punishment and exactly the same result” whether the leaf was marijuana or not, he said. For that reason, the Bays’ due-process claim should be tossed out, too, Guynn said.

My damn sides. "This looks sort of like what I think what a marijuana leaf would look like based on a quick google search. Doesn't matter if it's real or not, throw the book at him. If I'm wrong, too fucking bad."

Just lol


Outside of development countries, there is no place I'd be more scared to raise children in than the USA.
When I was a middle school kid there was a short period when we used to carry powdered sugar in plastic bags that we would snort to look like "drug lords". Horrible to think I'd been expelled for that in th US.

Not just expelled, arrested.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Nobody in a position of authority can ever admit they're wrong.

That's why they stick to their guns and the boy gets harmed as a result.

This is how I'm reading it, these idiots jumped the gun and now they're trying to cover themselves from getting in shit by falling back on the most literal interperetation of their dumb policies.
I took 2 things away from this:

1) The deputy the school has available to them, ostensibly for incidents such as this, has no idea what marijuana looks like.
2) The kid has learned nothing, except perhaps not to trust people in positions of authority.


What a world. Amazing to see that in the 21st century, this country still astounds me at how fucking ignorant it can be.

Can we have a thread for sane locations on this planet, please?


What a world. Amazing to see that in the 21st century, this country still astounds me at how fucking ignorant it can be.

Can we have a thread for sane locations on this planet, please?
There are none, you wouldn't believe what laws the penguins on Antarctica are passing these days.
I mean at some point you have to step back, and assess the situation, and realize you're keeping an 11 year old child out of school for 6 months over a leaf that he may or may not of pretended was marijuana. I feel like any sane person would realize that's ridiculous.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
It really is amazing to see a country regress as much as the US has over the past decade.

Blame the war on drugs and the complete gutting of mental health and public education in the 70s and 80s.

The result is stupidity and lack of common sense and hardlined attitudes as the next generation gains administrative power 25-40 years later.
I mean at some point you have to step back, and assess the situation, and realize you're keeping an 11 year old child out of school for 6 months over a leaf that he may or may not of pretended was marijuana. I feel like any sane person would realize that's ridiculous.

Sane people do, that is the point, insane people work at that school, police department and local courts
When I was in elementary school I set off baking soda and vinegar packets in the school dumpster, argued with a kid over who could shoot the other with a BB gun, and pretended sugar was cocaine with my friends at lunch. (DARE did a good job of supplying funny material for 10 year olds).

I feel like I would be in prison today if I wasn't in elementary during the nineties.


$10 says the kid wasn't white.
Nah, I went to a school that was like 95% white and this kind of thing happened to everyone.

One time, a kid who got beat up -- like, someone jumped him and just started going to town on him while he turtled up and cried -- got suspended/police escorted from school/sent to mandatory behavior councilor (same punishment for both guys).

The justification? In the exact words of the vice principal "It takes two to fight." (Both kids were white.)

Never mind that that shit wasn't a fight -- it was a mugging. Fucking ridiculous. As is this story.
This is probably anecdotal, but I've never heard anything positive about public school administration, from either teachers or students. What are they teaching these people in Higher Ed courses? And why is it so toxic to...everything?


This is basically an overblown case of this, right?


I feel like everyone has probably known that kid who bullshits around about having fucked with alcohol and drugs and girls on the playground, but obviously was just talking out his ass. To think that it's been taken so far is crazy though.
I'm imagining how this would have been handled at my elementary school.

After confirming that he doesnt have shit, they would have just taken the lighter away, given him a stern talking to, and told his parents he was being stupid. Maybe a weeks suspension if the kid was an asshole. And this was at a private religious school that my grandma sent me to.

So somehow I'm thinking this reaction is a bit extreme.

On a no-tolerance sidenote, a poor guy in my highschool got suspended for being punched. No, not for fighting back or even for trying to protect himself. For getting punched. He specifically did not react at all because he knew of the no tolerance policy and was trying to respect it as much as physically possible. There were 20+ people there to back him up but the admins didnt care. Half the school was upset about that one.


Blame the war on drugs and the complete gutting of mental health and public education in the 70s and 80s.
Are you insinuating that the wonderful public servants of Bedford Middle School are mentally ill?

This is probably anecdotal, but I've never heard anything positive about public school administration, from either teachers or students. What are they teaching these people in Higher Ed courses? And why is it so toxic to...everything?
How best to avoid lawsuits. And gobble up as much education money as possible. Teachers just get in the way, and students really get in the way of running a smooth school operation.


Nah, I went to a school that was like 95% white and this kind of thing happened to everyone.

One time, a kid who got beat up -- like, someone jumped him and just started going to town on him while he turtled up and cried -- got suspended/police escorted from school/sent to mandatory behavior councilor (same punishment for both guys).

The justification? In the exact words of the vice principal "It takes two to fight." (Both kids were white.)

Never mind that that shit wasn't a fight -- it was a mugging. Fucking ridiculous. As is this story.

"Mug" the parents in a reciprocal manner. Send a message. Its the Chicago way.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Are you insinuating that the wonderful public servants of Bedford Middle School are mentally ill?

Well if the school suspended a kid for marijuana possession, and the officer cited him with the magistrate for marijuana possession, despite the fact that the field test showed that what he had was not marijuana, or a leaf from a marijuana plant, but a normal leaf... possibly?


Well if the school suspended a kid for marijuana possession, and the officer cited him with the magistrate for marijuana possession, despite the fact that the field test showed that what he had was not marijuana, or a leaf from a marijuana plant, but a normal leaf... possibly?
Yeah, but they haven't lab tested it yet after seven months. Only three field tests. It could still be some kind of secret marijuana that fools field tests.


Ronald Reagan still has his legacy over school students intact

And yet, schools in the 80s weren't nearly as draconian as today. Hell during the ninja weapon craze, almost every boy in school had some sort of martials arts thing - nunchucks, thrrowing stars, etc. Pocket knives were ubiquitous

I remember in elementary school 5th gade, so I guess 1980, we had a revolutionary war re-enactor come in to class complete with his gun.

And I knew at least three drug dealers in high school. None of them ever ran into trouble. One of them got caught after high school, saw him in the news. But there were no searches of lockers or drug sniffing dogs.

And if you got into a fight with another kid, you weren't even suspended. Hell, a lot of times you didn't even go to the principal's office, the teachers just told you to knock it off.


We had like this 30 year old "hall monitor/security" fellow that dealt drugs to students. Which should be illegal under anti-trust laws imo.
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