What are you talking about? In what jurisdiction can a single person unilaterally change the law?
I didin't say single person read it again.
Multiple corrupt people will protect themselves on the upper level.
Corrupt people on the lower level will vote for the people that help them most.
Look at this election on both sides for example. Look at the rule changes for the DNC in the I think it was 70's? Rules can be changed my multiple people, and when you have multiple corrupt people they change the rules to benefit them.
I mean we have now felons, a lot of which, though not all, will vote for the person who benefits them most. While as many on here would say, Politics and government is already filled with corruption. This is why Corporations, politicians, constantly get away with things, because all those corrupted people are protecting eachother to get away with stuff.
It's simple.
Now we are going to bring in felons who may change the swing of who wins and what not?We are talking thousands+ of votes.
In fact, adding felons may make the corruption in the justice system, politics, corporations worse, because now we have an additional voting bloc that has some individuals who will likely vote for the guy they think will let them commit crimes, leaving him or another corrupted soul in power.
How do you think politics got corrupt? Politics A worked to make Politics B look better than Politics C, and then Politics C did the same ad nausea, now you have a bunch of people corrupt in multiple positions protecting outsiders they think are beneficial and themselves from getting in trouble. Look at the big banks etc. It's crazy.