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Virtual On Oratorio Tangram discussion thread mkII


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
New thread posted with mod approval. Old thread is here. I wanted to add some gameplay info to the old OP and flesh it out some more but didn't want to bother Shard about editing one of his many OPs. But if you feel like there's something missing from this particular post, by all means, feel free to nag me all you want. I want to keep this OP relevant and current.


What the hell is an Ontario Anagram?

Due to some strange alignment of the planets, we seem to be in a glut of fighting games right now. Between SFIV, Blazblue, KOF98UM, MVC2, KOF 12, and more, it seems like there's no shortage of 1-on-1 action to be had at the moment. But the best game came out a few months ago and may have slipped by you. Dordray would crush any of those other guys beneath his feet. And then he would dance on their graves.

Cyber Troopers Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram Mind Shift Battle System Version Five Point Sixty-Six (or, for your sanity and mine, simply "VOOT") is, more or less, a 3D fighter for the Dreamcast and Xbox 360. Only instead of martial artists, you use giant fucking robots, and instead of hadoukens, you shoot giant laser beams. The main things that differentiate it from other fighters are constant full-3D movement (you're not always locked into a line of sight with your opponent) and terrain obstructions that can be used for cover. It's the second of a series (the first being Operation Moongate on Saturn, the latest being MARZ on PS2) and is generally regarded as the best for a variety of reasons I don't care to get into in this post.

The XBLA demo allows you to play the first 5 stages of Arcade mode as one of 3 VRs (Temjin, Raiden, Fei-Yen Kn). I'm also pretty sure that the demo AI is set to very easy, as the CPU basically stands around and waits for you to smash its teeth in. The full version features straightforward Arcade and Score Attack modes, versus play over Live, and an extremely easy 200 achievement points.

These in-game tutorials suck. How the hell do I play it?

Each VR has three basic weapons. The right weapon (RW) is usually a simple beam shot, the left weapon (LW) is usually more unique to that particular VR, and the center weapon (CW) is usually something really fucking powerful. If you perform one of the basic attacks in combination with a jump, crouch, dash, or stationary turbo, then its attack properties tend to change significantly. When in close range, most of these attack combinations change to some kind of melee technique. If you need an in-depth rundown on what you can do in this game and some general pointers, I started a page for VOOT on the Shoryuken Wiki here and have been updating and adding to it for a while now. (And if you think you can help me improve it, please do so!) You can find information on character-specific special moves here, though this lacks info on the 3 characters that were added in version 5.66.

Probably the biggest problem people have when starting out is keeping the opponent in sight. The best way to do this is typically by jumping into the air (which automatically locks onto the opponent), and then immediately hitting the crouch button to cancel your jump and return to the ground. Yeah, it's awkward, but it's effective, so get used to doing it.

Control schemes always come up as an issue in VO threads, so I might as well mention it: The original arcade game was played on a twin joystick setup with 2 triggers each. The default config on the gamepad is pretty different. Though there is an officially licensed controller coming out later this year, it's strictly for those with more money than sense ($300, typically over $400 after shipping). This thing is preorder only, and Hori isn't accepting more orders at the time of this post, so purchasing options are a bit limited. There is a twinstick style option for the default 360 pad, but I think the best control solution for the 360 pad is to just use the standard scheme with rotation moved to LB/RB instead of the right stick. Works fine for me. Your mileage may vary.

How's the online?

There's some good and some bad. The good: The netcode itself is absolutely excellent. I've played over 1500 online matches since this game's release, more than 95% of which have been against Japanese players. I could probably count the number of matches where lag was a deciding factor on my hands. No silly shit like host advantage (lookin' at you SNK XBLA releases), and ~200ms ping is playable. No foolin'! It's easy to create private 8-player lobbies through the Xbox Live Party menu, and the update patch also added in a spectator mode for private matches, so that's pretty cool.

The bad: The matchmaking system sort of blows. Whenever you challenge somebody in a public lobby (either Ranked or Player), that person has the option to either accept or refuse your challenge. I frequently fail to connect to an opponent, and I suspect (but am not positive) that this is largely due to Japanese players refusing challenges from overseas players, even though I find international games to perform fine. You might have to refresh the lobby list a few times to find somebody willing to play, but it usually doesn't take that long and it doesn't seem to be as bad as it was at its initial release.

If you ever played the 360 version of Virtua Fighter 5 (created by the same team), that should give you a good idea of how this game performs over Live, though the interface is a little more fleshed-out in VOOT and I never did play against nearly as many JP folk on VF5. Basically, if the netcode for this game wasn't as good as it is, I wouldn't be bothering to make a thread for it. Since the singleplayer is barebones and the only option for local versus is via system link (LAN), this game is only really worth it for Live play.

The online community itself is small but dedicated. Over 26500 copies have sold to date if the leaderboards are any indication, and there seem to be a few hundred players who play regularly. There are also still dozens of Gamertags out there with only 200 points from people who basically use their 360s as VOOT machines exclusively. Even though you're likely to find somebody to play at any time of the day, the vast majority of the playerbase is Japanese and most active during the day and evening (local Japan time). The forums at Oratan.com and Shoryuken.com have a lot of English-speaking players if you want to find some.

The Roster

Here be icons and brief bios.


Temjin - The jack of all trades VR with average size, power, and mobility. A good choice for beginners and pros alike. He's pretty straightforward and probably the most popular VR in the game. He has the most stylish special move, in which he jumps on top of his giant sword and rides it through the air like a surfboard, smashing into his opponent's head. Had a pretty rad theme song in Operation Moongate, too.

Raiden - A clunky heavyweight VR with high firepower. He has terrible close combat range, and most of his attacks are slow, but his center weapon (twin lasers) are both fast and phenomenally powerful. Most VRs crumple and die in 2 hits from the lasers, so try setting up a kill with them by flushing out the opponent with ground napalm and laser cages. He can destroy all of his armor and cut his remaining HP by 90% to enter Hyper Mode, which makes him the fastest VR in the game. His old stage from Operation Moongate is back, complete with its rockin' BGM.

Fei-Yen the Knight - A pink, lightweight, nimble VR with a girlish and fairy-like build who shoots heart beams from her chest, powers-up into something called "Emotional Mode," and has a bitchslap and butt stomp in her close combat technique list. Yeah. >_> She plays somewhat similarly to Temjin but with greater speed and firing rate in exchange for less offensive/defensive power.

Cypher - The aerial combat specialist. He's the most frail of all the VRs (excluding Ajim) but is extremely mobile, particularly so in the air. Cypher is the only VR who can fire two attacks in a single jump in addition to using aerial close combat. He can also transform into a fighter jet and fly straight into the opponent for lots of damage.

Grys-Vok - This guy brings the heavy artillery in full-force. His arsenal almost completely consists of mid-to-long range missiles with high explosive firepower, so the name of his game is zoning: use the blast radius of your missile barrages to box the opponent into a corner and/or to shield yourself from any oncoming attacks.

Stein-Vok - A Frankenstein mish-mash of all the other VRs with a build similar to that of Grys-Vok. I'm pretty sure that this guy has no original moves, as every single one that I've seen is a variant of one of the other VR's techniques. The result feels somewhat clunky to control, but it's hard to argue with that quad-laser center weapon. Fucker nails me with that more than I care to admit.

Apharmd the Battler - The close combat specialist. Most of his weapons blow at long range, but if he can close the gap between him and the opponent, the latter is often in for some serious face-smashing. His CC weapons are stronger, faster, and have greater reach than most others, so try to stun/corner the opponent and then move in for the kill.

Apharmd the Striker - An Apharmd model with improved long-range weaponry in exchange for average CC ability. He's considered by some to be the worst non-joke VR in the game, but he's still a force to be reckoned with if you can figure out the tricks with regard to the speed/homing ability in his missile attacks.

Apharmd the Commander - This model is based on the original Apharmd from Operation Moongate. He's sort of middle-of-the-road between B and S, I suppose. His center weapon (machete toss) hurts a whole lot, but it's kinda hard to aim.

Bal-Bados / Bal-Baros / Bal-Keros - The Bal series consists of three different models that are used depending on whether you're fighting on land, water, or air. All three have very similar abilities; most of their differences are merely cosmetic. Bal's gimmick is his ability to detach his limbs and use them to set-up traps throughout the arena. He is by far the most complicated VR in the game, has at least twice as many specials as anyone else, and I'm still not quite sure how to pull off all the shit that he does. Definitely for experts only.

Dordray - Built like a fuckin' tank. Dordray boasts the strongest V Armor in the game, which means that all but close-range or really powerful shots will just bounce right off of him with no effect. He's armed with a drill on his left hand and a clamp on his right, both of which can be detached and launched at the opponent from long distances. Even though he's slower than most VRs, he does have an extremely tight turning radius in his favor. His specials include powerful charging attacks and the ability to greatly increase his size.

Angelan - A lightweight VR with low HP but high armor and excellent homing attacks. She's custom-tailored for turtles, as she can use seeking ice pillars and dragons from long range while the enemy's shots just bounce off of her. The effectiveness of her energy attacks at short range is diminished, but she's decent at melee. Her special cuts her health by 50% of her max HP, which gives her angel wings and greatly increased speed. While in this form, one of her close combat attacks can drain the opponent of his HP in order to restore her own.

Specineff - Badass-looking grim reaper bot. Specineff is one of the more difficult VRs to use, but he's arguably the best. His dash is very short but fast. Most of his weapons use up too much ammo to be able to rely on rapid-fire like other light VRs, but they're very strong. His heat-seeking left weapon is one of the most aggravating attacks to dodge. One of his specials gives him 13 seconds of invulnerability, but he instantly self-destructs once this timer expires. A great desperation technique.

Ten Eighty Special - A stripped-down, mass-produced model of Temjin lacking in features compared to all other VRs. He can't change direction mid-dash or use air dashes. If Temjin is the Ryu of Virtual On, then 10/80 is the Dan. He's a handicap character meant for experts only.

Ajim - A secret playable boss with a simple crystalloid appearance. He has unparalleled speed and offensive power (which can even be increased further with power up moves), and his right weapon recharges so fast that it has practically unlimited ammo. He's a verifiable killing machine, but his defensive capabilities are so poor that he's often relegated to joke character status, on the same tier as 10/80. Ajim crumples like paper from enemy hits, and his health continually depletes during the match, meaning that a skilled opponent can just dodge and wait out the clock if he chooses. His special is a gigantic self-destruct blast that cuts 50% of his remaining HP but can seriously cripple the opponent.

Bradtos - A nonplayable boss who shows up in stage 6 of Arcade mode. His appearance and battle theme are similar to that of Z-Gradt, the final boss of Operation Moongate, but his attacks are completely different. He's only vulnerable while his core is exposed. Make sure to keep your distance from him during this phase so that you have time to react to the spacing of his attacks, and try using explosive attacks to shield yourself by cancelling out his beams.

Tangram - The nonplayable final boss of Arcade mode. Tangram's arena is unique, as there's no ground to stand on. The entire battle takes place in mid-air with Tangram itself as the gravitational center, and you can press either jump or crouch to alter your vertical positioning. Though Tangram can be damaged at any point in the match, it's only particularly vulnerable when its eye is exposed. Once you have the timing of its attack pattern down (eye opens, pause, shoots three spread lasers, pause, shoots giant beam, pause, eye closes), make sure to use your strongest attacks on the eye whenever there's an opening. Right turbo attacks (usually RTRW or RTCW) work best. If you lose against Tangram by KO, you can continue as normal, but if time expires, it's instant Game Over.

Match videos!

Ajim vs Dordray
Bal-Bados vs Raiden
Fei-Yen Kn vs Apharmd S
Apharmd B vs Specineff
Specineff vs Angelan
Cypher vs Grys-Vok

Fei-Yen + Ajim montage
Prototype Raiden


Post yours in this thread or send a PM my way and I'll add you to the list. I'll be adding those gamertags that I already have to this list in short order, though I'm going to limit it to those who I know still actually play.

NeoGAF Username - Gamertag
Beezy - Ji3eezy
Llyranor - Plutobux
Sai - SaiST
Sixfortyfive - Sixfortyfive
Tain - KNTain
Teknoman - TeknomanEX
U K Narayan - SYSTEM Turn A


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
shuri said:
its a shame that this game will never take off because of the psychotic price of the controllers..
I just realized that since it's already the 30th in Japan that the preorders for the official sticks are probably already closed. Oh well.

I've heard that the prices for modded DC sticks have fallen quite a bit on Yahoo Japan Auctions lately since most of the demand has already been met. It could be worth looking into a courier service for those.


Dumb question, is there a noticable visual difference between the original MODEL 3 Step 2.0 arcade version of VOOT and the NAOMI arcade versions?


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
camineet said:
Dumb question, is there a noticable visual difference between the original MODEL 3 Step 2.1 arcade version of VOOT and the NAOMI arcade versions?
Dumb answer: yes. :p

I've never seen a 5.2 or 5.4 cab, but I heard those Model 3 variants had more transparency and lighting effects and such. The "updated graphics" option on the 360 port is probably something else entirely, as well.


Sixfortyfive said:
Bal-Bados / Bal-Baros / Bal-Keros - The Bal series consists of three different models that are used depending on whether you're fighting on land, water, or air. All three have very similar abilities; most of their differences are merely cosmetic. Bal's gimmick is his ability to detach his limbs and use them to set-up traps throughout the arena. He is by far the most complicated VR in the game, has at least twice as many specials as anyone else, and I'm still not quite sure how to pull off all the shit that he does. Definitely for experts only.
And also the most fun to play! He doesn't deal a lot of damage, but I love his versatility. There aren't enough Bal-Bados players on Ranked matches! Detaching limbs on and off, setting ambushes, and also deploying them to unleash a pretty diverse set of specials, is all pretty good fun.

I met one really good Bal-Bados player (who was 2000-1000 or something) who did a really cool move where he would just deploy both his arm-turrets, then unleash a literally endless wave of flying bombs at me. I would have to constantly run around to dodge them, but as I did that, there would be even more and more bombs going towards me, and their number seemed to be continuously increasing. Apparently it has to do with how he would switch weapon type ('back' switches the weapon type of deployed turrets from bombs to lasers) between each shot in order to always have enough energy to shoot more bombs. I tried doing it, but it ended up being a disaster.

Can't wait for the twin-sticks!

Add me - Plutobux!


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
The Bal/Raiden match in the OP is pretty intense. I imagine that getting caught in Bal's pyramid for the first time is always funny.


Anybody else planning on wasting their Sunday morning? Apparently the foreigners are split off on their own part of the bracket, and the winner of the gaijin bracket goes straight to the final 16.

So I guess I have to hope that MM and Schooly D won't be awake. :lol Fuckin' Grys-Vok and Cypher.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
FUCK! I beat Menthol for the first time ever, only for Schooly to wake up in the last minute before being disqualified. Then he stomped me. :( :lol

They're supposed to be showing semifinals on this stream soon. I plan on uploading videos from this tournament to Youtube unless someone else gets around to it first.


I have never played Virtual On before, but I got this one on xbla and I loved it, I suck at it but I still love it, I stopped playing though because I got stuck on third level or so....


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Nachkebia said:
I have never played Virtual On before, but I got this one on xbla and I loved it, I suck at it but I still love it, I stopped playing though because I got stuck on third level or so....
3rd level of what? Arcade Mode?
Probably my most played game on XBLA, its fantastic. Netcode is great, the only problem is really chickenshits/EXP obsessives that refuse your match requests and they'll still show up in the Lobby selection for you.

Such a good game, and the japanese love it. You'll mostly play japanese people at this, but it makes wins feel oddly satisfying! VOOT is a terrible addiction, and when my 3 month Live Sub runs out, I dunno what I am going to do...

Has anyone got the VOOT Premium Theme? If so I'd like to see pics! Sneaky MS must have google ads similar that track what I play because its always the one advertised thing in the Guide QuickMenu, and its starting to work on me :lol

Also, if you're a Fei-Yen player, fuck you!


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
SecretBonusPoint said:
Has anyone got the VOOT Premium Theme? If so I'd like to see pics! Sneaky MS must have google ads similar that track what I play because its always the one advertised thing in the Guide QuickMenu, and its starting to work on me :lol
I only bought the DNA gamerpic pack, and only when that Title Update was released. Sort of my small way of "rewarding good behavior," if you will.

SecretBonusPoint said:
Also, if you're a Fei-Yen player, fuck you!
Another Fei-Yen player just won the second tournament! We're 2 for 2!


Aye, Fei-Yen is also my worst enemy :mad:

(psst I'd recommend looking into special deals for 12mo gold subs given the addictiveness of this game; you could probably find some for about 30 bucks or so)


Add me!

Beezy - Ji3eezy

I haven't played much recently, but it's so fun. That ice bitch and Dordray are my worst matchups. I'm not home right now, so I won't be on until next week Sunday.
yes this game does deliver one of the best, most intense online xbla experiences out there but still there are serious problems that hold this game back from it's godly status that it truly deserves. first no matter what control setup you choose or how much time use spend to get comfy playing the game with 360 pad, the game never lets you forget that game's core mechanics were designed around the twin Stick controller. It gets really frustrating to pull a wrong move & die while you were wrestling with the pad to pull one of those special moves that require you to 2 buttons & the sticks simultaneously(especially considering how fast the game is). secondly the lack of comprehensive tutorial basically forces new comers to utilize gamefaqs or watch tons of high level player videos to learn the intricacies of the game(especially the close quarters combat), not a deal breaker but still annoying. Thirdly there are no options for local multiplayer on a split-screen & online competition is mostly godly Japanese players so get ready to be owned over and over again until you get decent.

Figured I'd post this to pretty up the thread :D Theres lots of Virtual On collectables about (NONE OF DORDRAY, MAKE DORDRAY, I WILL CRUSH) ranging from action figures, big ass model kits and a One Coin Collection from Kotobukiya (2 x 9 Pcs sets).

I'd certainly like to see more gamers give VOOT a chance, especially as a fighter. Its use of 3d space and outmanouevering your opponent gives it this sort of ROBOT HYPER BATTLE CHESS+ vibe and its such a complete package allowing you to customise the colours of the VR's. I've seen several Starscream Vipers, Optimus Raiden/Apharmd/Grys-Vok and quite a few Eva-01 Specineffs!


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Beezy said:
I haven't played much recently, but it's so fun. That ice bitch and Dordray are my worst matchups. I'm not home right now, so I won't be on until next week Sunday.
Fucking ice bitch. I'm terrible at avoiding those double dragons, and when they figure that out, they just start spamming it for an instant win. I always lose sight of them after their first pass, and they usually hit me on the second.

NonexistentK said:
first no matter what control setup you choose or how much time use spend to get comfy playing the game with 360 pad, the game never lets you forget that game's core mechanics were designed around the twin Stick controller. It gets really frustrating to pull a wrong move & die while you were wrestling with the pad to pull one of those special moves that require you to 2 buttons & the sticks simultaneously(especially considering how fast the game is).
Eh. Hitting 2 buttons at once is easy unless it's one of those special "both turbo" moves. Then you have to fuck around with the settings in order to manage that.

SecretBonusPoint said:
I'd certainly like to see more gamers give VOOT a chance, especially as a fighter. Its use of 3d space and outmanouevering your opponent gives it this sort of ROBOT HYPER BATTLE CHESS+ vibe and its such a complete package allowing you to customise the colours of the VR's. I've seen several Starscream Vipers, Optimus Raiden/Apharmd/Grys-Vok and quite a few Eva-01 Specineffs!
I like how 2D fighter fans bitch about 3D fighters because they lack projectiles/zoning, don't make full-use of 3D space because you're locked into each others' line of sight the whole time, and don't have much of an aerial game. And then VOOT comes along and satisfies all of those conditions, but it doesn't count because it's a robot game or some crap.

I do like Samus Bal-Bados. The resemblance is uncanny. Sera chan (the guy running the tournament stream) had an Apharmd S colored as Temjin, and every time he used his bomb for shielding, he yelled "SUPAA TEMJIN BARRIAH!" :lol


VOOT (and VF5) are easily my favorite fighters ever. I wasn't even a fan of the genre before, and I still can't really get into other fighters.
There is just no way Fei-Yen's Golden Pink Heart Homing Strike should take off that much damage. Its just absolutely ludicrous. I hate playing against her so much. Can beat the piss out of her until she goes Super Saiyan, then its just a case of hiding behind blocks and cover firing while they spam Golden Hearts that take off a 1/3rd of my health.

Also, skilled Bal-Bados players are just straight up terrifying. The entire playfield covered in laser death all coming for you.


Llyranor said:
VOOT (and VF5) are easily my favorite fighters ever. I wasn't even a fan of the genre before, and I still can't really get into other fighters.
VF5 is too hard to learn for me. :( I have it, but I hardly play it. The CPU easily kicks my ass and the few people I know with the game suck just as bad as I do.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
SecretBonusPoint said:
There is just no way Fei-Yen's Golden Pink Heart Homing Strike should take off that much damage.
Fei-Yen's CW close-combat has 2 swipes, and each swipe does 370 damage. But each swipe also knocks down the opponent, so you can normally only get one hit in.

Unless you follow it from a stun heart. A hit that normally knocks down the opponent won't knock him down while he's stunned; it will only free him from stun and grant him no invincibility. So you can get that 2nd CC hit in and then follow it up with a ground stab for a total of 882 damage (956 damage if the damage scaling has hit its full effect). This is before counting the additional maximum 198 damage you can get from the stun heart itself!

The fact that Dordray's total HP is handicapped vs Fei-Yen probably doesn't help any. :)


shuri said:
its a shame that this game will never take off because of the psychotic price of the controllers..

The 360 controller actually works just fine for the game.

Also to newcomers, training mode is your friend. Figure out what attacks do the most damage, break the most armor, track nicely from afar, etc.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Teknoman said:
Also to newcomers, training mode is your friend. Figure out what attacks do the most damage, break the most armor, track nicely from afar, etc.
This site has a lot of damage tables for most characters, but it applies to v5.45 (Dreamcast) and isn't always 100% accurate even for that version. It is, however, still accurate enough to give you some rough ideas of how various attacks stack up to each other.

I started a Temjin page for the SRK wiki using the above damage table as a starting point, but it's really tedious work and I'm not going to get around to verifying much of that information for a while. I really want to try and start translating some of the more advanced tips and combos for different characters, because that seems like a more practical use of time.


DUmb question: Much improved over the Dreamcast version? Because I played that to death, I think i put in over 300 hours of gameplay :D


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I finally figured out how to pull off that guaranteed 100% damage combo that Fei-Yen players use to annihilate everything in Score Attack mode.

RTLW -> CWCC (2-hit) -> GRLW -> DALW

Kills absolutely everything without fail if the stun heart connects and I'm close enough for CC. The last hit isn't even needed to KO most of the characters.

Tain said:
I gotta play with yall more often. I'm always caught without a mic, though. :lol
ggs! Fear the butt stomp!

ajim said:
DUmb question: Much improved over the Dreamcast version? Because I played that to death, I think i put in over 300 hours of gameplay :D
It's basically the same game with a few new characters. Which isn't a bad thing at all.

Ogrekiller said:
Anyone see the redesigned sticks?
Might as well link to the article, as the pic isn't showing.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I hate to necropost my own threads, but I thought there might be a few people interested in this:


There's a tournament going down this Sunday evening, with the winner advancing to the Japanese tournament the following weekend. Sign-ups are due by tomorrow (Saturday) evening.

I'll probably be spending some time this weekend getting back into the swing of things, as I haven't played over Live in a few weeks. Hit me up for some matches if you see me around.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I'm still a new Xbox 360 owner and I haven't bought a single XBLA game yet... this might be the one. <3 Sega.


BocoDragon said:
I'm still a new Xbox 360 owner and I haven't bought a single XBLA game yet... this might be the one. <3 Sega.

This, Castle Crashers, Ikaruga, Rez HD, Bionic Commando Rearmed.


GhostSeed said:
NCSX confirmed today that the Twinsticks are shipping November 29.
Ooooh, just noticed this and was about to post it. Awesome news! End of Nov is going to be pretty cool. Mushitasghaksjghaskjga Futari and this!

I've been taking a break from VOOT while waiting for the sticks.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
There's another tournament going down this afternoon at oratan.com. I'm going to get stomped pretty bad, I think. Haven't played at all in about 2 weeks.

Apparently this game is the 2nd-best selling XBLA title in Japan already (behind only Bomberman Live). That's kinda neat.
Game will definitely be on my GAF GOTY list when the thread goes up in the coming months, but my Live sub is up and so my time with VOOT is at an end.

Fantastic experience, not surprised at it being Japans top XBLA game either :lol


Sixfortyfive said:
There's another tournament going down this afternoon at oratan.com. I'm going to get stomped pretty bad, I think. Haven't played at all in about 2 weeks.

Apparently this game is the 2nd-best selling XBLA title in Japan already (behind only Bomberman Live). That's kinda neat.

thats cool. i hope this game did pretty well sales wise. it is such an awesome port.

i never play this game enough though. like most of my arcade games. someone send me an invite if you want some casual games some day. i have a few of you on my list already (my GT is in my profile here, feel free to add me).

Cacophanus said:

interesting. not sure if its supposed to be any good, but id probably buy it just to support the cause and check it out.


Daigoro said:
interesting. not sure if its supposed to be any good, but id probably buy it just to support the cause and check it out.

Force is actually okay, it's just Marz that is horrid.


I have yet to buy the 360 version of VOOT, but I've always wanted to try "Force". Anyone know of any Xbox Live points card deals going on for Black Friday? :/
VOOT is a really great game, and they did do an amazing job with the port.

I originally signed up as interested in the Hori twinsticks but I ignored the second email that basically double checked. Kind of glad I didn't go through with the pre-order.
Played a hell of a lot of the original and the relatively abysmal PS2 version. Great to see you diehards getting into it! Wish there was a PS3 release...

...nothing has been mentioned at all, has it?
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