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Vita has 4GB of Flash Memory. Why do we still need expensive memory cards?


I don't think requiring a memory card is nearly as egregious as requiring a proprietary memory card. Actually that's not even the real problem either, the problem is charging four times as much for the same storage as an SD card. I'm pretty sure that it doesn't cost Sony four times as much money to produce those cards.


I don't think requiring a memory card is nearly as egregious as requiring a proprietary memory card. Actually that's not even the real problem either, the problem is charging four times as much for the same storage as an SD card. I'm pretty sure that it doesn't cost Sony four times as much money to produce those cards.

It's probably to offset the costs on selling the hardware at that low of a price. Low as in probably a loss.


It's probably to offset the costs on selling the hardware at that low of a price. Low as in probably a loss.

That's true, it's just that their intent to do that is rather obvious. Ten years ago it was easier to do it because all of the consoles had proprietary memory cards(though Nintendo deservedly got a lot of flack for its pitifully small memory cards). With virtually every consumer electronics device these days using SD cards(even Nintendo's systems), the Vita's decision to forego them, and the prices they're charging for the alternative, stands out in a negative way. People don't really mind spending money if they feel they're getting value, it's when you charge people more for basically the same thing(or worse I suppose since you can us SD cards for multiple devices). I don't know if the memory cards have actually hurt the Vita's sales, but I can't imagine it helps. And I think it's a misstep to position something as a multimedia device and then ignore the most common multimedia card for mobile electronics.


Im guessing it's also where the suspened games/apps are stored.

if you have a game open, the game would probably take a majority of the RAM, and if you have any apps running in the background, they would
be placed in the flash memory-> you can have up to 7 apps opened up at once iirc. so that would probably add up.

no way near 4gb mind you.

hopefully the excess flash memory means they can do a firmware update to allow a game to be played while one is suspened (like PSPgo!)
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