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WaPo article hinting that Trump's new CoS is indeed more sensible than the rest.


Here's a WaPo article I just got this morning in my email that reports that Trump's new CoS, General John Kelly seems to be more sensible than the rest of Trump's lackeys in the White House fortunately, some interesting tidbits, Kelly might very well be the person to get Trump to back off of some of his "most cartoonish ideas" such as building the border wall, Kelly wants Trump to stop burning bridges with the Democrats and was contacting Democrats to attempt a bipartisan push for tax reform among other things: https://s2.washingtonpost.com/camp-rw/?e=a3Muc3dlZWxleUBnbWFpbC5jb20=&s=59805f6c085699271dc7cd4d

It makes sense that Kelly axing someone as colorful as The Mooch would get the lion’s share of attention, but three other stories that came out in the past 24 hours also foreshadow what kind of chief he’ll be:

1. “A hint of Kelly’s potential influence on Trump emerged two weeks ago, in Aspen, Colorado, when Kelly made a startling revelation,” writes the New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza, the reporter who found himself on the receiving end of one of Scaramucci’s profanity-laced tirades last week: “According to several sources who attended a private briefing that included some of the nation’s most senior current and former national-security officials, Kelly sought to ease their minds about one of the most controversial and famous Trump proposals: the border wall with Mexico. Kelly explained that he had spent a great deal of time talking through the issue with Trump, and he believed he had convinced the President that he didn’t actually need to build a physical wall … To the officials in the room, it was a fascinating admission. Kelly seemed to be suggesting that he was one of the few people who might be able to tame Trump and get him to back off some of his most cartoonish policy ideas, even the ones that were core campaign promises.”

2. Kelly was so upset with how Trump handled the firing of FBI Director James Comey that he called Comey to say he was considering resigning, CNN reports: “Comey, who took Kelly's call while traveling back from Los Angeles to Washington, responded to Kelly by telling him not to resign … (Two) sources said Comey and Kelly are not close friends but that they had a professional relationship and a deep mutual respect for each other. … ‘John was angry and hurt by what he saw and the way (Comey) was treated,’ one of the sources said.”

3. Kelly is already making overtures to Democrats, per the Daily Beast: “Even before he formally started the job, Kelly was reaching out to top Capitol Hill Democrats in hopes of regaining political capital ahead of what is expected to be a bruising fight over tax reform and other administration priorities. ‘Tax reform is gonna be a heavy lift,’ a senior White House official [said]. ‘No reason to write off/alienate [Democrats] any more than we already have.’ A spokeswoman for … Nancy Pelosi [said] that Kelly reached out her over the weekend with the two holding a phone conversation on Sunday. A spokesman for … Chuck Schumer … confirmed that Kelly reached out to him as well


Lol sounds like this guy is basically going to become the shadow president if he's going to be able to mold Trump's beliefs and direction that easily.


Kelly has one job for me: keep Trump away from the special investigation. Considering point 2, he should be on board for that. Still, at the end of the day, it's still a madman that he reports to.
Considering how bad its been and how Trump isnt going anywhere soon....

Im quite pleased with the caliber of person Kelly seems to be

Lets hope he can at least help us weather the storm slightly better because i am seriously concerned for all of our well being thanks to this very weak presidency


It's cute if they think the Democrats are gonna give a shit about any of the Republican agenda. I mean unless Trump shows his tax returns there's no reason to even entertain a bi-partisan action on tax reform. I doubt they would want to give Trump any win after how Republicans treated Obama. It's gonna be 4 wasted years for the US. I think the Republicans would be fucked if they don't build the wall, so I'm kinda happy Kelly is trying to convince them not to build it.


So he'll be gone in a few months then?

Hopefully Kelly just keeps him from throwing future temper tantrums and then Mueller will dig up enough to impeach Trump by 2018.
Looking forward to reading about him being fired in 6 months.

He can't be fired that easily. It's kinda obvious that behind closed doors the GOP's leaders made it quite clear that Trump will get impeached, if necessary because of his golfing habbit, if he doesn't start to get his shit together, and that Kelly is supposed to be his nanny.

Trump's now 6 months in office and basically hasn't accomplished anything except making the US a laughing stock even amongst banana republics. The GOP is well aware that if this track record continues they can tell their majority in both congress and house goodbye. At least this is how I see it.


Unconfirmed Member
When will people learn? Trump isn't going to change and he's impossible to control. This idea that Kelly is the magic man who is going to turn Trump away from his wacky ideas is laughable.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Trump's ego won't allow it. If he starts hearing about how Kelly is the real President or things like that his pride is going to go into rage mode.
That was my takeaway as well. The Bannon side will push him out at some point, probably sooner rather than later.
I think that the clear message sent yesterday is that everyone in the WH now reports to Kelly, sans Trump (and maybe even him). Bsnnon is more likely to be the one pushed out if he acts up.

None of this is going to save Trump from the instigation but it may help the congressional Republicans to pass some actual bills before their terms are up.


This quote comes to mind...


Seems like Kelly might actually be the adult in the room. Maybe he can make a difference.

Reaching out to democrats on tax reform is hilarious though. The GOP wants to cut taxes, Dems recognize they actually need to be raised on corporations and the wealthy. I'm not exactly sure how they are going to get much bipartisan support with a fundamental divide on taxation beliefs.


This tax reform is going to be one helluva ride for rump and the people around him.

He might mess around and sneak 160 characters into one tirade. Crashing Twitter.


The generals, thus far, seem to be the mediating influence in the WH. McMasters was apparently the one who got Calamity Bannon off the NSA, Mattis cleans up the mess on the foreign side whenever Trump shits himself, and now Kelly got rid of the Mooch. Trump seems to respond to these Generals, at least more so than anyone else. He's probably intimidated by them.


That was my takeaway as well. The Bannon side will push him out at some point, probably sooner rather than later.

Bannon doesn't have the influence many people think he does. He has Trump's ear for certain things still it seems, but the idea of him as the master manipulator is pretty outdated at this point I think.


The same thing was being said about Reince Priebus and we saw what happened there.

Kelly will last as long as he stays out of the way and somehow fixes 'the leaks' in the White House (if Trump is breaking the law, committing treason, and covering up/obstructing justice, then the leaks need to happen).


Sounds like just another sucker.

Trump ALWAYS agrees with whoever is standing in front of him at the time. Then he stabs you in the back.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I would think the Comey tidbit alone, once that starts to circulate more widely to get into Trump's field of view (aka Fox and Friends talk about it), would be enough by itself to make the relationship rocky. I am curious though how Kelly seems better able to navigate through Trump's vapid volatility and steer him towards more sensible decisions. Although, a lot of that seems to be hearsay at the moment.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I think that the clear message sent yesterday is that everyone in the WH now reports to Kelly, sans Trump (and maybe even him). Bsnnon is more likely to be the one pushed out if he acts up.

None of this is going to save Trump from the instigation but it may help the congressional Republicans to pass some actual bills before their terms are up.

Trump openly encourages competition. I don't think Bannon is the type to just take whatever Kelly says. I expect a lot of in fighting between Kelly and the old guard. Remember, Scaramucci was new to Trump's team.


Trump doesn't care what people tell him. If your job is to police Trump you will be broken and it sounds like he was already at the brink of being broken before.
Yeah, I'm sure he'll be the magic key that gets Trump to stop being an impulsive, ignorant moron. I give it 50/50 odds on him making it to 2018.


First we had Shadow President Calamity Bannon.
Then we had Shadow President Fox and Friends.
Curious to see whether Shadow President John F Kelly can net positive results.
He's only fooling himself into believing he can shape and guide the president.

at best you can only point this guy in a direction for a few weeks then he snaps at you.

I give kelly 11 weeks before he gets fired
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