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WaPo: Trump recorded bragging about his fame letting him violate women in 2005

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The stuff I'm seeing on Facebook about people defending trump is insane. I'm seeing the fact that women bought 50 shades of gray. Why should they be offended about his comments? A few boys will be boys comments too, one was from a dad commenting on his daughters post too (both Trump supporters).So if some man walks up to your daughter and "grabs her by the pussy" it's ok? Ya know, boys will be boys.

Christian Gray is hot.

Donald Trump is not.

Contradiction resolved.

Oh, and Christian didn't go around grabbing Ana by the pussy because he could. They had contracts.


Trump just posted a Breitbart interview with Juanita Broaddrick. He is going full in on the "Hillary is a rapist enabler and victim blamer" rhetoric.

Tonight is going to be real ugly. Fuck this election. Fuck it so much.


Twitter pisses me off. So and so is dropping support.. wait no he isn't. I just hope there actually is more videos that will come out but something tells me there won't be.


With that tweet, the GOP civil war is officially breaking out before our eyes and it is spectacular.

The question becomes do people abandon Trump once he loses? Where do those people go? I think we're very likely to see a very fractured party now and the party is fucked either way. The Trump base/Alt-right and the traditional GOP coalitions cannot co-exist. And they can't win elections without both in the fold.


The stuff I'm seeing on Facebook about people defending trump is insane. I'm seeing the fact that women bought 50 shades of gray. Why should they be offended about his comments? A few boys will be boys comments too, one was from a dad commenting on his daughters post too (both Trump supporters).So if some man walks up to your daughter and "grabs her by the pussy" it's ok? Ya know, boys will be boys.
I bought GTA. I'm not repeatedly appalled by news of killing sprees.
As a outsider watching from afar I am amazed the shit trump has gotten away with during his campaign . Outright racist comments , inciting violence , actually encouraging people to hack or kill the president . All stuff your average person on the steeet would be thrown in jail for .

Now finally admits to rape and still no cops knocking on his door.

I hope when he is completely annihilated all these illegal things come back to bite him on the ass , at the very least all his trump towers etc are brought down.

Also hope any shitstain republicans that supported him are wiped out as well.


maybe its too early in the morning and i cant read, but at what point in this conversation do we think the donald is describing sexual assault? "grab them by the pussy" ? is that it?


Fail out bailed
If Trump steps down and Pence steps up, could Pence win the election due to the disdain of Hillary Clinton?
Voting has already started in some places. Trump's name is on the ballets. Many of Trump's voters would stay home. Clinton would just get more popular.


Jesus, how much worse can it get after this? I'd rather not know....

Hugh Hewitt Verified account

For the benefit of the country, the party and his family, and for his own good, @realDonaldTrump should withdraw. More and worse oppo coming


maybe its too early in the morning and i cant read, but at what point in this conversation do we think the donald is describing sexual assault? "grab them by the pussy" ? is that it?

If a dude says he grabs his girl by the pussy when having sex it's probably ok.

In he entire conversation that Donald is having it comes off as sexual assault. Context. He's talking about doing whatever he wants with women and they won't resist because he is famous.
maybe its too early in the morning and i cant read, but at what point in this conversation do we think the donald is describing sexual assault? "grab them by the pussy" ? is that it?
The whole point of the conversation is how nobody fights back when he starts kissing and grabbing him because he's too important and powerful.


Unconfirmed Member
If Trump steps down and Pence steps up, could Pence win the election due to the amount of disdain for Hillary Clinton?

That would mean probably the biggest upset in U.S. Presidential history would need to occur. A last minute replacement for a disgraced candidate beating a candidate who was safely ahead in the polls a month out.


If Trump steps down and Pence steps up, could Pence win the election due to the amount of disdain for Hillary Clinton?

Others have pointed out how bad of an idea that is, but why it's a bad idea is why the GOP is fucked.

Simply replacing Pence with Trump would disaffect and piss off yuuge swaths of Trump voters who pretty much comprise the base of the GOP at this point.

That was the problem in the primaries as we saw. The establishment has lost control of the party and the Trumpers are in charge now. The numbers would simply not work without them. But this is what decades of southern strategy racism has left the GOP with and now they're going down with the sinking and dying demographic ship.


If Trump steps down and Pence steps up, could Pence win the election due to the amount of disdain for Hillary Clinton?
Not a chance. Even if Pence could have won in a simple 1v1 from the beginning, even if the voting hadn't already started, a really big chunk of Trump supporters are not republicans, but Trump-Or-Bust voters. They won't accept anyone else, they demand their crazy clown to be supported
Oh my god Giuliani's twitter makes my head hurt:

"Fuck you Hispanics"

"Don't listen to the news about the storm, it's probably not that bad"

"Fuck the Reagans"

That's a parody account you guys.

Not that it isn't pretty much what is floating around in his head right now anyway.


If a dude says he grabs his girl by the pussy when having sex it's probably ok.

In he entire conversation that Donald is having it comes off as sexual assault. Context. He's talking about doing whatever he wants with women and they won't resist because he is famous.

The whole point of the conversation is how nobody fights back when he starts kissing and grabbing him because he's too important and powerful.

hm. i guess we don't need to spend too much time talking about this because its fucking donald trump, but after reading that excerpt in the OP twice i don't see any explicit sexual assault references. just sounds like a rich and powerful dude with a tiny dick bragging to one of his friends. "grab them by the pussy" likely isn't literal. likely he's just talking shit.


maybe its too early in the morning and i cant read, but at what point in this conversation do we think the donald is describing sexual assault? "grab them by the pussy" ? is that it?
If the girl is hot, he just walks up to them and kisses them. That he can get away with it as a star. The pussy part does seem like a stretch, but he speaks of his actions as if he has done it several times.

Sure, both his and Billy's conversation set up his actions in the video itself.
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