Whew! I'm not the only one who liked both for what they were.
I wouldn't class either as great Sci-Fi movies...or even thrillers. They do a lot of things well, but are obviously weak in others.
People complain about Shymalan's (sp?) characters...while I found the ones in Signs far more interesting than the ones in WotW.
The way I saw it, it seemed as if Speilsberg was influenced by Shyamalan's simple approach to characters.
The son should have died...that in itself shows how his recklessness got him dead. Disobey your dad, you're dead!
WotW didn't really have any message at the end...Signs (like the Outer Limits) had a great message.
Sure, there weren't any tense scenes in WotW, but in the beginning when the Aliens started vapourizing people (I LOVE how they did this, because the laser looked kinda like a homage to old sci-fi, and the effect on the people...was a lot more modern-ish looking) was WELL-WICKED.