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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War


Yeah I would assume either they just mean the races that actually have psychic powers, or that Tau will get a new race with them.


More importantly, Squats? What are Squats?

Whoops, I forgot to answer this the other day. Squats are 40k's dwarves (more specifically abhumans that lived close to the galactic core) that got retconned out of the setting by being eaten to almost near extiction by the Nids. Much of their lore was copy-pasted form Fantasy but they were still cool. All though their models and general visual aesthetic were kind of awful.

If you wan't a more in depth explanation here's the lexicanum article: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Squat

I'm using those Kharadron Thunderers models that came out recently for AoS to use as my Squats. Because they look too cool not to use.

Fun lore fact about Squats, they were the ones to design/manufacture the Mk3 "Iron" Space Marine Power Armour!


Whoops, I forgot to answer this the other day. Squats are 40k's dwarves (more specifically abhumans that lived close to the galactic core) that got retconned out of the setting by being eaten to almost near extiction by the Nids. Much of their lore was copy-pasted form Fantasy but they were still cool. All though their models and general visual aesthetic were kind of awful.

If you wan't a more in depth explanation here's the lexicanum article: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Squat

I'm using those Kharadron Thunderers models that came out recently for AoS to use as my Squats. Because they look too cool not to use as Squats.

Fun lore fact about Squats, they were the ones to design/manufacture the Mk3 "Iron" Space Marine Power Armour!

I've been thinking of way to get those Gunship models into 40k without going full Squats; they look beautiful.



I've been thinking of way to get those Gunship models into 40k without going full Squats; they look beautiful.


You, could use the big one as a Valkyrie (with a little conversion here and there) if you wanna use them as Guardsmen like I am.
Whoops, I forgot to answer this the other day. Squats are 40k's dwarves (more specifically abhumans that lived close to the galactic core) that got retconned out of the setting by being eaten to almost near extiction by the Nids. Much of their lore was copy-pasted form Fantasy but they were still cool. All though their models and general visual aesthetic were kind of awful.

If you wan't a more in depth explanation here's the lexicanum article: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Squat

I'm using those Kharadron Thunderers models that came out recently for AoS to use as my Squats. Because they look too cool not to use.

Fun lore fact about Squats, they were the ones to design/manufacture the Mk3 "Iron" Space Marine Power Armour!

I'm not sure if Cosmic was serious or not, but as they were mostly reconnected out (or "squated") it's sort of a joke to act like they don't exist whenever they get mentioned.

Either way though i hope they get bought back in some way, or at least models like them again. The new Kharadron overlords would make great Demiurg, we've only seen 1 piece of Demiurg technology other than their ships but it fits in with the theme somewhat:

"Every faction will have its own psychic lore with a range of thematic powers" can someone explain how this could apply to Tau? They don't have any Psykers but it says "Every faction", not sure if i'm just reading that wrong.

They've clarified on Facebook:
Every faction gets a psychic phase. But only those with psykers can use it. NOTE: definitely not Necrons, Dark Eldar or Tau...

Super responsive GW still feels kinda weird, hah.


I'm kinda bummed that with the new rules, 2 lascannon shits can knock out a primarch :(

I was literally just reading a short story where Corax took a Lascannon to the chest and just carried on about his business of pulping Iron Warriors.
You are a standard warrior and should have no knowledge of the real imperium of man information!
We take a bit of a break from previewing the new edition’s rules today, to explore one of the galaxy’s war zones.

We saw already, in the galaxy map, that a wound has been torn through the Imperium by the mother of all warp storms. Today we have a look at exactly what this means for one familiar planet – a place you guys have all be fighting over for the last few weeks, and for some, even longer – Armageddon.
As the rift opened up across the Imperium, Armageddon was lucky enough to not be cut off from Terra, but that is no guarantee of safety.

The world was already a battleground for an Imperium desperate to hold onto a vital manufacturing world, as they fought against the largest Ork Waaagh! in millennia, which is driven by the greenskins’ primal urge to re-take this former heart of their ancestral empire*.

Since the warp rift tore through the heart of the galaxy, Armageddon has found itself directly in the path of The Blood Crusade, a vast legion of Khorne’s Daemons pouring into realspace.
The world looks set for one of the greatest wars in Imperial history. Greenskin, human and followers of the Blood God – all have unfinished business on the ash wastes of Armageddon, and only time will tell which force will triumph…

Armageddon is just one of the war zones erupting in renewed conflict in the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. We’ll have news from a few others as the new edition approach. Exciting times.

Tomorrow, we’ll be back with some more news on new rules as we look at the Shooting phase.


The world was already a battleground for an Imperium desperate to hold onto a vital manufacturing world, as they fought against the largest Ork Waaagh! in millennia, which is driven by the greenskins’ primal urge to re-take this former heart of their ancestral empire*.

Huh, there had been some speculation on whether that was the case, but now it's canon.
8th edition Shooting Phase: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/04/30/new-40k-shooting-phase-apr30gw-homepage-post-4/

This phase will be very familiar to anyone who plays today, but there have been a few tweaks and improvements to the rules.

We've already seen the profiles of our miniatures, so we know that we'll be hitting on a fixed Ballistic Skill (a bit like you do now) and we've also seen a little about how weapons work – multiple damage from powerful weapons, and armour save modifiers, for example. Today, we look at some of the other rules of the phase.

When you select a unit to shoot, much like today, they can all fire their weapons at the enemy. You can't shoot, however, if you Advanced this turn, or if you fell back from combat. (See our movement article for details on these.)

You also can't shoot if there is an enemy within 1&#8243; of you. The exception to this rule is pistols. Models with these hand-held firearms can shoot at the closest enemy target in the Shooting phase, even if they themselves are locked in combat! This is going to make characters with pistols <cough-Cypher-cough> incredibly deadly up-close.

When picking a target, you won't be able to shoot enemies that are in combat with other units, much like the current edition. However, you can fall back from combat in your Movement phase, allowing other units to fire at your opponent at the expense of your own actions this turn. Expect to see cunning generals deploying their armies in waves to take full advantage of this.

Heavy weapons are worth talking about too. These no longer snap fire if you move, and instead they have a flat -1 to hit modifier for moving units. This applies to all models with heavy weapons, vehicles included. There are a few other factors that affect hit rolls too &#8211; smoke launchers on a vehicle, for example, have the same effect of -1 to hit.

The last big change we're going over today is cover. Currently, cover saves give a blanket save to all units, and one that only comes into effect if the shot would otherwise ignore their armour. In the new Warhammer 40,000, cover is a bonus to your armour save. Critically, this ability often only applies to certain types of unit. For example, only Infantry gain the bonus of cover from a crater.

This interaction works quite nicely with the modifiers to armour saves of certain guns, and means that when someone is trying to hide behind a wall or barricade, if your weapon has a high enough armour penetration, you can shoot them through a wall!

There are also a few weapons that ignore this bonus cover to armour effect &#8211; such as those wielded by Chaos Noise Marines and a Leman Russ' nova cannon.

There you have it &#8211; a few of the changes you can look forward to in the Shooting phase.

We'll be back tomorrow with news on the Charge phase.


I am a big fan of pistols shooting into combat. Nice upgrade for various assault squads.

Moving and shooting heavy weapons is interesting. Could be a big change.
So... new faction at launch is just a new breed of Space Marines then. I can hardly contain my excitement.-_- And I say this as both a Space Wolf and a Salamanders player.
Will they have better stats than an "old" marine? If they're bigger, it stands to readon they would be stronger and have higher movement at the very least.

The already smaller than scale SM vehicles are going to look pretty dumb next to these guys lol. I predict no SM vehicles will in any of the promo shots of the tall marines.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say this may be how they introduce female Space Marines to the setting. Which would be pretty cool honestly.

"Malcador smiled. 'You brothers - such a nest of rivalries. I warned him to make you sisters, that it would make things more civilised. He thought I was joking. I wasn't.'"
Well now. I wonder what the fluff behind them is! Geneseed? Some sort of advanced geenseed process like Corax had access to post dropsite massacre? New founding? So exciting!

I bet they will be equipped with volkite weapons.

I'm expecting a lot of crusade/heresy era stuff being introduced in 40k in 8th edition.


There will never be female space marines. SoB is the closest you will ever get, which is pretty close IMO.
I'm just saying, they opened up Stormcast Eternals to women, they could be trying to do the same thing in 40k. And if they were going to do it, a new method of creating space marines would be the most optimal time to introduce them.
But that goes against lore tho
That's usually why new lore is created. ;-)
Charge Phase: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/05/01/new-warhammer-40000-charge-phasegw-homepage-post-4/

The basic mechanics of this phase are very similar to how they work now. You can select any unit within 12&#8243; as the target of your charge, and your units will move towards them 2D6&#8243;.

Enemy units still have a chance to hit the charging unit with overwatch, provided that they are not already in combat. Just as in the current edition, overwatch is a hit on a flat 6 – all pretty familiar so far.

In the current Warhammer 40,000, you need to reach base contact. In the new edition, though, you only need to come within 1&#8243; of an enemy, which in practice means that compared to the current charge range, you get an extra inch.

You also can’t move within 1&#8243; of an enemy you didn’t declare as the target of your charge, so if you want to engage multiple units, you’ll need to brave the overwatch fire of all of them. Overwatch can also be fired multiple times per phase, but as soon as the unit is engaged, they will no longer be able to fire back.

So, the Charge phase keeps most of its current mechanics, with only minor amends.

Tomorrow, we’ll check in on the Fight phase, where we look at the bloody melee in the 41st Millennium.
So, I don't play the tabletop game, but fell in love with the world of Warhammer with Dawn of War 2. I would love to get into the universe more by my favorite hobby---reading. I've seen so many mixed reviews online of the books, and can't make up my mind on where to start. Any recommendations on some good Warhammer 40k novels?
So, I don't play the tabletop game, but fell in love with the world of Warhammer with Dawn of War 2. I would love to get into the universe more by my favorite hobby---reading. I've seen so many mixed reviews online of the books, and can't make up my mind on where to start. Any recommendations on some good Warhammer 40k novels?

Dan Abnetts books are usually great. I recommend the Gaunts Ghosts saga myself
Gaunts Ghosts are a good place to start from my understanding. Then the Horus Hersey stuff. I've only read a few novels in the 40k setting myself so not the most knowledgeable.

I'd say stay away from the hybrid rules/narrative books, the writing in those tends to be very poor geared towards 13 year olds. and lots of repetitive wording is used.


So, I don't play the tabletop game, but fell in love with the world of Warhammer with Dawn of War 2. I would love to get into the universe more by my favorite hobby---reading. I've seen so many mixed reviews online of the books, and can't make up my mind on where to start. Any recommendations on some good Warhammer 40k novels?
I've only read a few, but the Ciaphus Cain novels by Sandy Mitchell are pretty good. The 40k universe is already ridiculous so the semi-humorous atmosphere compliments it really well.

If you want something more serious, I enjoyed this about the Death Korp of Krieg:
So, I don't play the tabletop game, but fell in love with the world of Warhammer with Dawn of War 2. I would love to get into the universe more by my favorite hobby---reading. I've seen so many mixed reviews online of the books, and can't make up my mind on where to start. Any recommendations on some good Warhammer 40k novels?

Ultra Marines omnibus by Graham McNeil is what sold me on the universe. I also second the ciaphus Cain novels. It's basically Black Adder in 40k. The Horus Heresy novels are good, just be sure to start at number one lol.
Fight Phase: https://www.warhammer-community.com...mer-40000-fight-phase-may2gw-homepage-post-4/

This is part of the new Warhammer 40,000 with some of the biggest changes. We’ve already seen in our article on unit profiles that Initiative has gone. Instead, the priority for striking is based on the previous phase, with those units that completed a charge swinging first.

There’s a definite emphasis on making charging into combat effective – these units have gotten all the way across the battlefield, they’ve braved enemy fire and overwatch, and now they’ve finally made it into combat – they will at the very least get to swing.

Units that activate gain a free 3&#8243; move towards the closest enemy. This can be used to get within 1&#8243; of other enemy units, if you’re cunning, dragging more foes into the melee and preventing them from shooting next turn, even if you didn’t charge them directly (giving them no chance to overwatch). Enemy gun lines will need to be careful about how they position their supporting units, so as to avoid getting dragged into the fight too.

Following chargers, players take it in turns to activate units across the board to fight – this can get quite tactical, as both players need to choose the combats where dealing maximum damage will be important to them, while trying to limit enemy retaliation on their valuable or fragile models.

There are a few units that can interrupt this sequence to attack out of turn too – Tyranids with lash whips and Slaaneshi Daemons, for example – and it can also be influenced by Stratagems (more on these soon) if your army is Battle-forged, all of which add a nuanced level of tactical depth to the phase.

Players will have much more influence over the outcome of combat now, rather than purely the stats of the models involved, both in their own and in the opponent’s turns (though we still wouldn’t expect Guardsmen to triumph over a unit of Khorne Berzerkers any time soon – fix bayonets!).

Another thing we have seen is that hit rolls are now fixed. This has the effect of making dedicated combat units generally hit on a 3+, while models representing the most competent warriors of the 41st Millennium (Guilliman, the Swarmlord, Ghazghkull Thraka, to name but a few) will now hit on 2+!

Close combat weapons (which we’ll look at in more detail in future) also gain new rules – some will slice through armour easily, while others will hit with enough force to cause deal multiple wounds that can cripple or kill even powerful enemy models.

Across the board, these changes lead to combats that are more deadly than ever. Generals who successfully coordinate a battlefield-wide charge will be rewarded with a phase of utter carnage, while their opponent will have to work hard to minimise taking damage, and carefully consider their retaliatory options.

Expect combats to be hard-fought, bloody, and tactical – just as they should be.

We’ll be back tomorrow with some new details on morale – and after we’ve seen the damage that shooting, psychic powers and combat can do – can you blame anyone for running away?
They've made a point of mentioning an upcoming rumble between Orks, Chaos and Marines on Armageddon so I wouldn't be at all surprised if the box set was some combination of those three. Would be cool if we could pick.
Morale in 8th: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/05/03/new-warhammer-40000-morale/

Morale has always been a part of Warhammer 40,000. In the past edition though, it did often seem that in a lot of games it could be largely ignored – so many units were immune to its various effects. Where it did apply though, you had to take a lot of tests – it was conceivable that a unit might have to take over half a dozen Leadership tests in a turn, which had the effect of bogging down the game.

The new Morale phase is simple, and only happens once per player turn, at the end of all your other phases. It will apply to almost every unit, and represents warriors fleeing the battlefield, dying from the psychic feedback shockwaves of their allies, or retreating with injured or fallen brethren. There will be very few units indeed that will not feel its effects.

The mechanics are simple – any units that suffered casualties in a turn must take a Morale test at the end of it. You just roll a D6, add the number of models from the unit that have been slain, and if the number is bigger than the unit’s Leadership, the unit loses the difference in additional models.

That’s it! No units falling back, no regroup tests – all that is gone.

You can see straight away, this will be pretty brutal and mean units that suffer high casualties in a turn stand to lose a lot more come the Morale phase if they roll poorly. Conversely, single-model units (like many vehicles) won’t have to test; as they are units of one, there are no other models in their squad to lose.

There are a few things that can help you out in this phase. A Chaos Dark Apostle, for example, allows all nearby units from the same Legion to use his Leadership. Or, you can use some units to make your opponent’s tests more difficult – the Hemlock Wraithfighter, as an example, decreases the Leadership of enemy units by 1 if they are within 12&#8243; (which equates to one additional lost model on every failed test).

So, that’s morale.

We’ve run through all the phases of the game now. Tomorrow, we’ll take a look at some new background and lore in the new Warhammer 40,000, and then on Friday, we’ll take a look at Battle-forged armies.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
That's going to be horribly brutal for my Orks :(

I'm interested to see how they structure in morale boosting factors. I would not be surprised if Orks had a mob rule rule where for every x amount of models in the units their bravery increases. Or boss poles. Or the characters synergising towards boosting bravery.

I expect Tyranids will have some kind of projected bravery boost from characters too.
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