Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 - Reviews Thread


Gold Journalism
  • Black Myth Wukong
  • Astrobot
  • Space Marine 2
And then The Plucky Squire within 2 weeks.

Life Is Good Drone GIF by Yevbel
Gotta' get those engagement clicks again.
PC Gamer is trash.
The game has balls. PC Gamer cut theirs off with a chainsword a long time ago.
PCGamer is a joke of a site. Better to avoid going there.

These were some of his criticisms:

Fights simply feel rough around the edges. Parries are oddly inconsistent—some attacks come with a huge, flashing indicator and a giant timing window, while others aren't telegraphed at all and are easily missed in the crush. Against some attacks, parries will automatically kill or stagger the foe, but for others they don't—instead, you want to try and parry or dodge with perfect timing (a window that itself feels inconsistent) in order to be able to perform a bolt pistol counter-shot and recover some shield. But then sometimes simply a charged melee attack will get you that counter-shot instead. None of it quite clicks together. The whole combat system is simply messy in this way—it feels like the developer iterated on it several times but forgot to go back and delete their old work, so multiple clashing ideas sit jumbled together.

Problems with the combat system are even more pronounced in a mode that pushes you to test your skills, and compared to the Warhammer co-op elephant-in-the-room Darktide there just isn't the depth here to dig into over a long period of time, either in the action or in the very linear levelling...you'll notice serious problems with how each mission is paced. Where Darktide has a natural ebb and flow, interspersing intense fights with moments of eerie quiet, Space Marine 2 feels like it's spawning enemies haphazardly just to try and keep you busy.

He also compared it to the first Space Marine game:

Though the original Space Marine, from developer Relic Entertainment, is remembered fondly, it too certainly had its flaws. So I decided I'd finish off my review by going back to the now 13-year-old game and seeing how they compare. What I discovered is that, though its sequel easily beats it for visual splendour, ambition, and authenticity to the setting, the original is simply far more fun to play. Combat has a clearer rhythm that feels far more under the player's control, and though it's shallower, it benefits from being less cluttered with overlapping systems. That's damning—after more than a decade of advancements in gaming design and technology, I'd still rather fight orks on Graia than tyranids on Kadaku.

And his final thoughts:

...And yet there are moments in Space Marine 2 that I think every fan of Warhammer 40,000 owes it to themselves to see. It's rough and uneven, but still operating on a grander scale and level of production value than we've ever seen from the setting before. It puts me in the odd position of feeling that this is fundamentally not a good game, but one that I think will still be a great source of joy for its intended audience.

There's a lot more written to this review that goes into other aspects like the lore and the franchise itself, which feels like whoever wrote this review is someone who is passionate about the franchise and simply wants all of their games to be great instead of a mixed bag.


Gold Member
Performance setting PS5

Quality setting

Looks like top picture has no motion blur(I always turn mine off).

Picture below: motion blur.

I'm actually happy Focus didn't include ray-tracing in the game. With the 5000 series around the corner, we're just *now* getting into hardware that *should* be able to handle ray tracing much better
than current offerings


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
There's a lot more written to this review that goes into other aspects like the lore and the franchise itself, which feels like whoever wrote this review is someone who is passionate about the franchise and simply wants all of their games to be great instead of a mixed bag.

Don't make me feel bad about calling PC Gamer trash. :messenger_smirking:


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I've been a good boy and there are keys at like 45€. Wonder if I should treat myself now or wait for a while, have a ton of games to play but man, this looks just too good.
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Gold Member
Looks like top picture has no motion blur(I always turn mine off).

Picture below: motion blur.

I'm actually happy Focus didn't include ray-tracing in the game. With the 5000 series around the corner, we're just *now* getting into hardware that *should* be able to handle ray tracing much better
than current offerings
how's the frame rate or overall PS5 performance? On the fence with waiting for patches or jumping in ASAP!


Gold Member
how's the frame rate or overall PS5 performance? On the fence with waiting for patches or jumping in ASAP!
I’m 5 missions in and playing on quality mode which i’d never expect myself choosing in a game like this. „Speed mode” looks blurry as shit, but worst if all intoduces an issue of readability amidst the chaos, despite it being an action game where high framerate sounds like and obvious choice - nope I’m actually doing way better on „veteran” in quality when the horde doesn't look line one giant fucking porridge. And chug anyway during heavy combat. I have a giant tv and there is so much detail lost while the game looks amazing ungimped, another moment when I’m burning with envy to my fellow pc masterracers, that damn ps5 pro can’t come soon enough.
I see this is now Mixed on Steam. Looks like you gotta give up your privacy and data, agree to Saber's EULA which includes Epics EULA which I guess means you can't take Epic to court for anything, and you gotta use Epic Game Services???
Anyone aware of the drama?


I see this is now Mixed on Steam. Looks like you gotta give up your privacy and data, agree to Saber's EULA which includes Epics EULA which I guess means you can't take Epic to court for anything, and you gotta use Epic Game Services???
Anyone aware of the drama?

99% of the people review bombing it for that watch dancing titties on TikTok, which is 1000x worse for privacy and data.
I caved and bought it, I skipped Star Wars so I figured I’d splurge a bit here.
The tutorial was a blast, the tyranid swarm surging in was a great “oh shit” moment.

I never played the original, nor have I ever touched the tabletop, but somewhere along the way I began to enjoy the 40k setting. Owlcat’s sublime Rogue Trader definitely played a big role.
The setting is so ridiculously over the top, but they play it straight, and somehow it just works.


Gold Member
99% of the people review bombing it for that watch dancing titties on TikTok, which is 1000x worse for privacy and data.
It doesn’t matter. If it has bunch of that crap including EGS hook in, people shouldn’t have to support that shit.

Personally it went from “I will get it in a few weeks after Astrobot” to “maaaybe if it’s on sale for $20, but probably not”.


Shame they didn't include ultrawide from the start. Hopefully flawless wide-screen has a patch day 1
This is the only reason I didn't buy the special early access version yesterday... Official support is supposed to be coming later in the month from what I've read. At least we will have a couple extra patches by then lol

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Sitting @ mixed right now on steam...anyone here actually play a good bit yet?

I am ignoring the "OMFG NO WIDESCREEN SUPPORT ITS 2024 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" edgelord reviews...but the ones comparing it directly to World War Z (citing reused enemy anims etc) are worrying.

Got four copies in my cart...looking for some co-op if folks can chime in on the expierence.


Sitting @ mixed right now on steam...anyone here actually play a good bit yet?

I am ignoring the "OMFG NO WIDESCREEN SUPPORT ITS 2024 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" edgelord reviews...but the ones comparing it directly to World War Z (citing reused enemy anims etc) are worrying.

Got four copies in my cart...looking for some co-op if folks can chime in on the expierence.
I’m enjoying it, Steam reviews are bitching about the EULA and Epic online services.


What's wrong with those? If they're great at what they do i don't see the problem.

No problem at all. I think as most in this forum, I don't care about the "packaging" of the person, but the "content", the thing is now a lot of companies are hiring almost entirely base on looks, sexual preference or ideology, and is hard to separate the ones who were hired for their skills from the ones who were hired to fulfill a quota, and most of the time the ones hired to fulfill a quota tend to have short colored hair in the case of females.
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Gold Member
Can you mark targets for you squad? Otherwise forget playing on veteran with bots. This is essentially a co-op game and in some fights later on I you need coordinated fire or you’re screwed. I’m switching to normal to beat the campaign on my own but I hope to replay on harder difficulties with real people
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Sitting @ mixed right now on steam...anyone here actually play a good bit yet?

I am ignoring the "OMFG NO WIDESCREEN SUPPORT ITS 2024 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" edgelord reviews...but the ones comparing it directly to World War Z (citing reused enemy anims etc) are worrying.

Got four copies in my cart...looking for some co-op if folks can chime in on the expierence.
Something about having to install EPIC... I don't get why some people make such a big deal.


Why did this have to be good? Oh well I guess I have a another game to buy. So many solid Warhammer games lately Rogue trader, boltgun, Hired gun, Chaos Gate and even Darktide its insanity. Well I guess Hail the Emperoror yet again:

The Credo of the Astronomican:
Our thoughts light the Darkness that others may cross space.
We are one with the Emperor, our souls are joined in his will.
Praise the Emperor whose sacrifice is life as ours is death.
Hail his name the Master of Humanity.
This game is probably the most masculine game ever. Instead of walking around for 10 minutes only to fight one spongey enemy, you are seeped in blood, and the skulls of your enemies.
This is what the new god of war games should have been like, instead of bloated faux RPG elements, and whiny bitch that mopes around for two games about "MUH REGRETS".
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