I thought that the Sanguinor wasMaybe I'm reading into things a bit much.Azkaellon.
No, but he was involved in creating a very similar figure during the Heresy to serve as a herald for the Legion.
Btw what's the​ end result with Cadia itself? Does the planet still exist? Is it a nuclear wasteland? Are there still Imperium forces fighting on it or in the system?
Well this is the art they used in the book:
But the system is still there and they had an article on how it'll be an active war zone even after the planet is gone.
Btw what's the​ end result with Cadia itself? Does the planet still exist? Is it a nuclear wasteland? Are there still Imperium forces fighting on it or in the system?
We saw the fall of the fortress world as the catalyst that began the events of the Gathering Storm. Abaddon's greatest Black Crusade smashed against the defences of the planet in overwhelming force, but not before the world's defenders enacted a devastating toll on the attackers.
The planet's stubborn defence also bought the Imperium precious time to entrench forces on neighbouring worlds and systems; siege works were dug, artillery emplaced, and weapons raised to the sky to await the coming onslaught.
Abaddon was successful though, and following the fall of Cadia (and possibly, because of it) a great warp rift rent the galaxy in half, allowing the forces of Chaos to launch their attacks across the entire length of the Imperium.
As they dispersed, though, their strength around the Cadian Sector – as well as in and around the Eye of Terror itself – thinned. Many warbands of Traitor Legionaries and renegades, some in direct disregard of the Despoiler's orders, used the opportunity to bypass the defenders of the Gate entirely and launch their attacks on more vulnerable worlds elsewhere in the galaxy.
This has left huge numbers of Imperial defenders deployed around Cadia awaiting a coordinated Chaos second wave that may never come. There are whispers in Imperial Sector Command of the possibility of retaliatory strikes, of claiming back some territory lost in the recent war, and even of reclaiming the ruins of Cadia herself.
Poised around the Eye sits a force of Space Marines rivalling that of the Legions of old, entire Knight Households, and of course, the orphans of Cadia themselves – more than 200 regiments of Astra Militarum shock troops eager for vengeance.
Cadia may have broken; the Guard, have not.
We're sure a few of you Imperial players have been itching for retaliation since the Storm came to Cadia. Maybe your time is now...
Yeesssh. What blew up the planet?
It looks as though drones (and so probably suits too) have lost the jump-shoot-jump movement they had before.
Plus markerlights appear to have been nerfed (1ML is now re-roll 1s to hit, rather than the +1BS in 7th).
Stormsurge can no longer shoot twice per turn.
Hard to judge from such little information, but you might well find the Tau are more balanced overall than 7th.
haha, sorry, that post sounded way more pissy than I actually meant it. I have never fought against a stormsurge; my buddies Tau got stolen from his car and while insurance money got him all of it back, he has yet to assemble anything. Mostly I hate fighting him because his luck is the absolute worst (best). I'm looking forward to playing Shadow Wars: Armageddon against him though, just to watch him constantly run out of ammo.What the guy above said, but also all Sniper Rifles can pick out characters, it's not just a Tau thing.
Oh man, I just realized that Valhalla is cut off from Terra and the Imperium. That sucks for them...
This pleases me to know that the blood angels are suffering. Please ruin the space wolves next
Space Wolves were already ruined.This pleases me to know that the blood angels are suffering. Please ruin the space wolves next
Space Wolves were already ruined.
Wolves just lost a named character
? I haven't really followed the Gathering Storm/Fall of Cadia/whatever fluff much. I know Fenris and the stock of humans is pretty fucked. Which character died?
So we can see that this will be quite a powerful ability. Not only delivering the Trygon into the heart of the enemy force, but also an accompanying unit of Tyranids. And theres nothing stopping them from charging this turn either! Though that 9″ distance to the enemy (which is common to a lot of units with similar abilities) will mean that the averages on the dice will be against you for that 2D6 charge distance. (You can always use your Command Re-roll of course )
I really hate all these rumours about more Primarch's coming back. It completely defeats the point of those aspects of the setting in the first place. A return of Sanguinius would be outright stupid, i think. It would just throwing away/retconning yet even more parts of the lore for no justifiable reason in a way that would literally be shoved in just because.
Egil Iron Wolf.
But yet is it great that Abaddon is still around after 10K years trying so hard to be so bad while doing it so poorly? (besides killing untold numbers, he still hasn't gotten Terra)
I feel that anything goes in this universe and I'm just glad to be on for the ride. Also, I believe the lore after decades can use some adjustments here and there.
I don't think they are changing the setting that much - the ridiculous Eldar changes, purely to copyright the name, are more aggregious to me. The stuff with the primarchs just makes good business sense.
Let's face it - the Horus Heresy and the primarchs are probably the most favourite part of the lore. There are a billion books about these guys now, and fans clearly love them. Yet because of the lore, GW are unable to actually do anything with some of the most popular characters they have. By reintroducing a couple, they can shift the setting very slightly to give them new models and heroes to release, make a lot of fans very happy, and make bank.
Monetarising the primarchs is a really sensible business decision, cold as that sounds.
Does anyone want to take a guess on what this might be?
Eldar changes? Copyright? You got an article on this, sounds juicy
Man, if ma boy the Lion is waking up and getting a model I'm going to freak.
I don't think they are changing the setting that much - the ridiculous Eldar changes, purely to copyright the name, are more aggregious to me. The stuff with the primarchs just makes good business sense.
The Lion could very well be coming back. What with Rowboat having just come back for the Imperium, it makes sense for another Chaos Primarch to be resurrected next. Dark Angels will be pleased.LION!
I'm referring to both the dumb name change to Aeldari, and also the fact the entire storyline and concept of the Eldar has been changed. Bringing back a couple of primarchs and advancing the storyline slightly for the imperium isn't really changing much, whereas the Eldar have just lost one of their most prominent craftworlds, and the entire theme of the race changes - they've gone from 'clinging onto survival' to now having their God of the Dead and uniting behind them. That to me feels like a much larger change of theme and setting.
I see
Thats right I remember lore wise they were all kinda tied to their craftworld with the threat of Slaanesh tempting them to dark eldarness.
I'm referring to both the dumb name change to Aeldari, and also the fact the entire storyline and concept of the Eldar has been changed. Bringing back a couple of primarchs and advancing the storyline slightly for the imperium isn't really changing much, whereas the Eldar have just lost one of their most prominent craftworlds, and the entire theme of the race changes - they've gone from 'clinging onto survival' to now having their God of the Dead and uniting behind them. That to me feels like a much larger change of theme and setting.
Im 100% sure space wolves have evolved into space lions. Open that new army wallet boys.
Does anyone want to take a guess on what this might be?
It could be a Carnodon.
That beast was made into the pelt worn by Sanguinius!
At the moment new units are only released when a new Codex was, so every few years, does not requiring a Codex and rules being updated whenever they're needed mean they could also end up releasing units for different armies more often?
Wasn't the original Horus story that it was an unnamed imperial guardsman who shot at Horus that created the chink in his armour that the emperor used to end him? And then it was changed to Sanguinus and his fight with him?
Maybe they just go back to that version?
Sanguinius kept Horus occupied which allowed him to attack freely, haven't heard that guardsmen version yet.