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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War


Can flyers not stay still in Hover mode? (I though got that was the point!?) but in hover mode they lose the hard to hit rule.
As for the -1 for moving with a heavy weapon the stormwolf at least has the machine spirit rule (might not be a gal name) which negates the -1
Ugh...to many flyers to choose from. I am between a few right now. Forge World Vulture Gunship and Stormraven. I like the gunship has no transport, because I'll have just about 0 infantry to transport.
Can flyers not stay still in Hover mode? (I though got that was the point!?) but in hover mode they lose the hard to hit rule.
As for the -1 for moving with a heavy weapon the stormwolf at least has the machine spirit rule (might not be a gal name) which negates the -1

hmm I think im mistaken, I'll look over the rules tonight.


anyone have any advice on selling an army? I am gonna be traveling for a few months and I am gonna need every single dollar that I can muster up. Figure my 40k army is one of those things I can drop. if I need to come back to it in the future then I can always buy secondhand like I did initially.


anyone have any advice on selling an army? I am gonna be traveling for a few months and I am gonna need every single dollar that I can muster up. Figure my 40k army is one of those things I can drop. if I need to come back to it in the future then I can always buy secondhand like I did initially.

I had good success shifting my orks at fair prices on 40k Facebook groups
I accidentally glued my arms completely, not understanding how I was going to magnetize properly. Now I have to break off pieces, or find someone selling extra imperial knight arms...


A dude at gameshop I visit said I'm a jerk if I use Forge World stuff against people...it is "pay to win." Any truth to that?

No. If you were playing 30k and brought some Phoenix Guard along I'm sure your opponent would be thrilled, as they are garbage.

The right way to go about it is to let your opponent know ahead of time you have FW stuff and let them see the rules. If they agree to a match then all bets are off.

Its true there are several units that are broken or under costed but the same was true for standard 40k and AoS.


Well, that is a bummer. I haven't bought any FW stuff yet, but I'll be sure to stay away.

Don't let that deter you! Forge World models are awesome! A good portion of the coolest Horus Heresy models are from Forge World! Like the Primarchs.

Maybe it's a new symbol for a new edition of Necromunda.

I hope so, I'm starting to think It might be the logo of a new faction. Maybe some new branch of the Imperial Guard.


I really hope it's the Imperium Nihilus. A new faction that isn't just yet another Terra-aligned subgroup.

It could be Arbites or something though.


I am more than a few deep in the Horus Heresy audiobooks at this point. I adore this series. I want to build a super thematic Word Bearers army so bad. They don't get nearly the attention they deserve from GW in the actual game. This coming from a Death Guard lover.

Edit: Also. Holy shit fuck the Emperor. Worst. Dad. Ever.


In the middle of reading The First Heretic I was struck with the urge of building a Word Bearers force. I even painted up a Dark Apostle for them:


I've got something like 20 ready to be painted with a very simple heavy dry brush and wash. It was something I started on before I moved to Georgia briefly but now that I'm back in Texas I'm sure I can find the time to squeeze them in with something else. Their theme is too awesome to pass on.


In the middle of reading The First Heretic I was struck with the urge of building a Word Bearers force. I even painted up a Dark Apostle for them:

I've got something like 20 ready to be painted with a very simple heavy dry brush and wash. It was something I started on before I moved to Georgia briefly but now that I'm back in Texas I'm sure I can find the time to squeeze them in with something else. Their theme is too awesome to pass on.

I have a box of chaos marines that I haven't really thought about using because I have a pure Death Guard chaos army. Maybe I will use them to start some Word Bearers and I can use both sometimes. Always wanted a reason to run Chosen and stuff.


A dude at gameshop I visit said I'm a jerk if I use Forge World stuff against people...it is "pay to win." Any truth to that?

There are a few broken FW units, but there are just as many that are underpowered to uselessness tbh.

If you're buying stuff because it's cool and fluffy and you want it in your army the chances are you're fine.
Was it ever explained what happened to the high lords of Terra?

did Roboute have them executed,or did he just banish them or something like that?
I love to see Forge World models out on the table, even though I don't have any in my current 40K armies.

It's perfectly legal to use Forge World stuff, and I personally wouldn't begrudge someone for wanting to play with the models they paid for.

If someone doesn't want to play against Forge World models, I think it's on them to come to that agreement with their opponent beforehand and to not be an ass to their opponent about it.
Codex: Grey Knights preview - https://www.warhammer-community.com...at-codex-grey-knights-aug4gw-homepage-post-3/

With the new codex, the Grey Knights are getting their hands on some new units. The most exciting of these is the option to take a Nemesis Dreadknight for the Grand Master. The higher Ballistic Skill of the Grand Master pays dividends with the powerful ranged weapons such as the heavy psycannon, while the Grand Master’s iron halo makes the Dreadknight even more durable. Most excitingly, you’ll be able to field an entire army of nothing but Dreadknights by using Spearhead Detachments – by our calculations, you can fit about 8 into 2000 points comfortably.

Grey Knights players are also gaining access to the Stormtalon Gunship and Stormhawk Interceptor, adding some much needed and potent anti-air options in a largely melee-focused army.


The new psychic powers are going to be great for every Grey Knights player. Moreso than any other army in the game (bar perhaps the heretical followers of Tzeentch), the Grey Knights are an army that dominates the psychic phase. You’ll be able to make use of all six of your psychic powers every game, and each one is very useful. Our favourite is Astral Aim, which allows Grey Knights units to ignore cover and even fire through walls – combo this with a Purgation Squad wielding psilencers to devastate crucial enemy units that try to hide from the Emperor’s judgement.


Stratagems are another potent addition to the Grey Knights. With excellent Troops choices like Strike Squads and Terminator Squads, it’s easy to grab loads of Command Points in a Grey Knights army, and there’s some great new abilities to spend them on:


Finally, there are Relics for you to build Grey Knights heroes of your own. As well as returning classics like the Soul Glaive and the Cuirass of Sacrifice, there are some new and unusual artefacts like the Banner of Refining Flame, which allows a Grey Knights Paladin Ancient to incinerate enemies with a super-charged Smite:


Looking at the World Eaters rules

Do they still fight twice each fight phase? And when they charge, do they get +1 attack each fight or just the initial fight phase?
Looking at the World Eaters rules

Do they still fight twice each fight phase? And when they charge, do they get +1 attack each fight or just the initial fight phase?

Apparently, yes. They get the additional attack in the fight phase following their charge.

So Berserkers can fight twice with an additional attack from their chainswords, another additional attack when they charge, and you can use the Fury of Khorne stratagem on them to fight for a third time - lol!
So the teaser is one of three things.

1. Rogue trader (most likely as 30th anniversary is next month)

2. Necro mundo, heavily hinted at

3. Imperial guards new line (I really hope we see a hybridization of cadia, elysians and steel legion as standard going forward
My phone is ancient, so pictures are terrible. But a friend of mine knew a guy who was selling a bunch of his minis in order to get money to buy a Switch! He sold my friend one of those Forge World Knights or whatever for $150, and I picked up this Stormraven for $40. He unfortunately didn't have any of the bits for other weapons, but other than that it is in great condition and well put together. It has it's base and everything too. Hopefully was worth 40! Someone here recommended a Stormraven, so I've been looking at them a lot recently.

Apparently, yes. They get the additional attack in the fight phase following their charge.

So Berserkers can fight twice with an additional attack from their chainswords, another additional attack when they charge, and you can use the Fury of Khorne stratagem on them to fight for a third time - lol!

fight all day
fight all night
fight during breakfast
fight during lunch
fight during the wedding ceremony
fight during church
fight on no fight days

My phone is ancient, so pictures are terrible. But a friend of mine knew a guy who was selling a bunch of his minis in order to get money to buy a Switch! He sold my friend one of those Forge World Knights or whatever for $150, and I picked up this Stormraven for $40. He unfortunately didn't have any of the bits for other weapons, but other than that it is in great condition and well put together. It has it's base and everything too. Hopefully was worth 40! Somewhere here recommended a Stormraven, so I've been looking at them a lot recently.

Not a bad price, and it's already primed as well~ So you can just focus on painting the details. Sucks about it not having bits but that's not a bad price for a storm raven.


will Dante say something stupid like "Your not my Primarch, I don't have to obey you" or something silly like that

Well seeing as Robot Gorillaman (+ Ka'Bandha) just saved the whole Blood Angels Chapter, all their successor chapters and the entire Baal system from Tyranids... I'm pretty sure Dante won't be telling him to get fucked.


Just picked a land raider! Looking forward to fielding it. A question on the index entry though. It says 'a land raider is a single model equipped with a twin heavy bolter and two twin Lascannons'.
Then the wargear options below show that it 'may take' a hunter-killer missile, storm bolter and multi-melta. Does this mean that it can have all these weapons (I.e. 5 different weapons) or do some of them replace others?
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