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Wasteland 2 |OT| Explode 'em like a Blood Sausage


If I back the new torment game that comes with the wasteland 2 bundle will the copy of wasteland that is sent to me be steam compatible?


If I back the new torment game that comes with the wasteland 2 bundle will the copy of wasteland that is sent to me be steam compatible?

I got mine from the same bundle, and I download it via steam key. Check your Inxile account for the key.


Quick question. I never played the original Wasteland, but I did play the first two Fallout games. How similar is this? I was worried that it might be too action heavy without much plot or RPG elements.

You can't avoid combat as much as you can in fallout, but it still has all of the same stuff you'll love and then some. It has a lot of combat, and sometimes it moves slowly with so many people in a fight, but it's essentially the same as Fallout stuff in that regard too (squares instead of hexes, and 6 party members instead of 1 and a CPU ally).
People complaining about the percent chances of jamming and such are just falling into the same trap that everyone does in these sorts of games. Swearing that the game cheats or is programmed wrong, when really you're just a human and tuned to recognize patterns and ascribe meaning to them.

I came across a place with loads of land mines. I had a 62% chance of success and 10% chance of critical failure disarming them. Out of the whole pile of them I had:

24 success
6 crit success
23 failure
1 crit failure

55.55% success (including crit)
44.44% failure (including crit)
1.85% crit failure

That's well within normal random parameters. My luck had me succeeding less than 62% of the time, but also crit failing a lot less than I should have.

We can talk about what those results look like as long as we want. "Clearly they programmed the chance of a critical failure wrong!" The reality is that we're looking for patterns but computers are actually giving us randomness. Real randomness. 62% chance doesn't mean win/win/lose/win/win/lose. It means a little of that, and some runs where you just can't seem to fail, and some runs where you just can't seem to win.

Some other poor soul out there just crit failed and blew up 5 of those mines in a row and is insisting that the game was programmed wrong.


I'm having a really great time with this game! Really glad I backed it on KS.

Sorry if this had been asked before, but if you choose the "no" option when a potential party member wants to join, is it still possible to let them join up afterwards? For example
native girl in Highpool?
Or do I need to jump back on my saves?


Quick question. I never played the original Wasteland, but I did play the first two Fallout games. How similar is this? I was worried that it might be too action heavy without much plot or RPG elements.

I think you'll enjoy it. There is definitely lots of plot and RPG elements to enjoy in Wasteland 2 amidst the combat.


People called Romanes they go the house?
About to finally call it at the Canyon of Titan.

Some definite QoL improvements since beta, but I've already run into 3 or 4 scripting issues with interwoven or overlapping quests.

Nothing major, but I've definitely missed on some hand-ins that I know have later story mention, and that sucks.
So far, the skill of toaster fixing has been nothing but a waste of skill points...

Well, it's called toaster repair and there's already a skill for mechanical repair, so it's not allegory for fixing machines. What did you really expect to get out of that skill?
Well, it's called toaster repair and there's already a skill for mechanical repair, so it's not allegory for fixing machines. What did you really expect to get out of that skill?
nm, the things you get from toasters are side quest items... Looks like it isn't absolutely useless after all.


People called Romanes they go the house?
nm, the things you get from toasters are side quest items... Looks like it isn't absolutely useless after all.

Not a big spoiler, but I'll throw it out there anyways.

Most of the items you get from toaster skills are for
miscellaneous quests, often which come from deeper use of the conversation system, and dialogue checks.

some 'Preparation G' I got from a toaster was used for the Diamondback Militia Captain's Hemorrhoid treatment, gave me a free +4 body armor)


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
That tortoise, y'all. That tortoise.

Man, the M16 absolutely dominates.

I was expecting it to get nerfed on accounta it being something of a cornerstone of the "Assault Rifles on everybody" beta steamroller build, but nope. It's still all that it used to be.
Was going to hop in for a quick spin and ended up playing for 6 hours, game really has its hooks in me. Shame the combat is a bit simple but I love the world and reactivity. There was a bit that I thought was a cutscene where two characters talked and the other walked off and was blown up by a bomb. Reloaded and went to where the bomb was and disarmed it, changing the outcome. Neat stuff. Pretty easy so far, but I'm only playing on seasoned so I have no room to talk :p

It's really silly that all the kids use adult models though. Having grown men and women act and talk like children is uncanny in a bad way. Obviously because they can be killed like in the first two Fallout games, but given the graphics I doubt actually making them small would cause much controversy.

Only real complaints so far are basic usability woes(having to search all your characters for mission items, double clicking, and then using instead of them just working) and the horrendous camera. It's always too far out, getting caught on scenery, or freaking the fuck out in battles motocross style. Indoor areas are particularly bad and hard to navigate. None of this is helped by the terrible mapping system which rarely labels indoor areas and can't be zoomed in at all. Navigating the area with the two competing camps is a chore.

Edit: To clarify that was this session, have about 14 hours in the game now. Cleared the two starting zones and have moved onto some side stuff before heading off to the next story area. Seems to be a lot of things off outside of the main story thrust, can't wait to see how it opens up. Hopefully the 70 hour playthroughs they've stated are accurate if not in exact play time but implied scale.

Anyone find proper SGSSAA bits yet? IQ is so terrible.

White Man

I see a lot of people complaining about how difficult it is making a party with the right mix of skills. Do the pre-made characters offer a good mix of necessary skills? I'd really rather not spend a day rolling a party until I know I dig the game.


I see a lot of people complaining about how difficult it is making a party with the right mix of skills. Do the pre-made characters offer a good mix of necessary skills? I'd really rather not spend a day rolling a party until I know I dig the game.

Yeah, just make sure there isn't a lot of overlap. Try and have a mix of everything. You don't need two people with Kiss Ass, or two people with Safe Cracking, skill checks are only ever on a individual basis.

I would have two people with surgeon, in case on surgeon gets incapped the other can revive.

Everything's useful so far.

Don't feel the need to spend all your skill points as you get them. Leave some unused because as you explore the world more you'll start to get a sense of what skills you want what characters to have.


I see a lot of people complaining about how difficult it is making a party with the right mix of skills. Do the pre-made characters offer a good mix of necessary skills? I'd really rather not spend a day rolling a party until I know I dig the game.

They seem to have fine setups. I still don't get the complaints though, it's really not hard to make a decent party - you won't have every skill by any stretch, but it's pretty simple to make each character quite proficient at what you want. If you limit each person to 2-3 skills tops, they'll be more than good enough at them. I will say, I wish my non-combat sorts of characters had at least 1 pip in a weapon type just so they weren't completely useless in combat, planning to fix that on my next level up. Subsequent points are good, but the first one is like the difference between "Will absolutely never hit anything" and 50%ish accuracy.

Surgeon thing is spot on too. You can get by with just one (I have been) but it will definitely frustrate you at times to see them get an unlucky crit or something and start bleeding out. Instant reload required since there's no coming back from it.


I see a lot of people complaining about how difficult it is making a party with the right mix of skills. Do the pre-made characters offer a good mix of necessary skills? I'd really rather not spend a day rolling a party until I know I dig the game.

I created one character to represent myself (assault rifle toting, toaster repairing smart ass with lockpicking skills) and then picked Hex for computer stuff, Pills for medicinal purposes and Cold Eye for general snipering bad assery (and I let him crack safes).
I feel like they are a good mix, haven't had any significant issues yet, 12 hours into the game. Angela and Vulture's Cry help too.


Finally got around to starting this, managed to play for about 90-minutes. Great stuff so far, while the interface and combat don't feel as polished as Divinity Original Sin. I'm definitely digging the atmosphere and hoping the game gets into open-ended fallout-esque shenanigans as I progress because I'm pretty damn hooked on it so far.

Few questions though. What methods can you use to heal yourself in this game besides using medkits and gaining a level? and is it possible to aim at different body parts in combat ala fallout?
The party I made today for my completionist run:



Finally got around to starting this, managed to play for about 90-minutes. Great stuff so far, while the interface and combat don't feel as polished as Divinity Original Sin. I'm definitely digging the atmosphere and hoping the game gets into open-ended fallout-esque shenanigans as I progress because I'm pretty damn hooked on it so far.

Few questions though. What methods can you use to heal yourself in this game besides using medkits and gaining a level? and is it possible to aim at different body parts in combat ala fallout?

There are a few doctors around that'll heal you (and cure concussions and such), one is in the ranger citadel. Otherwise, you need to survive on your items basically.

No limb specific targetting, there's a 'headshot' button that lowers your accuracy for higher damage though. They mentioned stealth and targetting as two things they tried but they weren't panning out and they didn't have time to keep them and develop them. They did say in the AMA that they hoped to add specific targetting in an update though.
The party I made today for my completionist run:
But why is Wasp Black Widow? /headexplode


Finding areas where there is some high ground is great.I ve done 3 fights so far while on a hill or a raised platform and my team completely dominated the enemy. I don't think I even got hit in two of them.

Item Box

Had about 4 hours to spend with the game earlier, spent it all on creating my party. Now I just hope they're balanced enough that I won't have to restart...

I'm not one to roleplay much, but I found it pretty fun to come up with stories for each character. I'm just glad no one else can read it, this is some next level fanfiction shit
Playing it on rookie mode, as I'm generally not very good at isometric RPGs. Having a lot of fun, got a Russian medic with a glorious beard and an energy pistol, a mohawk-sporting melee dude called Argyle, a female weapons specialist and my team leader who specializes in leadership, pistols and toaster repair.

Couldn't really get into Divinity for some reason. Maybe I'll wait for some more updates. Atm, I really want to like it but the plot is uninteresting and there haven't been any really memorable characters. Some of the writing is pretty funny though. Shadowrun was great though, specifically Dragonfall. Playing through the Director's Cut, and I love the new stuff they added, like the improved UI, gore effects and new missions.


Started playing a bit today and got up to Highpool. Loving the game so far, presentation is great EXCEPT those fugly character models. I wish they had just done a number of preset models of higher quality tbh. It's no huge deal since you're not getting that close for the most part but damn they are just ugly as sin.

Combat is good though and writing is fine although nothing to write home about but at this point we're kind of in push you toward stuff mode rather than getting in to the meat of the story.


Started playing a bit today and got up to Highpool. Loving the game so far, presentation is great EXCEPT those fugly character models. I wish they had just done a number of preset models of higher quality tbh. It's no huge deal since you're not getting that close for the most part but damn they are just ugly as sin.

Yeah the in game quality model is really a bummer, but I guess we can depend on modder for that.
Most annoying bug so far (after first few missions):
Various characters in the Ranger Citadel are saying that I handed Highpool over to Bergin and the RSM, which I didn't.
Some of them said the right dialogues, but it was really jarring to hear a few of them bitch at me about it. I hope it doesn't have any knock-on effects.


Is the Supreme Jerk mode fair? I'm getting my ass kicked.
Not very far into the game, but so far I survived every encounter. The enemy HP doesn't seem to scale, so you can still kill them in 1-2 hits, if you hit. Since I seem to have very high hit chance, it doesn't seem to affect that either (thank god). I imagine the difficulty adjusts enemy damage, their hit chance and trap damage.


Does difficulty setting affect something other than encounters? Skillchecks or other stuff?

I'm enjoying my time with this game but my CPU is constantly overheating while playing. I guess it's time to vacuum it a little bit, thanks Unity!


Is there a bug with the requisition orders? I was given one and told to make sure I choose wisely since I would only be getting one pick. Then when I go to turn it in and get a piece of gear I'm told "Hmmm, doesn't appear to be anything here for you".

They seem to have fine setups. I still don't get the complaints though, it's really not hard to make a decent party - you won't have every skill by any stretch, but it's pretty simple to make each character quite proficient at what you want. If you limit each person to 2-3 skills tops, they'll be more than good enough at them. I will say, I wish my non-combat sorts of characters had at least 1 pip in a weapon type just so they weren't completely useless in combat, planning to fix that on my next level up. Subsequent points are good, but the first one is like the difference between "Will absolutely never hit anything" and 50%ish accuracy.

Surgeon thing is spot on too. You can get by with just one (I have been) but it will definitely frustrate you at times to see them get an unlucky crit or something and start bleeding out. Instant reload required since there's no coming back from it.

Yeah, I said a few pages back that the character creation "help" link was a bit off since it talks about making a team of four "self-sufficient" members, when the game is meant to be played with seven. That guide spreads skill points around way too thinly for no reason. Problem is though, you don't really know what the CNPCs you'll meet along the way have for skills. One you can literally meet right after character creation and another within the first thirty minutes though. You really only want each person focusing on 2-3 skills tops (or four if they are your "thief" who will still be passable at combat, but not special until later) until you have your most important skills around 5-6 before moving to a fourth. The game is actually pretty rough early on too, especially if you picked the
Ag Center
. The enemies are completely beatable, but seem very overtuned compared to the next major area you go to or could have gone to first. The weapons you get to pick from after you finish that mission is absurd too compared to the shit that dropped along the way.
Is there a bug with the requisition orders? I was given one and told to make sure I choose wisely since I would only be getting one pick. Then when I go to turn it in and get a piece of gear I'm told "Hmmm, doesn't appear to be anything here for you".
Try talking to her a second time. Worked for me.


Try talking to her a second time. Worked for me.

I did it five times, then went back to speak with the person who gave it to me in the first place. When typing "requisition in" he says something like "Nope, never heard of it". It was also a bit immersive breaking when I'm talking to Vargas with
and she asks
Do you know much about Angie?
, then he goes on to talk about her as though he's talking to someone else.


Where is Kathy in Ag Center? She said she went to her alb, where is it?

She appears later after you finish the appropriate quests. She will be standing right next to
What's his name the leader/vendor who is infected
. They moved to the office where you found
is there a list of non-junk junk somewhere?

I keep collecting all these insect parts and pod fragments,
have completed AG center
can I sell all the pod fragments now?

Is there somewhere to store stuff in the later game?


is there a list of non-junk junk somewhere?

I keep collecting all these insect parts and pod fragments,
have completed AG center
can I sell all the pod fragments now?

Is there somewhere to store stuff in the later game?

there's a chest in the ranger citadel you can store stuff in
Is there any difference between kiss ass,smart ass and hard ass?
It seems they all lead to the same result(when successful),just with different lines of dialog.


Playing it on rookie mode, as I'm generally not very good at isometric RPGs. Having a lot of fun, got a Russian medic with a glorious beard and an energy pistol, a mohawk-sporting melee dude called Argyle, a female weapons specialist and my team leader who specializes in leadership, pistols and toaster repair.

Couldn't really get into Divinity for some reason. Maybe I'll wait for some more updates. Atm, I really want to like it but the plot is uninteresting and there haven't been any really memorable characters. Some of the writing is pretty funny though. Shadowrun was great though, specifically Dragonfall. Playing through the Director's Cut, and I love the new stuff they added, like the improved UI, gore effects and new missions.

Rookie mode is so much more fun for me.

Couldn't get into D:OS either. I think I am burnt out on the whole fantasy thing for now.
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