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Wasteland 2 |OT| Explode 'em like a Blood Sausage


Damn. So difficulty level doesn't impact enemy hp? This is one of the few games where that would actually make sense (help increase the value of ammo).


I did it five times, then went back to speak with the person who gave it to me in the first place. When typing "requisition in" he says something like "Nope, never heard of it". It was also a bit immersive breaking when I'm talking to Vargas with
and she asks
Do you know much about Angie?
, then he goes on to talk about her as though he's talking to someone else.

Yikes, I had a bad story-related glitch too:
In case you haven't been to the area, I won't give detail, but one quest involves delivering something to someone and then you leave. After leaving, you hear a gunshot, suggesting suicide. I went in and their was a dead body, but came back a minute later and the person was alive again.


Just finished the Ag centre and moving to highpool.

Yeah, I agree with some of the earlier sentiments with there being too much combat, finding it hard to play this for more than an hour or 2 at a time.


Yeah, I said a few pages back that the character creation help link was a bit off since it talks about making a team of four self-sufficient members, when the game is meant to be played with seven. That guide spreads skill points around way too thinly for no reason. Problem is though, you don't really know what the CNPCs you'll meet along the way have for skills.

Linked to Shake Appeal's more balanced view on this there a bit earlier, as the post was essentially any dedicated tips/advice posts seen around, as several people yesterday were wondering if there were useful links about builds. Any other general advice/tips focused posts you think would be useful to have there let me know and I'll link them.

Did anyone make a zip file containing all those FB custom character portraits? Got the game last night and might start playing it in a bit.

Yup, someone has. See this post.
Decided against running a fresh crew to start after hemming and hawing for hours over attribute and initial skill distribution, so I ran a pack of all premades to start and get a better feel for what I need and want to mitigate feelings of having to re-roll not far into the game. Played about fifteen hours of final release...really like all of the details and the basic progression up to and beyond the opening chapter's Ag Center/Highpool mission set. Lots of little things bug, though, and it's mostly down to UI, which have been detailed well before now, and glaring limits on combat as well as the heavy introduction to it. I think I'll start over now with a group whose builds I feel I'll be happy with through what is essentially the tutorial for the game. So far, pretty damned good even if it need updates ASAP. Will hold off any detailed impressions of the game until I've gone further with my custom Ranger party.
For all the complaints with the UI there are some things I think it does really well. I especially like the Distribute option when looting that does a good job getting the right weapons and ammo to the people with appropriate skills. The ground overlays in combat are good too- always very clear exactly how far you move and still be able to take a shot. Or the tooltip over a skill telling you what other characters in your party have the skill and at what level it's at.
is there a bug with the wreckers quest?
I have taken them out and quest text says I should talk to Sean Bergin but all I get from him is bitching because I freed the prisoner.


Seems the music rarely changes for me. Just entered in the rangers citadel (just finished highpool and ag center).

The OST is suppose to be 50 min, yet i've only come across 2 cues: 1 is your typical desert/the stand/fallout cue the other one is a bit more ambient. But the ambient one plays the whole time!!!

Is there something wrong here? Because listening to the same cue over and over again really starts to get on my nerves


I was expecting it to get nerfed on accounta it being something of a cornerstone of the "Assault Rifles on everybody" beta steamroller build, but nope. It's still all that it used to be.

All the other guns feel pointless, especially shotguns. My two assault rifle users mop up everything.


is there a bug with the wreckers quest?
I have taken them out and quest text says I should talk to Sean Bergin but all I get from him is bitching because I freed the prisoner.

Talk to the lady instead.

Also I gotta say the Rail Nomad camp is huge ass location. I really wish map had custom descriptions.


All the other guns feel pointless, especially shotguns. My two assault rifle users mop up everything.

I haven't played a super large amount, but shotguns can be used in melee range without penalty and hit multiple targets. My shotgunner really helped out in the AG center where there was hardly any ranged combat and just tons of monsters bum rushing me.


All the other guns feel pointless, especially shotguns. My two assault rifle users mop up everything.

Snipers do a lot of damage too, but the problem is that they really don't pull their weight until many levels later when you can reliably use headshot and the ammo is pretty scarce. If you are using snipers, you need a backup weapon. I chose pistol due to the availability of the ammo, but I think that was a mistake. Ammo diversity early on seems like it matters, but after your first big mission, you can just buy whatever ammo type you need and sell the rest.

Up until then, assault rifles seem to be leaps and bounds better than everything else starting with FAMAS on up. Their AP/damage ratio just blows everything else away so far, but I'm only twelve hours in. I can't imagine that it will remain this lopsided the entire game. On my melee/medic guy (7 so far) I dropped 4 into Heavy Weapons, but haven't actually felt the need to the starting one yet, because it feels like it chews through too much ammo in one burst, even though it does a lot of damage. So I also gave him 3 in Shotguns, but I'm not finding myself in situations that take advantage of the cone at all yet.

Not if she died. :(

Huh? You can literally find this character thirty seconds after you're done creating your four person squad.


Hm, I have no problems with the UI. OK, maybe two, and small ones ;)
First, I would like a bit faster movement on the world map. Second, I would like to have an option to set formation for my party. Fanning them out manually before most fights is really tiresome....
Seems the music rarely changes for me. Just entered in the rangers citadel (just finished highpool and ag center).

The OST is suppose to be 50 min, yet i've only come across 2 cues: 1 is your typical desert/the stand/fallout cue the other one is a bit more ambient. But the ambient one plays the whole time!!!

Is there something wrong here? Because listening to the same cue over and over again really starts to get on my nerves

There's something wrong with the sound balance. I was in a small town area and the ambient mechanical hum from an engine was drowning out everything else. Adjusting the volume sliders did nothing, only muting the global volume could silence it.

I hope inXile fixes the issue, 'cuz it's a real bummer.


There's something wrong with the sound balance. I was in a small town area and the ambient mechanical hum from an engine was drowning out everything else. Adjusting the volume sliders did nothing, only muting the global volume could silence it.

I hope inXile fixes the issue, 'cuz it's a real bummer.

Are you using the Razor surround sound? I've not experienced any bugs and I chose not to install it.


Alright, I've been playing steadily since the game came out, and while I had mixed feelings at first, once the game got going, it really clicked for me. I advise everyone who is having problems to just finish the first story quest and go back to the Ranger Citadel. The game picks up when you get a hold of better weapons.


Unlimited Capacity
Alright, I've been playing steadily since the game came out, and while I had mixed feelings at first, once the game got going, it really clicked for me. I advise everyone who is having problems to just finish the first story quest and go back to the Ranger Citadel. The game picks up when you get a hold of better weapons.

I wish I had enough money to outfit everyone with new stuff! I was an idiot with my money at hte citadel
by buying the weapons from bowling. They jam everytime!
Are you using the Razor surround sound? I've not experienced any bugs and I chose not to install it.

I installed it, though I have no idea if it's even on right now. I suppose I should find out.

However, fhe problem definitely seemed to be on the game, especially since that particular sound was not muted by any of the sliders.

I should have mentioned before which area this happened in (it's early game):
An infected town between Ag Center and Highpool, presumably it's only there if you go to Ag Center second. Things go.. bad there.


Snipers do a lot of damage too, but the problem is that they really don't pull their weight until many levels later when you can reliably use headshot and the ammo is pretty scarce. If you are using snipers, you need a backup weapon. I chose pistol due to the availability of the ammo, but I think that was a mistake. Ammo diversity early on seems like it matters, but after your first big mission, you can just buy whatever ammo type you need and sell the rest.

Up until then, assault rifles seem to be leaps and bounds better than everything else starting with FAMAS on up. Their AP/damage ratio just blows everything else away so far, but I'm only twelve hours in. I can't imagine that it will remain this lopsided the entire game. On my melee/medic guy (7 so far) I dropped 4 into Heavy Weapons, but haven't actually felt the need to the starting one yet, because it feels like it chews through too much ammo in one burst, even though it does a lot of damage. So I also gave him 3 in Shotguns, but I'm not finding myself in situations that take advantage of the cone at all yet.

Huh? You can literally find this character thirty seconds after you're done creating your four person squad.

Interesting. It's cool how different people have completely different builds. I have two characters who do tons of damage/one-hit most enemies with their Snipers. Your mileage may vary!



Game is full of great jokes/references/details.

Transmorpher, Teddy Ruxpin, Sgt. Peppard...

And his A-Team. I mean, Team Able: Benedict, Tureaud and Schultz


Wanted to ask something that made an impression. i visited the ag center (after highpool) and there were only ambient sounds if any at times. no song whatsoever the whole time i was there.


Interesting. It's cool how different people have completely different builds. I have two characters who do tons of damage/one-hit most enemies with their Snipers. Your mileage may vary!

After you can actually buy a sniper rifle, they start one-shotting weaker enemies, but for some strange reason, my guy never seems to be doing more than 60 damage in one shot, while the assault rifle users are doing right around that in a single burst, not counting lucky crits. It uses more ammo per burst, yet the ammo is way more common. It's not too much of an issue once you can start buying ammo, but it still kind of matters when you're on the field and don't want to have to keep backtracking to the Citadel.


Game is full of great jokes/references/details.

Transmorpher, Teddy Ruxpin, Sgt. Peppard...


Up to prison now, I have to say that I'm disappointed about how combat heavy the game is. It's getting tiresome, if I wanted this gameplay I'd just play X-COM, at least it has better graphics. So far I'm not satisfied with the amount of exploration and quests, it seems like they just throw a couple at you at the beginning then PSYCHE it's shooting shooting shooting all the way.
Up to prison now, I have to say that I'm disappointed about how combat heavy the game is. It's getting tiresome, if I wanted this gameplay I'd just play X-COM, at least it has better graphics. So far I'm not satisfied with the amount of exploration and quests, it seems like they just throw a couple at you at the beginning then PSYCHE it's shooting shooting shooting all the way.

Apparently you can get through the area leading up to the prison without killing anyone. I had to blow the Red Scorpions away though :p


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
All the other guns feel pointless, especially shotguns. My two assault rifle users mop up everything.

I didn't give any of my four peeps Assault Rifles for the final game because of how easy they made the beta, but then I went and bought Angie an M16 at the first opportunity anyhow. The flesh is weak.

Snipers do a lot of damage too, but the problem is that they really don't pull their weight until many levels later when you can reliably use headshot and the ammo is pretty scarce. If you are using snipers, you need a backup weapon. I chose pistol due to the availability of the ammo, but I think that was a mistake. Ammo diversity early on seems like it matters, but after your first big mission, you can just buy whatever ammo type you need and sell the rest.

Up until then, assault rifles seem to be leaps and bounds better than everything else starting with FAMAS on up. Their AP/damage ratio just blows everything else away so far, but I'm only twelve hours in. I can't imagine that it will remain this lopsided the entire game. On my melee/medic guy (7 so far) I dropped 4 into Heavy Weapons, but haven't actually felt the need to the starting one yet, because it feels like it chews through too much ammo in one burst, even though it does a lot of damage. So I also gave him 3 in Shotguns, but I'm not finding myself in situations that take advantage of the cone at all yet.

You can get by without a backup weapon for a sniper if the sniper's got a decent amount of AP. The accuracy penalty for proximity when you've got a sniper rifle only happens when you're within a couple of squares of an enemy, and without any sort of zone of control or attack of opportunity system it's perfectly viable for a sniper to run a few squares away from a melee attacker, turn around, and pop 'em in the gourd. You more or less give up the ability to crouch to be able to always retreat, but it's a pretty fair trade. You also get access to a 5 AP sniper rifle at the same time as you get access to the M16, so a 10 AP sniper character can start getting two shots per round without moving at that point.

Heavy Weapons were disappointing in the beta. I'm holding out hope that the latter parts of the game make them more worthwhile, but they were probably the single worst weapon type in the beta version. Ammo hungry, relatively low damage, highly inaccurate, and prone to jamming is not a good look. Not a good look at all.


Talk to the lady instead.

Also I gotta say the Rail Nomad camp is huge ass location. I really wish map had custom descriptions.

I was thinking that last night. It is a huge area. I also think I stumbled through nuke clouds to it too early because my party wiped out on the bridge.


Apparently you can get through the area leading up to the prison without killing anyone. I had to blow the Red Scorpions away though :p
Yeah I found that path but I still ended up going back and killing the enemies on the other route for XP anyway. You still end up being forced to fight a whole bunch of enemies anyway in the next area.

It also sucks that traders don't seem to restock. I'm encumbered on loot I've picked up and now I gotta head back to Citadel to sell stuff.
Yeah I found that path but I still ended up going back and killing the enemies on the other route for XP anyway. You still end up being forced to fight a whole bunch of enemies anyway in the next area.

Nah, I read something on another forum that you can be nice to the Red Scorpions and get into the prison by finding treatment for the general's dogs.

So you can't flag stuff on the map, right? This is really inconvenient.

The map is one of the worst I've encounted, can't zoom in at all, place markets, and it doesn't mark most locations. Navigating the rail camp is a nightmare given the size.


Considering restarting one more time. I'm not finding combat in the Ag Center all that fun, and one of the NPCs here is basically a clone of one my created characters. Thinking of remaking my party and heading for Highpool instead.


Considering restarting one more time. I'm not finding combat in the Ag Center all that fun, and one of the NPCs here is basically a clone of one my created characters. Thinking of remaking my party and heading for Highpool instead.

AG center also sucked hard for me because the enemies there are bullet sponges and rush you down so your assault rifle and sniper chars can't shoot them. You also can't really "tank" enemies because there isn't a way to taunt enemies. Actually this game really needs a perk system, I can't believe there isn't one. Currently it feels like there isn't much depth in the stat and skill system.
Considering restarting one more time. I'm not finding combat in the Ag Center all that fun, and one of the NPCs here is basically a clone of one my created characters. Thinking of remaking my party and heading for Highpool instead.

Keep going, you'll find more characters later on.
If I have pledged for the 50$ dollar physical tier and activate 1 digital version on Steam now, I've practically wasted 1 game right? Or; should I wait for the physical game to arrive so to not waste a digital version?
I'm 7 hours into the game, decided to save
Highpool instead of Ag Center and fixed their water pipe
. And I'm still using crappy starting weapons, which is becoming pain in the ass, since enemies are getting more durable.


AG center also sucked hard for me because the enemies there are bullet sponges and rush you down so your assault rifle and sniper chars can't shoot them. You also can't really "tank" enemies because there isn't a way to taunt enemies. Actually this game really needs a perk system, I can't believe there isn't one. Currently it feels like there isn't much depth in the stat and skill system.

Yeah, I'd have absolutely no complaints if there was an attack of opportunity system or some other way of preventing enemies from waltzing right up to you and smacking you in the face (don't say spacing, because most of the combat is indoors and doesn't allow for that). As it is I can either sit in melee range trying to take down enemies before I take a ton of damage or play the sloooow Benny Hill game and spend every turn moving away from the enemies and taking a single shot. It's not really strategic or challenging, it's just kind of tedious.


The map is one of the worst I've encounted, can't zoom in at all, place markets, and it doesn't mark most locations. Navigating the rail camp is a nightmare given the size.

To orient myself better there, it helps to position camera so it is in the same position as the map. Once I found the main hall and entrance to the second location, I had no more problems orienting myself there.

Yeah, I'd have absolutely no complaints if there was an attack of opportunity system or some other way of preventing enemies from waltzing right up to you and smacking you in the face (don't say spacing, because most of the combat is indoors and doesn't allow for that). As it is I can either sit in melee range trying to take down enemies before I take a ton of damage or play the sloooow Benny Hill game and spend every turn moving away from the enemies and taking a single shot. It's not really strategic or challenging, it's just kind of tedious.

Not sure if that is what you mean, but there is an "ambush" option which means shooting enemies that come into shooting range. I use it quite often.
For people who have made it to Darwin,
how do you kill as few people as possible? Activated the purification system but it doesn't seem to work on the zombies and there's no apparent way to leave....


Yeah, I'd have absolutely no complaints if there was an attack of opportunity system or some other way of preventing enemies from waltzing right up to you and smacking you in the face (don't say spacing, because most of the combat is indoors and doesn't allow for that). As it is I can either sit in melee range trying to take down enemies before I take a ton of damage or play the sloooow Benny Hill game and spend every turn moving away from the enemies and taking a single shot. It's not really strategic or challenging, it's just kind of tedious.

I get my team in position just out of range of triggering the encounter, then have the sniper or assault gunner crouch and trigger it from a distance. The enemies take a fair amount of damage just closing distance if you have your short range gunners wait in ambush mode. Putting your sniper and assault gunner on higher ground makes them harder to hit too.


Not sure if that is what you mean, but there is an "ambush" option which means shooting enemies that come into shooting range. I use it quite often.

Ambushing isn't enough because you only get 1 shot with that before they close in on you, and the enemies in AG take like 10 shots to kill. They're stupid bullet sponges.


Am I right in saying this game has 2 specific areas to explore?
Arizona and LA?

I've finished both Ag and Highpool now and looking for Damonta right now, just trying to get a sense of how big the game is.


You can get by without a backup weapon for a sniper if the sniper's got a decent amount of AP. The accuracy penalty for proximity when you've got a sniper rifle only happens when you're within a couple of squares of an enemy, and without any sort of zone of control or attack of opportunity system it's perfectly viable for a sniper to run a few squares away from a melee attacker, turn around, and pop 'em in the gourd. You more or less give up the ability to crouch to be able to always retreat, but it's a pretty fair trade. You also get access to a 5 AP sniper rifle at the same time as you get access to the M16, so a 10 AP sniper character can start getting two shots per round without moving at that point.

The reason to use a backup is because using a sniper round to blow up
an exploding pod
or to finish off an enemy that has 10 health left is a complete waste. There's no middle ground with that gun. You either shoot it and do a lot of damage and then move on to another target, or you don't fire. It has nothing to do with AP for me. Also, I have absolutely no idea what the benefits of an Uzi are aside from not having the point blank penalty. They seem to just be weaker Assault Rifles with a much lower max range and better min range (big whoop!).

I'm 7 hours into the game, decided to save
Highpool instead of Ag Center and fixed their water pipe
. And I'm still using crappy starting weapons, which is becoming pain in the ass, since enemies are getting more durable.

The game opens up a hell of a lot more after you finish Ag Center and Highpool. Hell, it may actually open up after only finishing one, but the only reason I even knew about this is because one of my characters ended up with a concussion, and there were no items that the surgeon could use to fix that, so I decided to go see if I could get into the Citadel for help.

The initial weapons and the RNG drops completely suck during those first two missions. After that it's mostly a non issue.
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