Well the good news is that one of those locations is really, pathetically easy... the bad news is the other one is soul-crushingly difficult. I will let you discover which is which for yourself! Good luck!
Well the good news is that one of those locations is really, pathetically easy... the bad news is the other one is soul-crushingly difficult. I will let you discover which is which for yourself! Good luck!
You mean fucking awesome.
I'm losing my carefully coordinated set of outfits designed to match with the portraits chosen! Now they'll look even more homeless than usual.
Well damn, that sucks! Maybe get in contact with inXile - they might be able to fix it on their end somehow, or patch it.
In any case, I hope they fix it soon.
Thought I finished up Highpool last night. Can't seem to trigger the nextvoting cutscene though. I thought I did everything there was to do, returned the dog, put out the fire, deliverd the message to the other dog, went into the cave and found some skorpion key. Is there something else I need to do before I can get the townies to vote again? Do I need to clear out the rest of the wreckers?
I don't find the shotgun to be that bad :/
So has anyone figured out anything with Provost yet? That guy has to be around for a reason.
A lot of people miss this, you have touse your medical skills on the people in the infirmary/store. It's the building at the top of the map.
I thought it was possible to customize the HUD? Like move the different HUD elements around and enlarge them individually? Is there a way to do this or have I missed something?
I get those messages and I did absolutely everything and got the "best" outcome. I think the responses in the Citadel are just bugged.I missed this and the. That could explain why I keep getting weird messages in Ranger Citadel about how Highpool didn't vote for Kathy when they did. I triggered the vote bycave.fixing the water pressure in the dam's office and killing off all the wreckers
I get those messages and I did absolutely everything and got the "best" outcome. I think the responses in the Citadel are just bugged.
Computer Science does work on Slicer Dicers after you heavily damage them. Maybe about half-way. They don't really work offensively well for me... they just kind of jump and walk around. But they keep the space between you and other dicers/robots pretty well doing that.
So i went to Damontaholy fuck so many robots
I think I might be starting to like this game more than Fallout 1 & 2. Still really early on in the game but I just love it so far.
Fuck Canyon Monks. My escort.suicided himself rushing to a group of giant lizards, forcing me not only to fight every stupid group in the canyons but go back to get more sludge because "I've been a bad boy"
At least I got some fancy suits to replace the clothes I lost whena monk nuked himself out next to me.
I didn't know the turtle lead you somewhere. Damn it.
It's just aI didn't know the turtle lead you somewhere. Damn it.
It's the three amigos!
I'm not sure if you have to be there when he reaches the end of his path.
It's by the river in no man's land, just a dig spot with good random loot.
It's just a, nothing you can't get otherwise.pretty good stash
That's quite a bold statement. There are things I like better, but a lot of other aspects to the game that just don't come close to the FO series. Especially in terms of style and identity and a number of core features and content. I think it's a worthy successor to the TB style gameplay and story telling and a great foundation for future expansion and improvement, but I don't think it reaches those heights of FO1/2 yet.
Someone in the Steam community is saying it's possible to save both Ag Center and Highpool.
As to how this is possible, given thatone of them is supposed to be destroyed in order to progress the plot...he says that something happens at the radio tower instead.
If it's not disproven, I'm definitely going to try that next playthrough. Get bothNPCs?!
I'm trying this tonight when I get. Unless someone can confirm BS before 7.
Well, someone in that thread tried it and it didn't work. Pretty sure it's fake.
Yeah, it's a shame. I remember when I was playing through that part I was thinking "If I go back and forth a whole bunch, could I save both?" but I guess not.
Yeah, it's a shame. I remember when I was playing through that part I was thinking "If I go back and forth a whole bunch, could I save both?" but I guess not.
Damn, dude. Nice job! Sounds powerful enough to handle Apple ][ low-res GR mode for some OG Lemonade Stand.Oh yeah, I meant to post this.
The other day I made a couple more programs, really just quick bitmap renderers, for the 6502 computer in the Ranger Citadel. All they do is draw one image to the screen.
Actually I helped the developer discover a bug with his emulator, my program was running too slowly due to an issue with memory location $0000. I moved my RAM usage forward a notch and now the bitmaps draw a lot faster.
I don't think it would be fast enough to actually make Wasteland on it or anything, it doesn't really have a tile graphics drawing method outside of monochrome text mode. I think I might make a choose-your-own-adventure engine though.
As a reminder, if you want to try these out in your own game, navigate to Documents\My Games\Wasteland2\Drive1, and replace the Diskette file in there with mine. You'll have to rename my file to simply Diskette and I recommend renaming the existing Diskette to DisketteORIGINAL or something.
Well, someone in that thread tried it and it didn't work. Pretty sure it's fake.
It'd be funny if, when going between them, you'd hear the situation worsen in the other... and then lose them both.
Welcome to the Wasteland.