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Watch_Dogs 2 |OT| .HTML


Junior Member
So I've come to understand my biggest complaint about the game, and one I'm really surprised to see reviewers pass by. The missions are all exactly the same, and the story is never told through gameplay.

I wanted to get really into the game; I was hyped when I started playing, and I got even more giddy riding into town to go to the hacker-space for the first time. It looks so good! The city really is alive! I figured I'd focus on the main missions, but I just could get connected or motived for the longest time, and I didn't get why. Today, after beating quiet some mission in succession - one of them literally being to show up a place to get the setup for the next mission, then I had to drive somewhere to start the next mission - I figured out just how similar every single mission is. Imagine stripping all the story. Imagine being plopped down at the beginning of the gameplay part of each mission, and every single one would be exactly the same. You're at a location, you've gotta find a way to get to an objective inside a restricted area. You need a key, you need physical access to a panel behind the key, and you need to reach the physical objective. The RC Jumper can be used, or you can get there yourself. The missions offer variety in how to approach it. You can run everyone down with a fork-lift, or you can find a way to get to the objective without being spotted. That part is good, and it works, but every single mission is like this. Compare this to Watch Dogs 1:

1) Tutorial mission
2) At the motel - get introduced to intercepting crimes
3) Go to your sister, get introduced to those characters. Have to chase down someone in a car and take them out.
4) Suddenly in a new part of the city you don't have ctOS-access to, so your next mission is to get that, and get introduced to gaining ctOS-access.
5) Get hacked
6) Pick up some guy in a car and get him out without being spotted by the police
7) Hack to get access, reach a thing to hack and get out. (WD2 type)
8) Hack around to open up some place to reach a person (WD2-ish)

Watch Dogs 2:

1) Tutorial mission
2) Get introduced to side-missions (optional to pursue, however they are all like this, too)
3) Hack a place, get a key, get access to a physical thing (I'll just write H(ack)K(ey)A(ccess) when the missions are like this)
4) HKA - (this is where you
steal the car
, so one could argue that this is less HKA)
5) race
6) HKA (office)
7) HKA (camp)
8) HKA (
9) start mission, mission over
10) HKA (truck)
11) HKA (home)
12) HKA (main offices of
13 HKA (tower)

See what I'm saying? They're all the same type of missions, and they're so bite-sized. It feels very disjointed. The story is never told via the gameplay. It's very "OK gang! We need to this this one thing, so Marcus, you have to go get access to the server and get the thing. Then you do you hack, get key, gain access. Then the story continues. You could take away the gameplay parts and put "Marcus did the thing" in caption between the cut scenes and get a fully functional movie. It starts feeling like a chore to get the story to progress, especially given that the T-Bone DLC of WD1, where you have endless missions that are exactly like this. It reminds me very much of that.

I think the HKA-missions are well done. You have tons of variety to go about getting it, as I've already said. The problem is that this game doesn't tell any of its story with the missions itself. The karting side-missions were exactly the same. Go a place and get a part. The research-point side missions work, much like exploring in WD1 worked. However, the biggest gripe I have with WD2 is that for the good characters and amazing backdrop they've created, with an interesting premise of evergrowing databases of personal habits that we don't care that corporations have, the game has a hard time engaging me because the story are small segments between gameplay, where I have to repeat a very similar gameplay thing to progress the story. The lack of cohesion, where gameplay disjoints the story, creates, to me, a lacking impact of the story, and makes gameplay resemble a chore where the reward for completing a mission is another small part of the story. WD1 did a remarkably better job at the story mission being what the story was about.

I'm not far in, so it could change it up, but so far, that's how I feel about it.
where can they set the next watch dogs? personally i think they should move away from america and try another country but thats my attitude towards all open world games tbh
cmon ubisoft you guys are french right? lets go to paris or montreal
Just keep it in Cali with Dedsec, I think they really hit their stride here with this setting and these characters and I and probably many others feel pretty attached to them already and I'd hate to see them go, theres also a whole bunch of tech companies in America that aren't just big data and other social issues they can comment on especially with Trump and cyber wars, foreign interests.

I don't know how well a watch dogs game would work outside of Americaz especially as a follow-up to 2. I know there are tech companies all over the world and it could be interesting to take a look at China but personally I just want them to build on what they started in 2. Bigger California, more social commentary on the place of technology and how we use it, how those in power use it, stick with the current Dedsec gang with maybe a couple additions to the team, keep Ray around, keep Marcus as the protagonist and go from there.

I do hope there are more sidequests though, all the ones in this game have been great but I've finished all but two and I wish there were more just so I'd have stuff to go back to.

But yeah, they've caught lightning inna bottle here and I'd be pretty sad if they left these guys behind.

We also need more enemy hacker groups and side quests that expand on the main story in a meaningful way. Like another poster said a couple pages back you're introduced to characters that are just kind of there then disappear with little significance. It would be nice to get to know them better.


Yup 1800p, no options

Also everyone needs to try co-op. It's a blast. You can do the single player side missions, co-op missions, and hunt for money and research grabs. Everything will carry over if you join someone else's game.
I agree with this, I randomly jumped in a friends game and just started wrecking stuff, my wife and mom were watching and laughing! I was slamming into cars, shooting people running through people, doing these coop mission it's really great and chaotic.


Is there a scissor lift somewhere near Stanford's campus? I unlocked a research point on top of a building and the only way to reach it seems to be a lift. I've looked everywhere and I can't find one, I could drive one across the city I guess but that would take forever.
I've been playing for a few days, have around 800000 followers, 400000 cash, and have yet to do beyond the first mission(I haven't gone to watch the trailer). I'm finding this game immensely fun and playable just to explore and collect the research points and cash bags. I still have a ton of side missions to do. The posts praising WD1 for...anything and claiming WD2 is is anyway a step down are just mind boggling to me. I just can't imagine. I won't touch guns however, there are 5 million 3rd person shooters you could play, why on earth would you play this like one?


I've been doing a lot of side quests today as well as picking up research points and key data. There is only one research point that I have seen that I haven't been able to pick up at all though. Its locked behind a physical hack that I can't get my jumper to reach. Maybe I need to upgrade it to higher speed and also higher jump?


where can they set the next watch dogs? personally i think they should move away from america and try another country but thats my attitude towards all open world games tbh
cmon ubisoft you guys are french right? lets go to paris or montreal

If they stay in the US and it doesn't revolve around Marcus, I think DC could be a pretty interesting location.

N° 2048

I've been spending most my time doing side missions and finally decided to do some main mission.

Doing Limp Nudle..I really love this game. Even more now.
The writing is fucking great.

I want a pommegrapple.


Turns out this GIF

is pretty relevant to the game. Like, there's a mission that's basically called this and it's amazing.
So there are no prostitutes or strip clubs in this is there? I've yet to see one if there is.
There are prostitutes all over in "appropriate" places; you can see the occupation when you profile them.

As far as I know, there is one enterable strip club, in North Beach on Broadway, where the Roaring 20s strip club is in real San Francisco. You can get a mission there.

But you can't really interact with them in either case, if that's what you were looking for.

Was disappointed they didn't put up more neon signs along Broadway in the game. That stretch with all the clubs is one of the more distinct looking streets in San Francisco.


I've been spending most my time doing side missions and finally decided to do some main mission.

Doing Limp Nudle..I really love this game. Even more now.
The writing is fucking great.

I want a pommegrapple.
It's good though!
Such a great mission, the writing on that one classic
Can you air-assassinate in this game? Because I did it once by accident. I jumped down and fell on an enemy and they died. I don't remember what happened exactly and didn't have the chance to try it again.


Can you air-assassinate in this game? Because I did it once by accident. I jumped down and fell on an enemy and they died. I don't remember what happened exactly and didn't have the chance to try it again.
Yep, it's just like in Watch Dogs 1. You just fall on top of an enemy and they'll go down.


Is there a scissor lift somewhere near Stanford's campus? I unlocked a research point on top of a building and the only way to reach it seems to be a lift. I've looked everywhere and I can't find one, I could drive one across the city I guess but that would take forever.

If you're talking about the stone building, look for a grate on the ground and look up.


Is there a scissor lift somewhere near Stanford's campus? I unlocked a research point on top of a building and the only way to reach it seems to be a lift. I've looked everywhere and I can't find one, I could drive one across the city I guess but that would take forever.

As a side note I am really enjoying these little mini-puzzles figuring out how to get a goodie on top/inside some random building. Twice today I thought I'd need a lift to get somewhere but just overlooked another way to get in/on the roof. It really makes you scope out the area and pay attention.

Lower Dens.

I was pleasantly surprised to see them on the soundtrack! And really the mark of a good game soundtrack is it exposes you to new music. Day Wave and Small Black I'd never heard of but enjoying listening to their stuff on Youtube right now.


Finished up today, got all the SP achievements except for a picture of someone vomiting. You'd think you'd run into that somewhere but I'll have to look it up.

Also note that Ubi Club has additional challenges for filling out the ability map and a bunch of other things that aren't in the achievements list, and they give points for some of those.


Anyone else had to turn down the in game brightness? I had to drop it to 30% so that the last symbol on left was barely visible. Weird. All my other games look fine and tv is calibrated. Ps4 Pro is that matters


If you're talking about the stone building, look for a grate on the ground and look up.

No, not that one. I did find that grate, can't seem to get my jumper up there, but that's not the building I'm talking about. The one I need has to be a lift, there no other way to the top of the building, no vents etc.


No, not that one. I did find that grate, can't seem to get my jumper up there, but that's not the building I'm talking about. The one I need has to be a lift, there no other way to the top of the building, no vents etc.

Any picture of the area? Or is there a window wash or crane in the area?

For the one you can't get your jumper in...that might be the one where you need to put your jumper on a forklift and then lift it close to the opening and then jump up from there


Just finished the story, also have completed all the offline side missions AFAIK (all the research points that have shown up, not all they money though) and most of the races, have 82% of the trophies and will try to get the platinum even though I rarely try to, the trophies don't seem too difficult.

Really enjoyed the game.

San Francisco was beautiful on my 4K display playing on Pro. Loved the colours (non-HDR set), really looked immense compared to WD1. Sort of like going from GTA4's Liberty City to GTA5's San Andreas, but also at a much higher resolution. Apparently 1800c uses less pixels than 1440p, but the IQ looked better than Uncharted 4 to me.

Enjoyed the whole vibe of the game. Some of it felt very Saints Row to me, which is another series I really like. Some very wacky moments in there. Character interactions were very fun, and some great music for certain missions.

LOVED the RC vehicles. So much fun trying to cheaply jump up a building with the Jumper, dropping explosives or sicking gangs and police on guards. Probably my favorite new thing in this game. Barely had to use weapons myself, just let nearby cars, the environment, comms distractions, gangs or police do the work.

Missed bullet time, and seemed to use the city hacks like traffic lights, traffic stoppers a lot less. Felt like the reaction time needed was a little harsh, sometimes I would press square while it was still blinking blue but still would stop them, not sure if you have to repeatedly press the button or what. Seems to be a lot less forced police/rival chases in this one so maybe that's partially why. The police are pretty easy to hide from, just go offroad and turn your car off lol.

Side mission spoiler
Liked seeing the Aidan Pierce cameo! A few mentions during the game too. Half though they would just ignore or forget about him entirely.

Some final mission spoilers.
The last mission wasn't nearly as epic as WD1. They probably should have integrated Hack the World part into the final mission somehow instead of earlier in the game. Hack the World felt more epic to me. Still a pretty satisfying ending though.


No, not that one. I did find that grate, can't seem to get my jumper up there, but that's not the building I'm talking about. The one I need has to be a lift, there no other way to the top of the building, no vents etc.

Just park a car under the one I'm talking about. Use the jumper to hop in the vent.

I think the one with the tower I just flew the drone up to the top once I unlocked it.


I still don't care much for the radio stations, but the soundtrack is really really good.
I do like blowing shit up to the soothing classical music station though.
Ok I initially had my complaints about the driving but it's a ton more fun once you unlock boosts on all cars . Now if feels a lot more arcadey :)

This game just gets better and better the more you play and the more you explore .

Just had a lady smashing her boyfriends car in the street , then the cops show up , run over a pedestrian and for some reason start wildly firing into a crowd of people lol
The paint missions were pretty fun, especially the second set. Had a lot of fun figuring out how to reach some of those spots and just throwing on a playlist and getting to work with my gyro and drone


Liking the characters more than I thought I would. Even emoticon guy isn't too bad. Marcus is a fun protagonist, but man is the cognitive dissonance strong when/if you end up using a gun or accidentally causing someones death.

I'm not usually one to complain about that aspect but I finally took out my shotgun and ghosted a few dudes and felt weird.

The (early main mission spoiler)
Knight Rider
sequence was pretty fun!
So I got the deluxe edition physically for Xbox and I went home and only downloaded the deluxe edition content. My friend that I game share with asks if I bought it digital as his Xbox automatically began downloading the game. He was able to play the full Watch Dogs 2. I also began downloading it and am playing it while having never purchased the digital copy. My disc has not been removed from the box.


Can I say the
car fixing montage was hilarious/amazing.

Also I haven't started hating Wrench's edginess yet. I'm sure I will though at some point.

This already feels like such a better game than Watch Dogs 1, can't wait to dig into it more.


Neo Member
I'm really enjoying this game so far. I actually like doing the typical open world collectible shit in WD2, which I typically ignore in other games.

Same. My attention fades fast in most open world games and I end up brushing a lot of the extra stuff off, but this is the first time in awhile that I actually feel directly incentivized to go out and explore and learn more about the world, to pick up more side missions. There's a lot to this game. I like doing the Uber app stuff (orange missions only) because some of the encounters you get can turn out to be pretty damn interesting. Or the ScoutX locations; you get to see a lot of the small details they inserted in the game through that app.

And sometimes it's just fun running around Pier 39 on a sunny day, taking selfies with sea lions or crab people while that Tower of Power song blasts on the radio (music is also used very effectively in general).

Like, it pays to just get out of the car sometimes and take a walk around the neighborhood, look up the bios of people and listen to their phone calls or read their text convos. There are so many interesting details in this game. I came across a woman beating the shit out of her soon to be ex boyfriend's car with a baseball bat, screaming bloody murder, and then shook herself off, ran across the street to steal someone else's car and booked it out of the neighborhood.

In another instance, a woman was in a park playing her guitar, some dude walked up and told her that she sucked, and I swear it was like a record scratched with how sudden she stopped playing. She punched him in the face (and I helped her).

Then as I was exploring the outskirts of San Francisco, I ran into a small group of people gathered together around a campfire. Each of their bios pieced together a story about who they were and why they were gathered: a retired veteran who makes 18k a year, a former student who owed more than 10k in loans, a disabled individial who's been priced out of their apartment.

There's just so much attention they've given to the world in this game.

And on an unrelated side note: I appreciate how they've approached certain aspects of race.
I did not expect to hear "Friday: the black movie white people like," in this type of media.


Junior Member
Mp isn't getting fixed this weekend it seems :( Tues / Weds at the earliest I believe. Game is awesome but they really messed up here and I imagine a lot of outlets waiting on publishing final reviews won't give them any longer come Monday.
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