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Watch_Dogs reviews


listen to the mad man
Gonna wait for more reviews but so far the summary for this thread is
- Game receives good/high scores
- People bypass the review and positives and
go straight to the negatives and question the score
- Game is labelled terrible.

So far the summary for the thread is:
- Exclusive early reviews that get to break embargo are not a good way of assessing something's quality
- People have residual fears about the game's execution based on the last-minute delay for quality reasons and some rough looking footage recently
- People are waiting for the general review embargo to expire in order to sanity check the initial impressions.
I'm sincerely concerned about the quality of this game...

Ugh I'm tired of hearing this. Why? What makes you concerned. We have an OT full of positive impressions straight from GAFfers we have universal critical acclaim so far. I mean having doubts is okay but why do you have them?


Would you really kill, rob, hack, hurt, torture your way to the killer? I'm not saying it's not close family--though it certainly isn't siblings/parents--but they specifically chose the niece as the catalyst for all of this. It just seems like a cop out; like if they had made the girlfriend or maybe the sister, it would have been cliché. So the chose her because they couldn't' think of something more? But I'd rather cliché and a least a sense of purpose, over non-cliché and much less of it. Hell, they could have done it with the sister; that is is more universally identifiable than a niece.

So here I am, part of the majority of players who don't have nieces (yet), seeing this guy do all of this for one. It's a little jarring, and his lack of redeeming interpersonal qualities certainly don't help establish a player-character connection.

People seemed content about the stuff Joel from the last of us did to other people, for a girl he has known for barely 1 year
Ugh I'm tired of hearing this. Why? What makes you concerned. We have an OT full of positive impressions straight from GAFfers we have universal critical acclaim so far. I mean having doubts is okay but why do you have them?

I think the biggest reason would be ubisoft themselves. When was the last time they made a great open world game? They've never hit the already low bar of AC2 since its release.
Ugh I'm tired of hearing this. Why? What makes you concerned. We have an OT full of positive impressions straight from GAFfers we have universal critical acclaim so far. I mean having doubts is okay but why do you have them?

The game is made by Ubisoft who are notorious for tedium and repetition in their games, the footage shown before the delay looked rough and they themselves said they delayed it cos the game felt too repetitive. After such a long dev cycle with so much of the game already made there's only so much that can change in that period of time and now reviews pop up confirming a lot of fears people had.

Also don't rely too much on gamer's first impressions as some gloat about having the game early and just say it's fantastic to make people jealous and some are swayed by the honeymoon period and haven't had time to digest the whole thing yet. Of course some are telling the honest truth.

Not saying the game IS bad cos I haven't played it but you asked "why?" and I provided an answer


Neo Member
That's a lot of negatives, and still 4/5?

I hate reviewers that do that.

It is strange. But I've noticed that when I finish a game and then do a bullet point summary of pros/cons myself, even though I really liked the game, the cons are way more than the pros.
Their score do align because it their review.There has been tons of positive impression from the ot.

It doesn't align because the score would make you think they absolutely loved the game but the reviews read as though it's only average failing in a lot of gameplay departments.

There have been positive impressions from the OT alright but many aren't far into the game to see if monotony sets in or how much content and variety there really is. Not only that but gamers always praise games one minute and then bash them the next depending on how much time has passed so I tend not to put too much faith in what they say. Many can't take a critical analysis of a game
I told you guys that this game will receive 9s - Ubisoft is publishing this. They won't allow such a big game to get low scores.
AC3 got great review scores as well, and that game was hot donkey shit as opposed to the usual standard of bland garbage.

We wont know the quality of the game until enthusiasts analyze and evaluate it.


It doesn't align because the score would make you think they absolutely loved the game but the reviews read as though it's only average failing in a lot of gameplay departments.

There have been positive impressions from the OT alright but many aren't far into the game to see if monotony sets in or how much content and variety there really is. Not only that but gamers always praise games one minute and then bash them the next depending on how much time has passed so I tend not to put too much faith in what they say. Many can't take a critical analysis of a game

So... Trust no one?
People seemed content about the stuff Joel from the last of us did to other people, for a girl he has known for barely 1 year

Though I haven't finished TLOU, this and Watch Dogs are two different things.

Watch Dogs has a societal structure; there are still laws to be broken. The juxtaposition is even more prevalent as the game itself uses for gameplay (and even marketing) purposes. The game subconsciously makes you think, would you steal $250 from this barista that only makes $9/hr? Or how about pulling out a gun on homeless dude?

The game's interconnectedness, and the blurred privacy line that comes with it, make your average open-world decisions (running over people, shooting people, etc.) all the more consequential. And I think that's a good thing. When you feel the weight of accidentally running over that single mom, it truly makes you realize this is a somewhat different kind of open world.

However, TLOU had no such thing; humanity was let loose in this infected wasteland. Morality was of little consequence. The only thing left was the person right next to you, and the lengths you would go--no longer with such moral 'laws' to bind you--to protect them. This applied to Joel and just as well to every other character you either killed or met.

Green Yoshi

AC3 got great review scores as well, and that game was hot donkey shit as opposed to the usual standard of bland garbage.

We wont know the quality of the game until enthusiasts analyze and evaluate it.
AC3 was great. If you don't like the games of Ubisoft Montreal, then skip Watch Dogs. I'm sure that it will get positive reviews, even if it's not better than AC IV.
The game is made by Ubisoft who are notorious for tedium and repetition in their games, the footage shown before the delay looked rough and they themselves said they delayed it cos the game felt too repetitive. After such a long dev cycle with so much of the game already made there's only so much that can change in that period of time and now reviews pop up confirming a lot of fears people had.

Also don't rely too much on gamer's first impressions as some gloat about having the game early and just say it's fantastic to make people jealous and some are swayed by the honeymoon period and haven't had time to digest the whole thing yet. Of course some are telling the honest truth.

Not saying the game IS bad cos I haven't played it but you asked "why?" and I provided an answer

Those are legitimate reasons and you answered my question. Brotherhood was superior to AC2 btw.

I disagree on some of your other points but we'll just have to wait and see. That being said when can we say the game is good? Many gaffers don't trust professional reviews and only read 1 or 2 max then go for GAF impressions. You seem to be implying that we need professional reviews to figure out the games quality right?
I don't know if that has already been pointed out, but JeuxVideoMegazine has an offer:

A 1 year subscription to the magazine + Watchdogs = 80€...


People seemed content about the stuff Joel from the last of us did to other people, for a girl he has known for barely 1 year

Ellie was his surrogate daughter figure though, and after that intro, it was impossible not to see how someone like Joel would become attached to Ellie, especially with all they went through and especially because Ellie was a really likeable character in the first place.

I'm really keen to see what the bigger outlets think of this game.


Seems solid, but not that interesting. Will probably skip since I need something truly unique for me to get back into this genre.

More or less typical of an Ubisoft AAA game? :p I expect the game to score in the 80's and it will receive a lukewarm reception from GAF. Out of nowhere, the game will probably sell around 10+ million copies as most Ubisoft AAA games tend to do.

The biggest problem that I have with Watchdog is not the game itself, but how Ubisoft tend to design their AAA open world/game. If the Ass creed franchise is mechanically shallow and repetitive, I can only imagine how bad it can get in Watchdog which is probably a bigger game with more "content" than your typical AC. XD Even Farcry 2 & 3 aren't exempt from being repetitive and they are shooters (haven't played FC2, but it's supposed to be the worst offender in term of repetitiveness).
I watched someone on Twitch playing it on PC with ultra settings last night and I thought it looked pretty bad. I was so hyped for this game after seeing the initial reveal too. Still, I got a free copy when buying a new 780 Ti, so I'll reserve judgement until I've played it.
Though I haven't finished TLOU, this and Watch Dogs are two different things.

Watch Dogs has a societal structure; there are still laws to be broken. The juxtaposition is even more prevalent as the game itself uses for gameplay (and even marketing) purposes. The game subconsciously makes you think, would you steal $250 from this barista that only makes $9/hr? Or how about pulling out a gun on homeless dude?

The game's interconnectedness, and the blurred privacy line that comes with it, make your average open-world decisions (running over people, shooting people, etc.) all the more consequential. And I think that's a good thing. When you feel the weight of accidentally running over that single mom, it truly makes you realize this is a somewhat different kind of open world.

However, TLOU had no such thing; humanity was let loose in this infected wasteland. Morality was of little consequence. The only thing left was the person right next to you, and the lengths you would go--no longer with such moral 'laws' to bind you--to protect them. This applied to Joel and just as well to every other character you either killed or met.

Nailed it.



Gamereactor are posting their review at this time, so I'm guessing it applies to everyone.
I watched someone on Twitch playing it on PC with ultra settings last night and I thought it looked pretty bad. I was so hyped for this game after seeing the initial reveal too. Still, I got a free copy when buying a new 780 Ti, so I'll reserve judgement until I've played it.

If you were unimpressed graphically, I don't know what to tell you. Go look at Dennis's posts in the OT.


Yep that's a red flag right there. I'll wait for bargain bin prices.

As others have said, you are just looking for any reason to hate on this game - based on reviews that suit your purpose. You purposely decided to nitpick any negative statements from a review, in order to feed your sick lust for a failure of a video game. I suggest you step back a bit.

I'm getting so sick of seeing this on a daily basis, especially when it comes to Watch Dogs.
Well if these guys are putting their integrity on the line to give the game eights and higher before the embargo is lifted, I am feeling very good about how this game has turned out. Just one more day...


Please tell Viewtiful is a game reviews or insider for you to take his word as gospel and completely write off the game based on one post.

All he did was reaffirm my prior suspicions of what I expected watch dogs to be anyway, I ain't writing it off from his post alone.

I have consistently in threads before labeled this as "Assassins creed with an iPhone". If it is a typical Ubisoft AAA bloated open world game, I'll skip.
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