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Watch_Dogs reviews


Friend of mine got the game last Friday. He loves it and can't stop playing it. He's not a fan of Ubisoft, the AC series, or open world games. I think it's a must buy.


Gameblog is the most shitty french video game website (i'm french). This is the master 'not-assumed' dorito of french press (cause others like jeuxvideo.com doesn't hide they dorito as fuck), and they want to be the first on Watch Dogs review 'cause Gamekult, another french website, publish the GTA V review before embargo. The main redactor of Gameblog was upset as fuck (drama on twitter etc etc) so its kind of a stupid revenge.

Never read or link something from gameblog, trust me :)
This is my new favorite phrase lol


Well if these guys are putting their integrity on the line to give the game eights and higher before the embargo is lifted, I am feeling very good about how this game has turned out. Just one more day...
The high scores are probably just to keep Ubisoft off their backs. "See, we're not the bad guys, we liked the game!!"

So far, it seems like I called it. Higher scores than it deserves. This trend will continue, methinks. I do find it pretty funny that they're saying negative things about the game, yet keeping the score within the "safe zone" for AAA releases.
Friend of mine got the game last Friday. He loves it and can't stop playing it. He's not a fan of Ubisoft, the AC series, or open world games. I think it's a must buy.

This is what I'm worried about. I really liked Assassin's Creed 2 and Blood Dragon,m but didn't like FC3, ACIV or any of the other AC's. I think I might enjoy watch dogs, I really intrested in what it's doing, and the idea that is essentially an urban open world stealth game.


While I'm not a blind hater of this game, I hardly think any of the scores from these sites/magazines reviewing the game so far are indicative of what overall scores will be. Based on watching many streams and reading early impressions, the game should hit the low 80's when all the smoke clears.


This early reviews that came out of nowhere
, make me even more worried about the game. Call me paranoid but this looks like full damage control mode.

Green Yoshi

This is what I'm worried about. I really liked Assassin's Creed 2 and Blood Dragon,m but didn't like FC3, ACIV or any of the other AC's. I think I might enjoy watch dogs, I really intrested in what it's doing, and the idea that is essentially an urban open world stealth game.
AC2 has strong main missions, but weak sidequests. Watch Dogs has strong sidequests, but the main quests could be too casual for some gamers.
I think the biggest reason would be ubisoft themselves. When was the last time they made a great open world game? They've never hit the already low bar of AC2 since its release.

FarCry 3 is a great open world game and much better than most ACs.

Edit: Well, on PC. On consoles the frame rate hurts it, a lot.


I absolutely HATED GTA V and so many sites gave it perfect scores. I'm gonna watch people play it on twitch before I commit.
The game will live-or-die for me on the basis of how varied it is and the detail that has been attempted in regards to missions and the overall world.

I hate bloated open-world games that run the same trick over and over; it gets dull and tedious doing the same thing in an ever-so-slightly different fashion. The game looks interesting but I wonder how good it will be once the gimmick has worn off after a few hours of playing.

Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day.


I absolutely HATED GTA V and so many sites gave it perfect scores. I'm gonna watch people play it on twitch before I commit.

I didn't hate it but I didn't particularly find it good either. I actually had more fun with GTA4 and preferred the story in that a lot more too.


Friend of mine got the game last Friday. He loves it and can't stop playing it. He's not a fan of Ubisoft, the AC series, or open world games. I think it's a must buy.

Thats my thought... I watched a Gaffer play for an hour yesterday after he posted a link to his stream here. The multiplayer modes alone looked like enough hilarious fun to justify a purchase. (Still bitter about the graphics/5collectorseditions nonsense surrounding this game though.)

Edit : I still find the idea that someone couldn't enjoy GTA V just weird. Seriously got $60 out of that just from doing nothing in the multiplayer but drive around hunting/being hunted and putting offroad tires on sports cars and taking to the hills. GTA IV bored me by comparison.

I should really stop coming to these Watch Dogs threads, lol. The insane amount of negativity is almost making me regret my $45 deluxe edition preorder.

Release date embargo and graphics downgrade discussions aside, its not like the hate isn't justified. The idea of not being about to just buy one complete edition of a game and knowing whatever edition you get is missing something is kinda bullshit.


The high scores are probably just to keep Ubisoft off their backs. "See, we're not the bad guys, we liked the game!!"

So far, it seems like I called it. Higher scores than it deserves. This trend will continue, methinks. I do find it pretty funny that they're saying negative things about the game, yet keeping the score within the "safe zone" for AAA releases.

Well with that kind of thinking, your never going to like it are you. This just reads like you're making a point not to like it.

'Higher scores than it deserves", dude, you've not even played it. Maybe the game is actually some good?

Gah, it's going to take me half an hour to get over how silly and backwards thinking this whole post is.


Why did you hate it? I can understand being disappointed (even though I wasn't), but outright hating it?

Really did not like Gta v at all. First time I ever felt a games single player was a complete waste of time. Not to mention the world had nothing interesting to do in it.

After playing and not liking most of r*'s games, I keep thinking red dead was a fluke.


Well with that kind of thinking, your never going to like it are you. This just reads like you're making a point not to like it.
I'm pointing out the flaw in the current "pro" reviewing system, not the game. We know the game has flaws, every game has flaws, but reviewers are not allowing those flaws to affect the score. That's bullshit.

I'm not the only one that's pointed it out:

It reads like "There are some interesting concepts happening in this game but nearly everything else sucks.

4/5 gold must have game of the year"
That's a lot of negatives, and still 4/5?

I hate reviewers that do that.
"Game is shit. I didnt liked the Story,Shooting,Hacking,Characters" - Its very good. 8/10 MUST HAVE TITLE

We probably get another 10 reviews like that. Criticising the game for being bad but then giving it 8/10.

And these are just from the first page of this thread. I pointed it out in one of the other threads, about the "rule" that all major AAA games must get glowing review scores no matter how bad it is otherwise. The marketing budget that Ubisoft is spending is what's guaranteeing them high review scores, not the actual quality of the game.

It's not these so-called "pro" reviewers that I'll listen to, it's the gamers.


So Dogs already is the new GTA IV/Bioshock Infinite/Tomb Raider?
High scores but hated by the GAF?

No. People who have the game already in the OT really like it. But apparently we can't trust them because they are in the honeymoon period.

Can't trust reviews, can't trust gaffers, can't trust yourself.

I think I an going to avoid the internet for a while, play watch dogs, and return in time for e3.

Guess I should make today count.


I'm pointing out the flaw in the current "pro" reviewing system, not the game. We know the game has flaws, every game has flaws, but reviewers are not allowing those flaws to affect the score. That's bullshit.

I'm not the only one that's pointed it out:

And these are just from the first page of this thread. I pointed it out in one of the other threads, about the "rule" that all major AAA games must get glowing review scores no matter how bad it is otherwise. The marketing budget that Ubisoft is spending is what's guaranteeing them high review scores, not the actual quality of the game.

It's not these so-called "pro" reviewers that I'll listen to, it's the gamers.

Then you probably shouldn't be in the Reviews thread, you'll want the OT instead.
As others have said, you are just looking for any reason to hate on this game - based on reviews that suit your purpose. You purposely decided to nitpick any negative statements from a review, in order to feed your sick lust for a failure of a video game. I suggest you step back a bit.

I'm getting so sick of seeing this on a daily basis, especially when it comes to Watch Dogs.



I'm finally starting to learn that I don't need new games the moment they come out (unless it's a sequel I'm excited for like Danganronpa 2 or something from a series I love like SMT). I think I can wait and see how the reviews are on this once the game has a mass release and a variety of people have played it, both mainstream sites and the general public as well. The information from a few people giving impressions or a handful of random websites isn't going to help me here.

I'm just going to relax and wait. It's strange, since I'm finally at a point in my life where I actually have a little money I can spend without worrying about, but I'm still going to do it.


As others have said, you are just looking for any reason to hate on this game - based on reviews that suit your purpose. You purposely decided to nitpick any negative statements from a review, in order to feed your sick lust for a failure of a video game. I suggest you step back a bit.

I'm getting so sick of seeing this on a daily basis, especially when it comes to Watch Dogs.

This. I hardly ever post here but this has been my go-to source for info. It's addictive, but I may have to move on. It's bringing down the entire community.


No. People who have the game already in the OT really like it. But apparently we can't trust them because they are in the honeymoon period.

Can't trust reviews, can't trust gaffers, can't trust yourself.

I think I an going to avoid the internet for a while, play watch dogs, and return in time for e3.

Guess I should make today count.

Awesome post :D
The videos I've seen courtesy of those who've gotten the game early have made me optimistic that it will be a lot of fun, despite not living up to expectations set by its 2012 unveiling.

With that said, I'd REALLY like it if some more could leak before midnight so that I can cancel my PSN pre-order if necessary. :)
No. People who have the game already in the OT really like it. But apparently we can't trust them because they are in the honeymoon period.

Can't trust reviews, can't trust gaffers, can't trust yourself.

I think I an going to avoid the internet for a while, play watch dogs, and return in time for e3.

Guess I should make today count.


Too easy? :p
Not every character needs charisma. If the character does not have charisma, it is because they are not meant to. Connor was a good, realistic character.

no words

If your standards are so low that connor is a good character then I'm sure watch dogs will blow you away.


I have read a few reviews, all with good scores yet the actual reviews sounds very mixed at best.
I hate thinking like this but this forum has done it to me. I really do believe that reviewers are paid off and its a marketing fact that the vast majority of people just look at the review score without reading the actual review.

It was obvious to me that this game was going to get good reviews after you look at the hype its had and the amount of money invested in it.
I'm pointing out the flaw in the current "pro" reviewing system, not the game. We know the game has flaws, every game has flaws, but reviewers are not allowing those flaws to affect the score. That's bullshit.

I'm not the only one that's pointed it out:

And these are just from the first page of this thread. I pointed it out in one of the other threads, about the "rule" that all major AAA games must get glowing review scores no matter how bad it is otherwise. The marketing budget that Ubisoft is spending is what's guaranteeing them high review scores, not the actual quality of the game.

It's not these so-called "pro" reviewers that I'll listen to, it's the gamers.

A game can have flaws and still receive high scores.



Too easy? :p

I made that my avatar a few days ago, and have been getting avatar quoted pretty frequently. It was basically to mock iamblanders.

But yeah, it's fair game. I started looking forward to this game more recently now that we have concrete info on it. I would have passed on it if it came out back in November.
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