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Watch_Dogs reviews

We noticed slight visual differences between the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of Watch Dogs. The PlayStation 4 features slightly sharper visuals, and we ran into some slight screen tearing in the Xbox One version. These issues were not enough to affect our overall enjoyment of the game, but if you have the option, we'd go with the PlayStation 4 version.

PS4 version it is.
USgamer 5/5

Jaz thought it was perfect:

At this point, I don’t really know what more I can say. Watch_Dogs is a landmark, benchmark, must-buy game. It’s a challenging, rewarding, adrenaline pumping, utterly compelling spectacle that absolutely delivers on the sandbox premise by giving you a really interesting set of tools that you can use in whatever way you see fit to solve inventive, creative and exciting missions and objectives.

This is the next generation I’ve been looking for.

I thought less of it, but still think it's very good.

Watch Dogs is a very good game. It has a lot to do and will keep you occupied for a long while, but it still falls short of my all-time best, Sleeping Dogs. That title was probably one of my favorite open-world shooting/driving games ever because it’s so small and tight. Watch Dogs and other open-world titles like GTAV creak under the weight of giving the player so many things to do, which can come at the expense of focus. Sometimes, I’d just open the map in Watch Dogs and marvel at all of the different Check-Ins, Digital Trips, City Games, Fixer Contracts, Gang Hideouts, Investigations, and AR Phone Games available; other times just seeing it all would tire me out.

Watch Dogs reminds me of the first Assassin’s Creed; an impressive piece of work with a few problems and a host of potential ahead of it. The jump from Assassin’s Creed to Assassin’s Creed II was nothing short of astounding and I’m hoping the jump from Watch Dogs to Watch Dogs II is just as good. Until then, Watch Dogs is still worth a purchase.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Eurogamer implies that you can get invaded during campaign missions, while everywhere else says that's not supposed to happen.
D'Toid - 8

Despite the fact that Watch Dogs hasn't made any meaningful impact on the genre, I found myself having a ton of fun with it. Between the deep levels of customization and the sheer breadth of content, there's no shortage of things to do. If Ubisoft can take the game's core fun factor and marry it with an actual "next-gen" experience the next time around, they'll have something truly special.



A 7/10 for a AAA game is like a 4/10 for any other game. Its been like that for years now sadly.

Luckily the other reviews are good so far.

While I'm still gonna wait for more reviews to proclaim this a "7/10" game, if that is indeed where it lands, it is a bummer. 7 out of 10 can be good when its some game you havent heard of, see it on sale so look for a review on your phone, and find out it is decent.

7 out of 10 is lacking when its the game that originally got us hyped for next gen back at E3 2012.


Giant Bomb 3/5

Even though I feel its story is often weak and its action isn't that different from other games in the genre, I still enjoyed my time with Watch Dogs. It turns out that the old stuff still works, and the strong-but-standard mission design kept me entertained, most of the time. It's rough around the edges, though, so if you don't settle for anything less than the best, you'll probably be disappointed.

But hey, Watch Dogs 2? That'll probably be pretty cool.
Sounds like they liked it overall


I feel better about canceling my pre-order at the last minute. Not a bad score, but not worth the purchase when MK8 is coming this Friday.
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