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Watch_Dogs reviews


based on 4 critics, it isn't updated yet
Read the whole text of the Eurogamer review.

I'm disappointed, and won't be picking it up until it is at a bargain price.

To think this looked so fresh and exciting at its reveal, and has ended up sounding about as by-the-book as you could make a new open-world IP. I don't give two shits about the resolution or supposed 'downgrades', it's just the idea that this ended up being so formulaic and it sounds as repetitive and drawn-out as any AC title.

Will look forward to reading the Edge review on the off chance that they, as the only other site I really trust, have a different opinion. They seem to have very similar standards though.


Between his Skyrim 10/10, Arkham Origins 3.5/10, and Saints Row 9.5/10 reviews, and now his 9/10 for this POS, Jim Sterling continues to prove himself as one of the absolute worst game reviewers this industry has ever had to offer.

Sometimes it's better not to post.
Between his Skyrim 10/10, Arkham Origins 3.5/10, and Saints Row 9.5/10 reviews, and now his 9/10 for this POS, Jim Sterling continues to prove himself as one of the absolute worst game reviewers this industry has ever had to offer.

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or somebody being horribly un self aware.
The game didn't bomb it's review scores like so many people wanted. Went from on the fence to definitely picking it up tomorrow. Watching Sterling's review got me pretty hyped. Lots of good content!

Between his Skyrim 10/10, Arkham Origins 3.5/10, and Saints Row 9.5/10 reviews, and now his 9/10 for this POS, Jim Sterling continues to prove himself as one of the absolute worst game reviewers this industry has ever had to offer.



Between his Skyrim 10/10, Arkham Origins 3.5/10, and Saints Row 9.5/10 reviews, and now his 9/10 for this POS, Jim Sterling continues to prove himself as one of the absolute worst game reviewers this industry has ever had to offer.
Lol, I thought that award belonged to a certain someone at polygon.


Between his Skyrim 10/10, Arkham Origins 3.5/10, and Saints Row 9.5/10 reviews, and now his 9/10 for this POS, Jim Sterling continues to prove himself as one of the absolute worst game reviewers this industry has ever had to offer.
Why because he likes different games to you?. So childish.


Between his Skyrim 10/10, Arkham Origins 3.5/10, and Saints Row 9.5/10 reviews, and now his 9/10 for this POS, Jim Sterling continues to prove himself as one of the absolute worst game reviewers this industry has ever had to offer.

I wouldn't say worst, he is a great writer and he makes solid points whether I agree with him or not.

But when it comes to the scores under the text, ya, he is fickle as fuck.


Between his Skyrim 10/10, Arkham Origins 3.5/10, and Saints Row 9.5/10 reviews, and now his 9/10 for this POS, Jim Sterling continues to prove himself as one of the absolute worst game reviewers this industry has ever had to offer.

You should have put a score at the end of your review


Read the whole text of the Eurogamer review.

I'm disappointed, and won't be picking it up until it is at a bargain price.

To think this looked so fresh and exciting at its reveal, and has ended up sounding about as by-the-book as you could make a new open-world IP. I don't give two shits about the resolution or supposed 'downgrades', it's just the idea that this ended up being so formulaic and it sounds as repetitive and drawn-out as any AC title.

Will look forward to reading the Edge review on the off chance that they, as the only other site I really trust, have a different opinion. They seem to have very similar standards though.

I wouldnt go near an Edge review of a Ubisoft game after reading their awful review of Child of Light.

Chitown B

Between his Skyrim 10/10, Arkham Origins 3.5/10, and Saints Row 9.5/10 reviews, and now his 9/10 for this POS, Jim Sterling continues to prove himself as one of the absolute worst game reviewers this industry has ever had to offer.

sorry, did you already master a game that just came out 2 hours ago?
Between his Skyrim 10/10, Arkham Origins 3.5/10, and Saints Row 9.5/10 reviews, and now his 9/10 for this POS, Jim Sterling continues to prove himself as one of the absolute worst game reviewers this industry has ever had to offer.
I give this post a 3.5/10

You're the AT&T of people


This part in Sterling's review really surprised me

Watch Dogs' ultimate triumph is in just how alive it makes Chicago feel. More than Saints Row, more than even Grand Theft Auto V, Ubisoft's Chicago feels populated, thriving, buzzing with life. There's an ambiance to it, a sense of belonging to the world that no other city-based game has managed to capture as well. From the amount of civilians on display, to the random snippets of conversation and the bundles of optional content and dialogue, Watch Dogs' world is satisfying to simply be a part of.

Steelport in Saints Row sucks so I can see that, but over Los Santos in GTA V? Or even Hong Kong in Sleeping Dogs? Not really in a position to disagree until I get my copy tomorrow, but I didn't see that at all from the streams I've seen. Seems like a well realized city, just nothing spectacular.
Between his Skyrim 10/10, Arkham Origins 3.5/10, and Saints Row 9.5/10 reviews, and now his 9/10 for this POS, Jim Sterling continues to prove himself as one of the absolute worst game reviewers this industry has ever had to offer.

Meh dude, Jim´s cool. Nothing wrong with the scores u listed (WD i cant tell of course).


This part in Sterling's review really surprised me

Steelport in Saints Row sucks so I can see that, but over Los Santos in GTA V? Or even Hong Kong in Sleeping Dogs? Not really in a position to disagree until I get my copy tomorrow, but I didn't see that at all from the streams I've seen. Seems like a well realized city, just nothing spectacular.

It's something you really have to experience yourself. Just walking around is soo nice. I completely agree with Jim.
This part in Sterling's review really surprised me

Steelport in Saints Row sucks so I can see that, but over Los Santos in GTA V? Or even Hong Kong in Sleeping Dogs? Not really in a position to disagree until I get my copy tomorrow, but I didn't see that at all from the streams I've seen. Seems like a well realized city, just nothing spectacular.

Sleeping Dogs remains my gold standard, even after reviewing Watch Dogs.
Since I have yet to play GTAV on my PC, I am looking forward to buying WD just for the sheer open world experience. Can't wait to get it in stores tomorrow.

Chitown B

I realize for Metacritic purposes 3/5 = 6, but is that really what reviewers on the 5 point scale mean when they give a game a 3?

no. people don't seem to take game scores for what they mean - they tried to apply school grading to them. 90 = A, 80 = B, etc. Which would mean anything below a 60% is an F. But what it really means is 5 = amazing. 2.5 = average. 1 = shit.
I wouldnt go near an Edge review of a Ubisoft game after reading their awful review of Child of Light.
What does CoL have to do with an open-world game?

They also gave a 9 to AC IV, which I actually enjoyed more than any other game in the series apart from II. I think Far Cry 3 also got a decent score. Plus they loved the Rayman titles which are at least technically similar to CoL.


The Everyman
Between his Skyrim 10/10, Arkham Origins 3.5/10, and Saints Row 9.5/10 reviews, and now his 9/10 for this POS, Jim Sterling continues to prove himself as one of the absolute worst game reviewers this industry has ever had to offer.

does he not back up his opinions and write in an unprossional manner?

no? then what are you referring to? it couldn't possibly be his personal taste, could it? because if a reviewer simply aims to match the consensus then what good are they?
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