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Watch_Dogs reviews

Comparisons to Blacklist are comforting. Only thing about BL for me was I could never get online to work. (I blame my ATT gateway)

Looking forward to reviews. in 2 minutes


Thats the user's fault, though.

Points are a decent system of applying a weighted average of the positives vs negatives of the game. I would hate for them to go just because some people are too damn impatient to actually read the review.
I understand where you're coming from but I feel like the numbers tarnish the review. I'm not going to try to speak for everyone but in my case, when I read a review and see its score, I just accept the given value. I don't really question the score and i subconsciously associate the score with the game. I might use it as a filter to determine which games I play.


I am more impressed with that side mission than anything else I've seen from the game.

I've only played abit, but you cam definitely play the game stealthy if you want.

I'm enjoying the game so far. It feels very different from GTA (to me). I can't put my finger on it but I'm enjoying this alot.


I love Pokken!
GI - 8.5

At the end of the day, Watch Dog's story works as a basic revenge tale, and the final few missions provide some gravity to the characters. Ultimately, however, the main draw of any open-world game is the gameplay, and while not perfect, Watch Dog's hacking abilities add an engaging and unique twist to the third-person action. Ubisoft has another deserved hit on its hands, and I look forward to seeing where the new series goes next.



Gamespot 8/10

The Good
Hacking gives car chases and combat encounters an additional element of freedom
Fantastic online modes provide rip-roaring fun
Digital trips are highly entertaining, the spider-bot in particular
Loaded with varied things to do, each of which is beautifully executed
Some clever mission design keeps you looking forward to the next story event

The Bad
Inconsistent tone, inconsistent lead character
Successful online invasions are boring
Neither money nor reputation are all that valuable
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