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Watch_Dogs reviews


From everything I've seen, I'm expecting Watch Dogs to get an ~85ish metacritic.

Getting past the hype and everything, it's a solid AAA game. It's not an "OMG AMAZING" game, sure. But not every game can be as incredible as Half Life 2 or GTA V. That doesn't make them "bad" by any means.

From what I've seen, gaf likes to polarize games into "good" and "bad" with little room in between. Watch Dogs will likely have its moments to shine, and some strange oddities that come with it.

Assassin's Creed 4 got an 83 metacritic and was overall a solid game. Sure, it had quarks and little annoyances, but it was still fun.

My metacritic guide:
<70 :: Be very, very wary. Go in with no expectations.
70-80 :: "Missed the mark." Maybe has a few moments, but not exceptional.
80-85 :: "Pretty good, but could have been great." A lot of fun moments, maybe something original that kinda worked, but some downsides too.
85-90 :: "Great, but still a few earflicks." Really strong game that's likely to give an awesome experience to a lot of people.
90-95 :: "Excellent and worth it on day 1." Very strong game that few won't enjoy.
95+ :: "Must have."

So... I'm expecting Watch Dogs around 85.


Not an asshole.
well shit that stealth segment looked awesome. hopefully the AI patch will make the guards a little more alert than that.


I would think the point of that thread is recognizing that the numbers attached are fundamentally subjective and arbitrary, and thus there's questionable merit to attaching them to a review. Not that they automagically have to be objective measurements of a game because they're there.

And I've seen where that logic goes, there was a review site out there that'd try to average all of the scores in each category and mark down for one or so being irrelevant, such as an MP score in an SP game. So, yeah, fuck that noise.

Well, people may be cynical about Ubisoft homogenization of mechanics too. That really doesn't seem like a great thing to strive for, imagine if Nintendo tried to homogenize Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc.
Actually that was not the suggested path. The user who I paraphrased had suggested that we switch to a system with no numerical value. Just provide the written content and that's it. Let users read the content and assign a value to it themselves instead of having a forced value. Again, that's how I got my tag because people do what they always like to do which is to jump to conclusions.
Gooood morning NeoGaf! Lol went to sleep and just woke up. Thread picking up pace now, even Jim came here. Sterling liking the game really makes me confident ill like the game.

And some pearls of WD/Ubisoft-Hate can be found here as well. Great thread.

Now bring on the reviews. Would love to see the haters evil hearts "melt trying to read them".


So many people still confused. Gonna paste this in every page if someone else doesn't :D


Quoting myself for the new page. Get ready to lol ;)
You should go read the thread I put up a while back. It's talks about the effect of attaching a numerical score to a review and why it changes it. Essentially the discussion was that when you assign a number to a review, people ignore the written content of the review and use the numerical value as their sole basis of judgment. These numerical values are used to compare games that might not even be in the same genre with one another to determine which game is better. It was mostly discussing it's effects on the mass market and I myself am guilty of that at times.

I personally thought this particular post was well thought out and has some merit, and echoes my own feelings at times of how scores can alter the mindset and detract from the actual review. The other posts...


I personally thought this particular post was well thought out and has some merit, and echoes my own feelings at times of how scores can alter the mindset and detract from the actual review. The other posts...

Yes, but it ignores the fact that people have common sense. Why would I compare this to Mario Kart?


Shi* is about to get real.

Before things go down, I just want to say that I really think reviews will be spread out a bit. This game is quite stealth oriented, and I know some people don't have the patience for methodical games like Metal Gear.

That said, I expect to see some really high scores, scores that may surprise quite a few people given the negativity I've been seeing.

Brace yourselves. Fiery explosions are about to occur.


A lot of the game is like that. Be prepped. The Blacklist is strong in this one.

After watching that video Ive gone from mildly cynical to mildly curious about the game. That said, Ive not really seen much pre-release info on the game as its not coming out on my platform of choice at this stage.

It looks better than I was assuming it did.

Also, might be time to try Blacklist too.


Damn I like it. I really do. Looks like fun. The AI might not be tip top but this is doable for an open world game. I think I'm sold.

What was funny was that the music was exactly like Hitman Absolution, and the player was playing it like a Hitman game, with the silenced pistol and all!
Yep. Its a lot like Blacklist but I prefer the pure hacking route. Taking cover just outside the restricted area and hacking my way out without firing a single bullet. So good.


Not an asshole.
A lot of the game is like that. Be prepped. The Blacklist is strong in this one.

So Watch Dogs is:

Open world sailing simulator with sea shanties.
Hacking mini game from Bioshock 1.
Stealth from Splinter Cell Blackops
Platforming / Parkour elements from Mario Twins.
Driving elements from Midnight Run
and Characters from Sleeping Dogs (the asian guy?)

I'm in.


I personally thought this particular post was well thought out and has some merit, and echoes my own feelings at times of how scores can alter the mindset and detract from the actual review. The other posts...
Thats the user's fault, though.

Points are a decent system of applying a weighted average of the positives vs negatives of the game. I would hate for them to go just because some people are too damn impatient to actually read the review.
IBT game it a B.

Ubisoft clearly put a lot of time into the “joinable game” feature as well. At any time (outside of missions), another player can sneak into your game and start hacking your information. You have no idea until you receive an alert that you’re under siege. No loading screen, no stutter. In fact, the best part of "Watch Dogs" isn’t Aiden or his story, it’s what you can do with other people. Jump into someone else’s game, steal their money and evade them while they try to eliminate you. Trail another player and track their information flow without attracting their attention, then go right back to your own game. Or just hop in and kill them, if that strikes your fancy.

Bottom line: "Watch Dogs’" atmosphere is a great idea, but its story is slow and flat; there’s eventually some decent payoffs, but it revolves around a revenge plot. Its protagonist isn’t terribly likeable. Getting around the city is a pain, but there’s a lot of side missions to complete and plenty of areas to explore. Multiplayer is far more rewarding than single player. Worth playing if you like open-world games.



OMG after watching this I bought it!!!


No need for reviews, this is the type of gameplay i LOVE

Glad you liked it but didn't do anything to me. Frankly it looked quite generic with absurdly idiotic guards who didn't notice anything happening around them even when a body falls on the ground right behind them with a loud "thump" noice - or when Aidan is RUNNING towards one to knock him down without the victim ever turning around.

I've no doubt Watch Dogs will be a perfectly playable game but so should be AC4 and I stopped playing the single-player campaign after two or three hours, it was just the same boring go there and do that affair it's been the last seven years. It was fun up to Brotherhood. Then it got old. I'm afraid this is just more of the same.
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