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Watch_Dogs reviews

You're assuming I liked GTAV. I didn't. It was just another title in a genre that has become very tired.

The greater complaint here is probably that AAA games have become so dull.

I was just using GTA as an example because that's the title set up to make groundbreaking moves in the genre and still didn't. It's a hard thing to do. 95% of games are just iterations of things that came before until that one in a million idea pops into existence, and the clone + iteration cycle starts again. Going into any title with the expectation that you're going to be playing something revolutionary is setting yourself up for disappointment.
I didn't specifically mention IGN though. There are plenty of other reviewers who gave it a high score which are not "hype-machines". You seemed to point to the lower scores as justification for thinking that the game was not a solid game.

I don't know if the game is good or bad. I can only comment to what the game looks like to be. The eurogamer review seems a balanced assessment of the game pros and cons. They gave it a 7, which is the game of the "good not great", which is good nonetheless. Guess what, I think I'll buy this game when I'll eventually get a PS4.
I don't trust IGN review, I think they use just the last two digit of the 10 scale. Also I don't trust Eurogamer Italy (I'm italian). I tend to trust Gerstmann reviews for action-adventure games.

I mean, I'm stating the obvious. Why everyone is so defensive about this multi-million-dollar production by a multi-million-dollar developer?


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
By Metascore

90 Fez
90 Rayman Legends
87 TowerFall Ascension
86 Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn
85 Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
84 Transistor
83 MLB 14: The Show
82 Child of Light
82 Watch Dogs
80 inFamous: Second Son
79 Trials Fusion
78 Wolfenstein: The New Order
75 Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

I'd add, just for curiosity, this

Watch Dogs - 82
Lego City Undercover - 80




The All Your Base quote is nice. Kinda.
Not really, it's all out in the open world, though obviously you don't need to be stealthy just walking down the street. If you're tracking someone that's been deemed likely to cause a crime, they'll get spooked and run off if the think you are following them for instance.

Ah, sounds better then some of what I've read. Might give this a bash when an all-dlc edition comes out.


Er... Have you read the review? It's not entirely negative. I just struggle to take any review that sugar-coats a AAA release seriously and Eurogamer did a grand job of illustrating what to expect.
Yes, I read it.

And my point still stands. You're taking their comments as gospel and saying that others are sugar coating things, not having played the game yourself. You're the only one with bias here.
I don't know if the game is good or bad. I can only comment to what the game looks like to be. The eurogamer review seems a balanced assessment of the game pros and cons. They gave it a 7, which is the game of the "good not great", which is good nonetheless. Guess what, I think I'll buy this game when I'll eventually get a PS4.
I don't trust IGN review, I think they use just the last two digit of the 10 scale. Also I don't trust Eurogamer Italy (I'm italian). I tend to trust Gerstmann reviews for action-adventure games.

I mean, I'm stating the obvious. Why everyone is so defensive about this multi-million-dollar production by a multi-million-dollar developer?

Honestly, I don't care about one way or another about the company itself. I only latched on to your post since it seemed to me that you were doing what I expect people will be doing in this thread: cherry picking results to their liking (high end or low end).


He touched the black heart of a mod

Ow. These are... painful...
Memes (including long dead ones) in text form with no context whatsoever just suck. It's not funny if you just say it, and most of the time they aren't funny even with context. It's almost the lowest form of internet humor.


Read a few of the reviews and I think I'm going to pass for now at least. Sounds like the hacking stuff which attracted me to the game is mostly gloss and the core game is just GTA. Might pick it up later in the year.


So it's another one Ubisoft's checklist games, a world full of meaningless hotspots. I guess it's a reasonable title for people who haven't grown tired of the formula yet but personally I couldn't care less at this point.

Sounds really dull.

RPS said:
The game is sloppy controls which cause you to constantly do the wrong thing accidentally with disastrous consequences; is inconsistently interactive world design; is a cover system whereby you get stuck on scenery or it guesses incorrectly where you want to move. The game is insta-fail stealth missions, wave-defense missions, escort missions, missions where what the character’s say and what the objective is don’t match up. The game is restrictive objectives which don’t make use of the possibilities provided by the open city or the hacking mechanics, and checkpoint positions that force you to re-watch short cutscenes or re-perform rote actions after every death.


I think I'm going to trade it in a couple of days. GTA V really burnt me out of this open world city game already.

The story isn't really interesting and Maiden Pierce is a bland protagonist, hacking is nice, but I got bored of it quickly.

The only thing truly enjoyable so far are the mini games like Spider.

September can't come soon enough so I can get Destiny.


Press - MP1st.com
Ha! Still had it open in the browser. For the posterity, the reviewer must have been pretty embarrassed to notice this mistake, being one of the biggest releases of the year and all that.


It's a back-end problem where it shows the wrong score. If you hit refresh, it should be back to normal. I'm hoping it can be resolved soon. :)

It's 6.5 on the website?

Review has been pulled back to pending for some reason. I'm checking into why that is now. Once it's live, I'll post it here so it can be added to the OP. :)
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